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Презентация для урока английского языка на тему "I wish..."

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Данная презентация рассчитана для сопровождения урока при изучении конструкции: "I wish...", включает в себя как теорию, так и практические задания, а также небольшой видеоролик, где используется данная конструкция.

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«Презентация для урока английского языка на тему "I wish..."»

 WISHES       wish regret 1 I WISH Past Simple  Past Continuous 2 I WISH Past Perfect 3 I WISH would + bare infinitive








Past Simple Past Continuous



Past Perfect



would + bare infinitive

I WISH Past Simple Past Continuous I want to get a new job. It can be difficult as I can’t speak English fluently. I say: I wish I could speak English.


  • Past Simple
  • Past Continuous

I want to get a new job. It can be difficult as I can’t speak English fluently.

I say:

I wish I could speak English.

My friends are going to the gig. I can’t join them because I don’t have free time  I say: I wish I had some free time. I wish I could join my friends.   It's snowing today. I can't go out because of it.   I say: I wish it wasn’t snowing today.

My friends are going to the gig. I can’t join them because I don’t have free time 

I say:

I wish I had some free time. I wish I could join my friends.  

It's snowing today. I can't go out because of it.  

I say:

I wish it wasn’t snowing today.

I WISH = Я хотел бы, чтобы ... / Жаль, что ... не ... I wish I could speak English fluently Я хотел бы, чтобы я умел свободно говорить на английском. Жаль что, я не могу свободно говорить на английском. I   WISH + NOT = Я хотел бы, чтобы ... не ... / Жаль, что  + утверждение I wish Я хотел бы, чтобы я не I wasn’t so short Жаль что, я  был таким низким. такой низкий.

I WISH = Я хотел бы, чтобы ... / Жаль, что ... не ...

I wish

I could speak English fluently

Я хотел бы, чтобы

я умел свободно говорить на английском.

Жаль что, я не

могу свободно говорить на английском.

I   WISH + NOT = Я хотел бы, чтобы ... не ... / Жаль, что  + утверждение

I wish

Я хотел бы, чтобы я не

I wasn’t so short

Жаль что, я 

был таким низким.

такой низкий.

I WISH Past Perfect I didn't attend English lessons at school but now I need English for my work. I say: I wish I had attended English lessons at school.


Past Perfect

I didn't attend English lessons at school but now I need English for my work.

I say:

I wish I had attended English lessons at school.

I bought a second hand car but it broke down the next day . I say: I wish I hadn’t bought this secondhand car.   I didn’t tell her the truth and she was very angry when she found out the truth. I say: I wish I had told her the truth.  

I bought a second hand car but it broke down the next day .

I say:

I wish I hadn’t bought this secondhand car.  

I didn’t tell her the truth and she was very angry when she found out the truth.

I say:

I wish I had told her the truth.  

I WISH would + bare infinitive I wish you would stop talking on the phone. = Please, stop talking on the phone. I wish you would answer my question. = Please, answer my question.


would + bare infinitive

I wish you would stop talking on the phone. = Please, stop talking on the phone.

I wish you would answer my question. = Please, answer my question.

If only wish 1. I wish I had some free time.= If only I had some free time. 2. I wish I had attended English lessons at school. = If only I had attended English lessons at school. 3. I wish people would stop smoking in the street.= If only people would stop smoking in the street. 

If only


1. I wish I had some free time.= If only I had some free time.

2. I wish I had attended English lessons at school. = If only I had attended English lessons at school.

3. I wish people would stop smoking in the street.= If only people would stop smoking in the street. 

I wish I could share all the love that's in my heart  Remove all the bars that keep us apart  I wish I could say all the things that I should say  Say em loud, say em clear, for the whole round world to hear  I wish I could give like I'm longin to give  I wish I could live like I'm longin to live  I wish I could do all the things that I can do  And though I'm way overdue, I'd be startin a new

I wish I could share all the love that's in my heart Remove all the bars that keep us apart I wish I could say all the things that I should say Say em loud, say em clear, for the whole round world to hear I wish I could give like I'm longin to give I wish I could live like I'm longin to live I wish I could do all the things that I can do And though I'm way overdue, I'd be startin a new

I wish I (can) give up smoking. She wishes she (to see) him at yesterday's party. I wish I (to pass) my driving test last Monday. I wish I (not to forget) my friend's birthday yesterday. The boy is sad. He wishes he (not to break) the window. My aunt wishes she (to stay) at home last weekend. He wishes he (to know) something about cars. I wish it (to be) sunny. I wish it (to be) sunny during our picnic last Saturday. She wishes she (to live) in the Crimea. My friend wishes he (not to do) that last night. I wish I (to bring) my camera last summer. I wish I (can) tell the future. Do you wish you (to be) in the Guinness Book of Records? Some people wish they (can) appear on a TV game show and become famous. She often wishes things (to be) different.
  • I wish I (can) give up smoking.
  • She wishes she (to see) him at yesterday's party.
  • I wish I (to pass) my driving test last Monday.
  • I wish I (not to forget) my friend's birthday yesterday.
  • The boy is sad. He wishes he (not to break) the window.
  • My aunt wishes she (to stay) at home last weekend.
  • He wishes he (to know) something about cars.
  • I wish it (to be) sunny.
  • I wish it (to be) sunny during our picnic last Saturday.
  • She wishes she (to live) in the Crimea.
  • My friend wishes he (not to do) that last night.
  • I wish I (to bring) my camera last summer.
  • I wish I (can) tell the future.
  • Do you wish you (to be) in the Guinness Book of Records?
  • Some people wish they (can) appear on a TV game show and become famous.
  • She often wishes things (to be) different.


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