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Презентация по английскому языку "Условные предлоения"

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«Презентация по английскому языку "Условные предлоения"»

Презентацию подготовила учитель английского языка Ткаченко Карина Олеговна г. Оленегорск,2024г.

Презентацию подготовила

учитель английского языка

Ткаченко Карина Олеговна

г. Оленегорск,2024г.

 Все действия реальные  IF clause  Main clause Придаточное предложение Главное предложение  If Present Tense will+ Infinitive  If I have money I will buy the picture

Все действия реальные

IF clause Main clause

Придаточное предложение Главное предложение

If Present Tense will+ Infinitive

If I have money I will buy the picture

1. When it …. cold, we… the heating on (be, turn). 2. If Nick….the bus, he ….to school (miss, walk). 4. If I …very busy, I … to the gym. (be, not go). 5. …you… to bed early if you… to wake up early? (go, need)
  • 1. When it …. cold, we… the heating on (be, turn).
  • 2. If Nick….the bus, he ….to school (miss, walk).
  • 4. If I …very busy, I … to the gym. (be, not go).
  • 5. …you… to bed early if you… to wake up early? (go, need)
 Действия, которые могли произойти сегодня или завтра  IF clause  Main clause Придаточное предложение Главное предложение  If Past Simple  would+ Infinitive  If I had enough money I would buy the picture

Действия, которые могли произойти сегодня или завтра

IF clause Main clause

Придаточное предложение Главное предложение

If Past Simple would+ Infinitive

If I had enough money I would buy the picture

1. If she …. in China, she ….Chinese. (live, speak) 2. If there…a late flight, ….you… it? (be, take) 3. If he…. money in the street, he….it. (find, not keep) 4. Mum…if you….( worry, not call).
  • 1. If she …. in China, she ….Chinese. (live, speak)
  • 2. If there…a late flight, ….you… it? (be, take)
  • 3. If he…. money in the street, he….it. (find, not keep)
  • 4. Mum…if you….( worry, not call).
 Действия, которые могли произойти вчера, но не произошли  IF clause Main clause Придаточное предложение Главное предложение  If  Past Perfect  would have+ Past Participle  If I had had money I would have bought the picture

Действия, которые могли произойти вчера, но не произошли

IF clause Main clause

Придаточное предложение Главное предложение

If Past Perfect would have+ Past Participle

If I had had money I would have bought the picture

1. If they (play) better, they (win) the game. 2. If she (read) more carefully, she (find) the right place. 3. You (amaze) if you (see) their house. 4. We (believe) her if she (tell) me that story. 5. If I (be) ill, I (go) on the school trip.
  • 1. If they (play) better, they (win) the game.
  • 2. If she (read) more carefully, she (find) the right place.
  • 3. You (amaze) if you (see) their house.
  • 4. We (believe) her if she (tell) me that story.
  • 5. If I (be) ill, I (go) on the school trip.
1.Если бы у меня было время, я пришёл бы вчера. a) had b) have c ) had had  d) would come e) would have come 2. Если бы я знал английский, я бы перевёл текст сам. a) knew b) has known c) would translate d) would have translated 3.Я посетил бы Красную площадь, если бы был в Москве. a) would visit b) would have visited c) am d) were 4. Если бы у меня было свободное время сегодня или завтра, я сделал бы  эту  работу  сам . a) have b) had c) would have done d) would do 5. Если бы у меня было свободное время вчера, я отослал бы письмо. a) had b) had had c) send d) would send e) would have sent
  • 1.Если бы у меня было время, я пришёл бы вчера.
  • a) had b) have c ) had had d) would come e) would have come
  • 2. Если бы я знал английский, я бы перевёл текст сам.
  • a) knew b) has known c) would translate d) would have translated
  • 3.Я посетил бы Красную площадь, если бы был в Москве.
  • a) would visit b) would have visited c) am d) were
  • 4. Если бы у меня было свободное время сегодня или завтра, я сделал бы эту работу сам .
  • a) have b) had c) would have done d) would do
  • 5. Если бы у меня было свободное время вчера, я отослал бы письмо.
  • a) had b) had had c) send d) would send e) would have sent
1. If the lesson (be) more interesting, I would pay attention. 2. David (not laugh) if you told him this joke. 3. If he (finish) earlier, he will call me. 4. If it (not rain) we would have had dinner outside, in the garden. 5. I would have bought her a card if I (know) it was her birthday. 6. We (replace) your computer if there’s something wrong with it. 7. If he didn’t like this job, he (do) something else. 8. If I (have) a bigger house, I might have more pets. 9. If I had made the reservations, I (book) a better hotel. 10. We will call you when he (come) back.
  • 1. If the lesson (be) more interesting, I would pay attention.
  • 2. David (not laugh) if you told him this joke.
  • 3. If he (finish) earlier, he will call me.
  • 4. If it (not rain) we would have had dinner outside, in the garden.
  • 5. I would have bought her a card if I (know) it was her birthday.
  • 6. We (replace) your computer if there’s something wrong with it.
  • 7. If he didn’t like this job, he (do) something else.
  • 8. If I (have) a bigger house, I might have more pets.
  • 9. If I had made the reservations, I (book) a better hotel.
  • 10. We will call you when he (come) back.


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