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Презентация урок-игра по теме "Наука и технологии"

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Разработка урока с пременением игровой методики и ИКТ технологий по теме "Наука и Технологии".


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«Презентация урок-игра по теме "Наука и технологии"»




ROUND I Speak about one of these periods:  -the Old Stone Age, -the New Stone Age, -the Bronze Age, -the Iron Age, -the Middle Ages, -the period of Renaissance, -the Industrial Revolution in Europe.


Speak about

one of these periods:

-the Old Stone Age,

-the New Stone Age,

-the Bronze Age,

-the Iron Age,

-the Middle Ages,

-the period of Renaissance,

-the Industrial Revolution in Europe.

ROUND II A machine that does smth. to make one’s work easier ( a dishwasher, a microwave)  1) tool 2) skill 3) device 4) weapon   2) A machine, tool or system that someone has made for the 1 st time  1) tool 2) invention 3) crop 4) human 3) Someone who designs and builds such things as roads, bridges, railways, machines human 2) device 3) engineer 4) engine  


  • A machine that does smth. to make one’s work easier ( a dishwasher, a microwave)

1) tool 2) skill 3) device 4) weapon


2) A machine, tool or system that someone has made for the 1 st time

1) tool 2) invention 3) crop 4) human

3) Someone who designs and builds such things as roads, bridges, railways, machines

  • human 2) device 3) engineer 4) engine


4) To create smth new invent 2) discover 3) train 4) produce invent 2) discover 3) train 4) produce invent 2) discover 3) train 4) produce    5) To find smth that already existed but was not known about before explore 2) create 3) discover 4) argue explore 2) create 3) discover 4) argue    6) A grey-white metal and a chemical element  1) iron 2) mercury 3) quicksilver 4) silver    7) It is one of the most important inventions that has been made computer 2) television 3) electricity 4) trainers computer 2) television 3) electricity 4) trainers

4) To create smth new

  • invent 2) discover 3) train 4) produce
  • invent 2) discover 3) train 4) produce
  • invent 2) discover 3) train 4) produce


5) To find smth that already existed but was not known about before

  • explore 2) create 3) discover 4) argue
  • explore 2) create 3) discover 4) argue


6) A grey-white metal and a chemical element

1) iron 2) mercury 3) quicksilver 4) silver


7) It is one of the most important inventions that has been made

  • computer 2) television 3) electricity 4) trainers
  • computer 2) television 3) electricity 4) trainers
ROUND III M. Faraday 9)  M. Faraday


  • M. Faraday
  • 9) M. Faraday
4) A. Einstein 3) I. Popov D. Mendeleev 2) I. Pavlov 5) A. Bell 9 ) W. K. Roentgen 8) J. L. Baird 6) M. Curie 7) M. Faraday

4) A. Einstein

3) I. Popov

  • D. Mendeleev

2) I. Pavlov

5) A. Bell

9 ) W. K. Roentgen

8) J. L. Baird

6) M. Curie

7) M. Faraday

ROUND IV -important invention Важное изобретение- -dangerous weapon Опасное оружие- Производство энергии- -production of power Средние Века- -the Middle Ages -the period of Renaissance Эпоха Ренессанса- -shipbuilding and the iron industry Судостроение и черная металлургия- Благодаря науке и технике- -thanks to science and technology Готическая архитектура- -gothic architecture Оружие массового уничтожения- -weapon of mass destraction Полезные инструменты- -useful tools


-important invention

Важное изобретение-

-dangerous weapon

Опасное оружие-

Производство энергии-

-production of power

Средние Века-

-the Middle Ages

-the period of Renaissance

Эпоха Ренессанса-

-shipbuilding and the iron industry

Судостроение и черная металлургия-

Благодаря науке и технике-

-thanks to science and technology

Готическая архитектура-

-gothic architecture

Оружие массового уничтожения-

-weapon of mass destraction

Полезные инструменты-

-useful tools

ROUND V a) Linda Collins is at home but can’t answer the call b) Linda Collins can’t answer the phone because she is not at work c) Linda Collins can’t answer the call because she is not at home


  • a) Linda Collins is at home but can’t answer the call
  • b) Linda Collins can’t answer the phone because she is not at work
  • c) Linda Collins can’t answer the call because she is not at home



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