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Презентация внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку"How do you know fairy tales?"

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«Презентация внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку"How do you know fairy tales?"»

Fairy Tales How Do You Know Fairy Tales ?

Fairy Tales

How Do You Know Fairy Tales ?

 1. What did Cinderella lose at the ball?  a) a ring  b) an umbrella  c) a shoe

1. What did Cinderella lose at the ball?

a) a ring

b) an umbrella

c) a shoe

2. How many Dwarfs did Snow White meet in the forest?  a) 7  b) 10  c) 12

2. How many Dwarfs did Snow White meet in the forest?

a) 7

b) 10

c) 12

3. Beauty fell in love with the  a) Prince  b) Witch  c) Beast

3. Beauty fell in love with the

a) Prince

b) Witch

c) Beast

 4. Who were Winnie-the-Pooh’s friends?  a) Piglet and Rabbit  b) Kanga, Roo, Tiger  c) All of them

4. Who were Winnie-the-Pooh’s friends?

a) Piglet and Rabbit

b) Kanga, Roo, Tiger

c) All of them

5. Where did Alice Travel?  a) to Never Land b) to Wonderland c) To England

5. Where did Alice Travel?

a) to Never Land

b) to Wonderland

c) To England

6. Who wrote “Alice’s adventures in Wonderland”?  a) Lewis Carroll  b) C. S. Lewis  c) Joan Rowling

6. Who wrote “Alice’s adventures in Wonderland”?

a) Lewis Carroll

b) C. S. Lewis

c) Joan Rowling

7. What could Peter Pan do very well?   a) he could sing  b) he could swim  c) he could fly

7. What could Peter Pan do very well?

a) he could sing

b) he could swim

c) he could fly

8. What was the Pirates’ Bosses name?   a) Captain Look  b) Captain Hook  c) Captain Book

8. What was the Pirates’ Bosses name?

a) Captain Look

b) Captain Hook

c) Captain Book

9. Where did Mowgli live?   a) in the city  b) in the countryside  c) in the jungle

9. Where did Mowgli live?

a) in the city

b) in the countryside

c) in the jungle

10. Who grew up Mowgli in “Jungle Book”?   a) the wolves  b) the monkeys  c) the tigers

10. Who grew up Mowgli in “Jungle Book”?

a) the wolves

b) the monkeys

c) the tigers

Thank YOU!

Thank YOU!


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