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Презентация к теме № 2" Встречаем победителей международного конкурса подростков" к четвертому разделу " Что думают англо-говорящие ровесники о своих странах?" , по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием" 7

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Презентация по английскому языку ко второй теме Встречаем победителей международного конкурса подростков к четвертому разделу Что думают англо-говорящие ровесники о своих странах? , по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой Английский с удовольствием 7 класс.Презентация является дополнительным материалом с региональным компонентом Что мы думаем о своем родном селе? Может быть использована в 8 классе при изучении первой темы Мы живем на чудесной планете . А также может быть использована в любом классе при...

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«Презентация к теме № 2" Встречаем победителей международного конкурса подростков" к четвертому разделу " Что думают англо-говорящие ровесники о своих странах?" , по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием" 7»



My name is Dinara. I was born in Kluchi.  Kluchi is rather old it was founded in 1877. Kluchi is not very large but it is beautiful especially in spring.

My name is Dinara. I was born in Kluchi.

Kluchi is rather old it was founded in 1877. Kluchi is not very large but it is beautiful especially in spring.

There are a lot of trees and flowers in Kluchi.

There are a lot of trees and flowers in Kluchi.

The streets are wide and long with a lot of cottages

The streets are wide and long with a lot of cottages

There is a forest and some lakes near Kluchi.

There is a forest and some lakes near Kluchi.

 We go to the forest to gather berries and mush  rooms in the lakes people can fish.

We go to the forest to gather berries and mush rooms in the lakes people can fish.

The main places of  interest in Kluchi.

The main places of interest in Kluchi.

The memorial park. The memorial park.

The memorial park.

The memorial park.

The centre of the village.

The centre of the village.

The elevator. The  elevator.

The elevator.

The elevator.

School №1.

School №1.

School №2.

School №2.

New shops.

New shops.

Regional library.

Regional library.

The houses where people live.

The houses where people live.

 TV station.

TV station.

Agro-chemical laboratory.

Agro-chemical laboratory.

Some people of our village work on the farm. They take care of caws,sheep,and horses. A lot of people work in the elevator. Some people of our village work on the farm. They take care of caws,sheep,and horses. A lot of people work in the elevator.

Some people of our village work on the farm. They take care of caws,sheep,and horses. A lot of people work in the elevator.

Some people of our village work on the farm. They take care of caws,sheep,and horses. A lot of people work in the elevator.

I`d like to stay in the countryside. Here I can enjoy fresh air, I like to be close to nature. I`d like to stay in the country. Here I can enjoy fresh air, I like to be close to nature.

I`d like to stay in the countryside. Here I can enjoy fresh air, I like to be close to nature.

I`d like to stay in the country. Here I can enjoy fresh air, I like to be close to nature.

Besides, living in the country is cheaper and safer than in the city. Of course , it is difficult to find a job in the country and the cultural life is rather boring. But I am an optimist and hope for a better life. Where there is a will, there is a way. Besides, living in the country is cheaper and safer than in the city. Of course , it is difficult to find a job in the country and the cultural life is rather boring. But I am an optimist and hope for a better life. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Besides, living in the country is cheaper and safer than in the city. Of course , it is difficult to find a job in the country and the cultural life is rather boring. But I am an optimist and hope for a better life. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Besides, living in the country is cheaper and safer than in the city. Of course , it is difficult to find a job in the country and the cultural life is rather boring. But I am an optimist and hope for a better life. Where there is a will, there is a way.


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