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Презентация к уроку Альтернативные источники энергии

Категория: Физика

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Презентация является частью эстетического оформления урока-конференции для 11-х классов Альтернативные источники энергии

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«Презентация к уроку Альтернативные источники энергии»

«Это величайшая возможность для нашей страны получить новые энергетические и «зеленые» технологии. Это инвестиции,  которые поступят в Казахстан за время подготовки к выставке, а так  же дальнейшее использование ее объектов»  Н.А. Назарбаев

«Это величайшая возможность для нашей страны получить новые энергетические и «зеленые» технологии. Это инвестиции,

которые поступят в Казахстан за

время подготовки к выставке, а так

же дальнейшее использование ее объектов»

Н.А. Назарбаев

Альтернативные источники энергии Aiternative sources of energy КГУ «Гимназия №1 города Темиртау» Урок-конференция 11 класс

Альтернативные источники энергии


sources of energy

КГУ «Гимназия №1 города Темиртау»


11 класс

Энергия воды

Энергия воды

Task 1. Full in the gaps the giving words: motion waterwheels electricity renewable  convert flowing pressure WHAT IS WATER ENERGY? Water energy is energy derived from the power of water, most often its ___1___. Energy sourc es using water have been around for thousands of years in the form of water clocks and ____2______. A more recent innovation has been hydroelectricity, or the ___3___ produced by the flow of water over dams. In the twenty-first century scientists are developing water-based applications ranging from tidal power to thermal power. HYDRO POWER: HARNESSING THE ENERGY OF WATER. Basics in micro-hydro Early applications used the power of water for milling, pumping, and driving machinery. Unlike wind and sun, the right hydro source can deliver 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Allowing to run irrigation pumps and mills and to make clean, ___4__ electricity at reasonable cost. How it works Hydro power works through the combination of vertical drop (commonly called “head”) and water flow. The vertical drop creates __5___ and the flow of water in a hydro system provides ongoing source energy. Pressurized __6__ water is very dense and hydro-electric systems ___7__ a very large percentage of the available energy into electricity making it the most effective method of energy conversion.

Task 1. Full in the gaps the giving words:

motion waterwheels electricity renewable

convert flowing pressure


Water energy is energy derived from the power of water, most often its ___1___. Energy sourc

es using water have been around for thousands of years in the form of water clocks and ____2______.

A more recent innovation has been hydroelectricity, or the ___3___ produced by the flow of water over dams. In the twenty-first century scientists are developing water-based applications ranging from tidal power to thermal power.


Basics in micro-hydro

Early applications used the power of water for milling, pumping, and driving machinery. Unlike wind and sun, the right hydro source can deliver 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Allowing to run irrigation pumps and mills and to make clean, ___4__ electricity at reasonable cost.

How it works

Hydro power works through the combination of vertical drop (commonly called “head”) and water flow. The vertical drop creates __5___ and the flow of water in a hydro system provides ongoing source energy. Pressurized __6__ water is very dense and hydro-electric systems ___7__ a very large percentage of the available energy into electricity making it the most effective method of energy conversion.

Key: WHAT IS WATER ENERGY? Water energy is energy derived from the power of water, most often its motion . Energy sources using water have been around for thousands of years in the form of water clocks and waterwheels . A more recent innovation has been hydroelectricity, or the electricity produced by  the flow of water over dams. In the twenty-first century scientists are developing Water – based applications ranging from tidal рower to thermal power. HYDRO POWER: HARNESSING THE ENERGY OF WATER. Basics in micro-hydro Early applications used the power of water for milling, pumping, and driving machinery. Unlike wind and sun, the right hydro source can deliver 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Allowing to run irrigation pumps and mills and to make clean, renewable electricity at reasonable cost. How it works Hydro power works through the combination of vertical drop(commonly called “head”)  and water flow. The vertical drop creates pressure and the flow of water in a hydro  system provides ongoing source energy. Pressurized flowing water is very dense and hydro-electric systems convert a very large percentage of the available energy into Electricity making it the most effective method of energy conversion.



Water energy is energy derived from the power of water, most often its motion .

Energy sources using water have been around for thousands of years in the

form of water clocks and waterwheels .

A more recent innovation has been hydroelectricity, or the electricity produced by

the flow of water over dams. In the twenty-first century scientists are developing

Water – based applications ranging from tidal рower to thermal power.


Basics in micro-hydro

Early applications used the power of water for milling, pumping, and driving

machinery. Unlike wind and sun, the right hydro source can deliver 24 hours a day,

365 days a year. Allowing to run irrigation pumps and mills and to make clean,

renewable electricity at reasonable cost.

How it works

Hydro power works through the combination of vertical drop(commonly called “head”)

and water flow. The vertical drop creates pressure and the flow of water in a hydro

system provides ongoing source energy. Pressurized flowing water is very dense and

hydro-electric systems convert a very large percentage of the available energy into

Electricity making it the most effective method of energy conversion.

Альтернативные источники энергии Aiternative sources of energy

Альтернативные источники энергии


sources of energy

Энергия солнца

Энергия солнца

Task 2 Put the facts into two columns “True” or “False” 1. Solar energy is inexhaustible million years. 2. Oil industry has endless resources of its consumption. 3. Nuclear energetics is an ecological clean source of energy. 4. Oil industry is an ecological source of energy. 5. The most energy-intensive source of energy is nuclear energetics. 6. A solar battery works endlessly. 7. A solar battery works about 25 years. 8. The high level of energy production of solar batteries depends on their large square. 9. Solar battery throughput |ˈθruːpʊt| doesn’t depend on weather conditions. 10. A nuclear reactor is worse than a solar battery for its using and ecology protection.

Task 2

Put the facts into two columns “True” or “False”

1. Solar energy is inexhaustible million years.

2. Oil industry has endless resources of its consumption.

3. Nuclear energetics is an ecological clean source of energy.

4. Oil industry is an ecological source of energy.

5. The most energy-intensive source of energy is nuclear energetics.

6. A solar battery works endlessly.

7. A solar battery works about 25 years.

8. The high level of energy production of solar batteries depends on their large square.

9. Solar battery throughput |ˈθruːpʊt| doesn’t depend on weather conditions.

10. A nuclear reactor is worse than a solar battery for its using and ecology protection.

Ответы к заданию № 2 + - 1, 5, 7, 8, 10 2, 3, 4, 6, 9

Ответы к заданию № 2



1, 5, 7, 8, 10

2, 3, 4, 6, 9

Альтернативные источники энергии Aiternative sources of energy

Альтернативные источники энергии


sources of energy

Энергия ветра

Энергия ветра

Альтернативные источники энергии Aiternative sources of energy

Альтернативные источники энергии


sources of energy

Task 3 Text 1: Near our house the powerful and forceful river flows in cool and wet freshness  of fog on the enormous area of a plain. Generally, all surroundings seem great  and majestic. The landscape is predominantly highlands. Hard bushes covered mountains. Text 2:  It is the most mysterious and undiscovered place in the world. Here romance, intrigue and heroism live altogether. It is a beautiful and peaceful place. There are glaciers drowned in water, icebergs playing with all blue shades, charged ice-drifts in the long rows. Indescribable view and 40 o C degrees below zero (on Celsius) capture our spirit. Text 3:  Our street is straight and wide. In summer there are a lot of green plants because on one hand there is a forest line with a comfortable alley going from the hill. The street is very long and has been covered by beautiful stony bars. The end of the street goes to the sea. Wonderful scenery with vast dark blue breadth (ширь) can be seen out of the windows of  high buildings.

Task 3

Text 1:

Near our house the powerful and forceful river flows in cool and wet freshness

of fog on the enormous area of a plain. Generally, all surroundings seem great

and majestic.

The landscape is predominantly highlands. Hard bushes covered mountains.

Text 2:

It is the most mysterious and undiscovered place in the world.

Here romance, intrigue and heroism live altogether.

It is a beautiful and peaceful place.

There are glaciers drowned in water, icebergs playing with all blue shades,

charged ice-drifts in the long rows.

Indescribable view and 40 o C degrees below zero (on Celsius) capture our spirit.

Text 3:

Our street is straight and wide.

In summer there are a lot of green plants because on one hand there is a forest line with

a comfortable alley going from the hill. The street is very long and has been covered by

beautiful stony bars. The end of the street goes to the sea.

Wonderful scenery with vast dark blue breadth (ширь) can be seen out of the windows of

high buildings.

Альтернативные источники энергии Aiternative sources of energy

Альтернативные источники энергии


sources of energy

Выводы: Повторили темы по предмету физика: явление электромагнитной индукции; законы превращения энергии. Развивали экспериментальные умения и навыки. Интегрировали научные знания по предметам физика и английский язык; Развивали личные качества: целеустремленность, активность, умение работать в группах.


  • Повторили темы по предмету физика: явление электромагнитной индукции; законы превращения энергии.
  • Развивали экспериментальные умения и навыки.
  • Интегрировали научные знания по предметам физика и английский язык;
  • Развивали личные качества: целеустремленность, активность, умение работать в группах.


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