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Причастие и герундий

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«Причастие и герундий»

1. Употребите герундий в функции подлежащего.

It’s very convenient to go there by car. Going there by car is very convenient.

1. It’s so uncomfortable to sleep on the floor. ...............................................................................

2. It’s great to meet old friends. ...................................................................................................

3. It’s impolite to speak in a loud voice. .......................................................................................

4. It’s always useful to think.........................................................................................................

5. It’s boring to clean the flat. ......................................................................................................

6. It’s interesting to teach. ..........................................................................................................

7. It’s exciting to travel to other countries. ...................................................................................

8. It’s simple to give advice. ........................................................................................................

9. It’s not always clever to take other people’s advice. ..................................................................

10. It’s inconvenient to have much luggage. ..................................................................................

11. It wasn’t easy to follow the man. ..............................................................................................

Упражнение 2 (повторение). Образуйте герундий от глагола в скобках и переведите предложение. Почему надо в данном случае использовать герундий?

  1. Start … about pleasant things — and you’ll be happy! (think)

  2. Americans enjoy … houses and … to new places. (change/ move)

  3. Would you like to go … in the sea? (sail)

  4. Most people enjoy … in the sun. (lie)

  5. I haven’t had my lunch yet. Do you mind … outside for ten minutes? (wait)

  6. John likes … at a high speed. (drive)

  7. Stop … about your troubles. (worry)

  8. Jack was proud of … the first prize for…. (get/ jump)

  9. Helen was so angry that she left without… a word. (say)

Упражнение 3.Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий. Объясните, почему в данном случае надо употребить герундий.

  1. The doctor insisted on (send) the sick man to hospital.

  2. He was good at (repair) cars.

  3. She was sorry for (come) late.

  4. The children ran out the room and began (play).

  5. He seemed sorry for (be) rude.

  6. The girl had no talent for (dance).

  7. After (check) the students’ papers, the teacher handed them back.

  8. Excuse her for (break) her cup.

  9. She was proud of (win) the prize.

  10. She accused the boy of (steal) her purse.

  11. I don’t mind (open) the window.

  12. I objected to my mother (do my room).

Упражнение 3.  Образуйте Participle I или Par­ticiple II от глаголов в скобках.

  1. Why have you got that … (worry) expression on your face? Are you in trouble?

  2. The teacher was … (disappoint) with the test re­sults.

  3. Jack’s answer was … (disappoint).

  4. I went to the exhibition of French art last week and I was very much … (impress).

  5. We saw a lot of … (fascinate) paintings.

  6. I was so … (excite) that I couldn’t say a word.

  7. The trip to the mountains was so … (excite) — we enjoyed every minute of it.

  8. I’m … (bore) — I have nothing to do.

  9. The lecture was so … (bore) that a few listeners fell asleep.

  10. We liked the Room of Horrors but some of the tricks were rather … (frighten).

  11. It was raining so heavily that the little puppy got … (frighten) and hid under the bed.

  12. Little John’s questions were … (surprise).

  13. We were … (surprise) at the news.

  14. The boy … (translate) the story is the best pupil in our class.


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