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Презентация по английскому языку "Wilhelm Richard Wagner"

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«Презентация по английскому языку "Wilhelm Richard Wagner"»

 Wilhelm Richard Wagner Safin Damir. 10 form. Teacher: Efremenko Yana

Wilhelm Richard Wagner

Safin Damir.

10 form.

Teacher: Efremenko Yana

Wagner was born in the family of an official on May 22, 1813 in the German city of Leipzig.

Wagner was born in the family of an official on May 22, 1813 in the German city of Leipzig.

In the years 1833-1842 he led a hectic life, often in great need in Würzburg, where he worked as a theater choirmaster, where he wrote the “Faust” overture and the opera “ The Flying Dutchman”.

In the years 1833-1842 he led a hectic life, often in great need in Würzburg, where he worked as a theater choirmaster, where he wrote the “Faust” overture and the opera “ The Flying Dutchman”.

In 1858 he visited briefly Venice, Lucerne, Vienna, Paris and Berlin. 2 стакана Столовая соль 2 яйца Вода In 1864, gaining the favor of the Bavarian king Ludwig II, who paid his debts and supported him further, he moved to Munich, where he wrote the last two parts of the Ring of the Nibelung: “Siegfried” and “Death of the Gods”. In 1882 - Wagner left for health reasons to Venice.

In 1858 he visited briefly Venice, Lucerne, Vienna, Paris and Berlin.

2 стакана

Столовая соль

2 яйца


In 1864, gaining the favor of the Bavarian king Ludwig II, who paid his debts and supported him further, he moved to Munich, where he wrote the last two parts of the Ring of the Nibelung: “Siegfried” and “Death of the Gods”.

In 1882 - Wagner left for health reasons to Venice.

Literature: The literary heritage of Richard Wagner is enormous. Of greatest interest are his works on the theory and history of art, as well as music-critical articles. Wagner’s extensive epistolary and his diaries, as well as the memoir “My Life”, have been preserved.


The literary heritage of Richard Wagner is enormous. Of greatest interest are his works on the theory and history of art, as well as music-critical articles. Wagner’s extensive epistolary and his diaries, as well as the memoir “My Life”, have been preserved.

Wagner's opera reform had a significant impact on European and Russian music, marking the highest stage of musical romanticism and at the same time laying the foundations for future modernist movements.

Wagner's opera reform had a significant impact on European and Russian music, marking the highest stage of musical romanticism and at the same time laying the foundations for future modernist movements.

Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!


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