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Презентация по теме "Викторина Эрудит для 8 классов"

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Данная презентация содержит викторину для команд из 8 классов . Для воспроизведения аудио рекомендуется заново вставить музыку в презентацию на своем компьютере.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Презентация по теме "Викторина Эрудит для 8 классов"»

Эрудит Click Once to Begin To change the question and answer slides, select the question or answer text box and type in your own questions and answers. To play, click on a question on the game board to go to that question. The house icon will take you to the game board and the question mark icon will take you to the answer slide. Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Click Once to Begin

To change the question and answer slides, select the question or answer text box and type in your own questions and answers.

To play, click on a question on the game board to go to that question. The house icon will take you to the game board and the question mark icon will take you to the answer slide.

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Эрудит Искус-ство Страно-ведение Музыка Гимна-зия КРГ Разное 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD






































Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Daily Double!!! Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect! DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Daily Double!!!

Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect!

  • DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear.
  • In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”).
  • Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double
  • Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text.

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Назовите город Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Назовите город

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Нью-Йорк  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Назовите город Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Назовите город

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Лондон  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Назовите город Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Назовите город

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Берлин  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Государство, занимающее целый континент Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Государство, занимающее целый континент

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Австралия  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Страна-банкир» всего мира Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Страна-банкир» всего мира

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Швейцария Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Крик»  (Э.Мунк) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Крик» (Э.Мунк)

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Девочка с персиками»  (В.А. Серов) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Девочка с персиками» (В.А. Серов)

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Утро в сосновом лесу»  (И. Шишкин, К. Савицкий)   Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Утро в сосновом лесу» (И. Шишкин, К. Савицкий)

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Девятый вал»  (И.К. Айвазовский)  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Девятый вал» (И.К. Айвазовский)

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Напишите НАЗВАНИЕ картины

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Постоянство памяти»  (С. Дали) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Постоянство памяти» (С. Дали)

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

OST  Пираты Карибского моря Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

OST Пираты Карибского моря

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

OST  Гарри Поттер Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

OST Гарри Поттер

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

OST  Черный Плащ Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

OST Черный Плащ

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

« The show must go on »  by Queen Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

« The show must go on » by Queen

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Лунная соната»  Л. Бетховен  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

«Лунная соната» Л. Бетховен

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Номер кабинета ИЗО Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Номер кабинета ИЗО

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Answer Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

ФИО директора гимназии №11 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

ФИО директора гимназии №11

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Симахина Галина Александровна  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Симахина Галина Александровна

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Сколько лет гимназии? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Сколько лет гимназии?

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

81 год Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

81 год

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Сколько ступенек до входных дверей гимназии? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Сколько ступенек до входных дверей гимназии?

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Answer Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Что означает эмблема гимназии? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Что означает эмблема гимназии?

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Символы профилей, инноваций, знаний Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Символы профилей, инноваций, знаний

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Эта гора самая… Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Эта гора самая…

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

… высокая  (Эверест, 8 848 м)  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

высокая (Эверест, 8 848 м)

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Этот сайт самый … Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Этот сайт самый …

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

… популярный Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Этот фильм самый … Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Этот фильм самый …

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

… страшный Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Эта картина самая… Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Эта картина самая…

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

… дорогая  (проданная на аукционе)  «Игроки в карты» П. Сезанн  250 000 000  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

дорогая (проданная на аукционе) «Игроки в карты» П. Сезанн 250 000 000

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Это человек, который… Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Это человек, который…

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

… дольше всех простоял на 4-х пальцах  Wang Wei Bao  19.23 секунды   Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

дольше всех простоял на 4-х пальцах Wang Wei Bao 19.23 секунды

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Какие птицы прилетают на самое знаменитое русское озеро? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Какие птицы прилетают на самое знаменитое русское озеро?

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Лебеди  Русский балет «Лебединое озеро»   Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Лебеди Русский балет «Лебединое озеро»

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

В каком случае женщина не только хочет, но и обязана посмотреть в зеркало? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

В каком случае женщина не только хочет, но и обязана посмотреть в зеркало?

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

При вождении автомобиля  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

При вождении автомобиля

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Сколько ложек пшенной каши сможет съесть натощак очень голодный человек? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Сколько ложек пшенной каши сможет съесть натощак очень голодный человек?

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Одну Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Однажды американец Клеон, отправляясь на пикник, забыл консервный нож и призадумался. В результате он изобрел то, чем мы пользуемся до сих пор. Что это? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Однажды американец Клеон, отправляясь на пикник, забыл консервный нож и призадумался. В результате он изобрел то, чем мы пользуемся до сих пор. Что это?

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Кольцо на консервной банке Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Кольцо на консервной банке

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Где возможно такое, чтобы 3 и 15 было одним и тем же? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Где возможно такое, чтобы 3 и 15 было одним и тем же?

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

На часах  Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

На часах

Template by Modified by

Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD


Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

Вебинар для учителей

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