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Презентация к открытому уроку в 4 классе на тему: "Animals"

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Презентация к открытому уроку в 4 классе на тему: "Animals"

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«Презентация к открытому уроку в 4 классе на тему: "Animals"»

October, 22 nd   Animals   Our plans for today: -Phonetic exercises; -Revising vocabulary; -Reading; -Listening; -Playing the game “What animal is it?” -Discussing proverbs about animals; -Practical exercises.

October, 22 nd Animals

Our plans for today:

-Phonetic exercises;

-Revising vocabulary;



-Playing the game “What animal is it?”

-Discussing proverbs about animals;

-Practical exercises.

TONGUE TWISTERS Seventy-seven benevolent elephants.  A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!


  • Seventy-seven benevolent elephants.

  • A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!
Answer the questions about each animal: Where does the animal live? How does it look like? What does it eat?

Answer the questions about each animal:

  • Where does the animal live?
  • How does it look like?
  • What does it eat?
 Vocabulary:  fur – мех  fast - быстрый  grass – трава  chew – жевать  tail – хвост  dangerous - опасный  amazing - удивительный

Vocabulary: fur – мех fast - быстрый grass – трава chew – жевать tail – хвост dangerous - опасный amazing - удивительный

Hobbit’s Riddles

Hobbit’s Riddles

Use these models to make up your own riddle:   1. .   is    2. .   can    3. S .   lives

Use these models to make up your own riddle: 1. . is 2. . can 3. S . lives

 Match these proverbs about animals to the Russian equivalents To kill two birds with one stone. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Every dog has his day. The early bird catches Кто рано встает, того удача ждет. Убить двух зайцев. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки Будет и на вашей улице праздник. В семье не без урода. Без труда, не выловишь рыбку из пруда. Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.  the worm. 5. No bees, no honey 6. Curiosity killed a cat. 7. Every family has a black sheep.

Match these proverbs about animals to the Russian equivalents

  • To kill two birds with one stone.
  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • Every dog has his day.
  • The early bird catches
  • Кто рано встает, того удача ждет.
  • Убить двух зайцев.
  • Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки
  • Будет и на вашей улице праздник.
  • В семье не без урода.
  • Без труда, не выловишь рыбку из пруда.
  • Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.

the worm.

5. No bees, no honey

6. Curiosity killed a cat.

7. Every family has a black sheep.

Find an odd word in each line:  tail, neck, funny, leg strong, nose, dangerous, clever a horse, a sheep, a cow, a fox

Find an odd word in each line:

  • tail, neck, funny, leg
  • strong, nose, dangerous, clever
  • a horse, a sheep, a cow, a fox
Hobbit’s letter is mixed up. Help him to make up sentences: 1. live, the, in, foxes, forest.  Foxes live in the forest. 2 . can, monkeys, climb, well, trees, very.  Monkeys can climb trees very well. 3 . have, crocodiles, sharp, got, teeth.  Crocodiles have got sharp teeth. 4 . got, strong, have, elephants, legs, big, ears, and.  Elephants have got strong legs and big ears.

Hobbit’s letter is mixed up. Help him to make up sentences:

1. live, the, in, foxes, forest.

Foxes live in the forest.

2 . can, monkeys, climb, well, trees, very.

Monkeys can climb trees very well.

3 . have, crocodiles, sharp, got, teeth.

Crocodiles have got sharp teeth.

4 . got, strong, have, elephants, legs, big, ears, and.

Elephants have got strong legs and big ears.

What is the fastest animal?  It is interesting to know that  the fastest animal is Cheetah. Its record is 110 kilometers an hour .

What is the fastest animal?

It is interesting to know that the fastest animal is Cheetah. Its record is 110 kilometers an hour .

What is the tallest animal?  The tallest animal is Giraffe. It is about 7   meters high. The baby Giraffe is 2  meters high.  

What is the tallest animal?

The tallest animal is Giraffe. It is about 7

  meters high. The baby Giraffe is 2 meters high.


What is the biggest animal?  It is hard to believe that  the largest animals  are Blue whales. They are 30 meters long and weigh about 125 tons . They are three times heavier than the biggest dinosaur.

What is the biggest animal?

It is hard to believe that the largest animals are Blue whales. They are 30 meters long and weigh about 125 tons . They are three times heavier than the biggest dinosaur.


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