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Презентация по английскому языку "Stonehenge"

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«Презентация по английскому языку "Stonehenge"»

Stonehenge  Prepared a student in grade 11 Zolotarev Evgeniy Teacher: Efremenko Yana


Prepared a student in grade 11 Zolotarev Evgeniy Teacher: Efremenko Yana

Stonehenge Inspired by secrets and legends, Stonehenge is an ancient megalith located in the south of England, in the Salisbury area, 130 km from London. This is a complex of 30 roughly hewn huge pillars and slabs of stone, set on top of each other in concentric circles.


  • Inspired by secrets and legends, Stonehenge is an ancient megalith located in the south of England, in the Salisbury area, 130 km from London. This is a complex of 30 roughly hewn huge pillars and slabs of stone, set on top of each other in concentric circles.
The purpose of Stonehenge is still not fully understood by scientists: some consider it a temple, others - an astronomical observatory, some - a tomb, and legends say that Atlanteans, Hyperboreans and the famous wizard Merlin performed rituals here.
  • The purpose of Stonehenge is still not fully understood by scientists: some consider it a temple, others - an astronomical observatory, some - a tomb, and legends say that Atlanteans, Hyperboreans and the famous wizard Merlin performed rituals here.
This place is one of the most mysterious in the world, it is assigned to archaeological sites and is included in the UNESCO list of protected sites. Many tourists who want to see this wonder of the world come to Stonehenge to wander around the stones. Approaching structures is prohibited, but at sunrise or sunset you can enter the center of the circle.
  • This place is one of the most mysterious in the world, it is assigned to archaeological sites and is included in the UNESCO list of protected sites. Many tourists who want to see this wonder of the world come to Stonehenge to wander around the stones. Approaching structures is prohibited, but at sunrise or sunset you can enter the center of the circle.
Origin The main mysteries of Stonehenge - who, how and why built such a monumental structure. Boulders were hollowed out in the rock of the Preselian Mountains and brought here several thousand years ago, covering a distance of 200 km


  • The main mysteries of Stonehenge - who, how and why built such a monumental structure. Boulders were hollowed out in the rock of the Preselian Mountains and brought here several thousand years ago, covering a distance of 200 km
 According to a common hypothesis, megalith was built by ancient Celtic priests - druids and was used as a temple of heavenly bodies, but it does not agree with the age of dolmens established by archaeologists - 3-5 thousand years BC. e.
  • According to a common hypothesis, megalith was built by ancient Celtic priests - druids and was used as a temple of heavenly bodies, but it does not agree with the age of dolmens established by archaeologists - 3-5 thousand years BC. e.
Celtic legends claim that Stonehenge is the sanctuary of the wizard Merlin, which he created by the power of magic.
  • Celtic legends claim that Stonehenge is the sanctuary of the wizard Merlin, which he created by the power of magic.
 Another destination attributed to the megalith is a pagan temple where stone idols were sacrificed and burials were carried out.
  • Another destination attributed to the megalith is a pagan temple where stone idols were sacrificed and burials were carried out.
Scientists are so far more inclined to the version of the ancient observatory. Using the radiocarbon method, it was determined that the moat and earthen ramparts were made about 5000 years BC. e. After that, the monoliths were brought here and from them they made a circular stone structure with a diameter of 30 m. The mass of the largest elements reaches 50 tons, so the delivery and installation of these giants without modern technical devices is a real miracle.
  • Scientists are so far more inclined to the version of the ancient observatory. Using the radiocarbon method, it was determined that the moat and earthen ramparts were made about 5000 years BC. e. After that, the monoliths were brought here and from them they made a circular stone structure with a diameter of 30 m. The mass of the largest elements reaches 50 tons, so the delivery and installation of these giants without modern technical devices is a real miracle.
 Multi-ton vertical pillars are covered with huge slabs and look like a colonnade. They are fastened together by a system of grooves and spikes, which is why the design withstood the test of time and almost did not fall apart.
  • Multi-ton vertical pillars are covered with huge slabs and look like a colonnade. They are fastened together by a system of grooves and spikes, which is why the design withstood the test of time and almost did not fall apart.
 Near the complex there are other interesting objects. For example, 5 km is the burial site of a rich man who lived during the construction of the megalith. Silbury Hill is a 40-meter artificial mound; it is also on the World Heritage Register, one of the largest in the world and the same age as Stonehenge.
  • Near the complex there are other interesting objects. For example, 5 km is the burial site of a rich man who lived during the construction of the megalith. Silbury Hill is a 40-meter artificial mound; it is also on the World Heritage Register, one of the largest in the world and the same age as Stonehenge.
 Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!


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