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Презентация урока английского языка в 9 классе " What subjects to choose?"

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Учебник  автор Кузовлев В.П. 9 класс " What subjects to choose?"

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«Презентация урока английского языка в 9 классе " What subjects to choose?"»

What subjects to choose?

What subjects to choose?

Describe the picture

Describe the picture

What subjects have you chosen?  Work in groups Subjects Compulsory  Optional Are you nervous? Are you afraid of exams?

What subjects have you chosen? Work in groups


Compulsory Optional

Are you nervous?

Are you afraid of exams?

Problem What will you do or say to your friend who worries? Work in groups and write down phrases: Calming and reassuring someone p 102 Let’s repeat it all together


  • What will you do or say to your friend who worries?
  • Work in groups and write down phrases:
  • Calming and reassuring someone p 102
  • Let’s repeat it all together
Listening Listen to the dialogue p 102 ex1 Find the phrase : how does the teacher calm her student Penny Listen to the dialogue p 103 4) Compare the conversation with new phrases.


  • Listen to the dialogue p 102 ex1
  • Find the phrase : how does the teacher calm her student Penny
  • Listen to the dialogue p 103 4)
  • Compare the conversation with new phrases.
Play: Who will answer? Write down what are you worried about on the piece of paper Calm your classmate and give him an advice

Play: Who will answer?

  • Write down what are you worried about on the piece of paper
  • Calm your classmate and give him an advice
Feedback What do you like most of all? Were their any difficulties? Homework


  • What do you like most of all?
  • Were their any difficulties?
  • Homework


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