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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе: "Fruits and vegetables: what is their health benefit?"

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Данная презенация - наглядный материал к уроку английского языка в 10 классе на тему: "Rainbow of food". (УМК Spotlight (Английской в фокусе). Кроме материала учебника, ребятам был представлен дополнительный материал по теме, с тем, чтобы они смогли расширить свои знания. Домашнее задание: вспомнить все, о чем мы говорили на уроке (плюс поиски материала в интернете), подготовить полезное меню для школьной столовой.

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе: "Fruits and vegetables: what is their health benefit?"»

                         Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе:   Fruits and vegetables: what is their health benefit? Разработала: учитель английского языка МБОУ Богородицкая СШ Панкеева Людмила Александровна

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе: Fruits and vegetables: what is their health benefit?

Разработала: учитель английского языка МБОУ Богородицкая СШ Панкеева Людмила Александровна

«The only beauty I know is health»

«The only beauty I know is health»

You are what you eat. But can we eat properly?

You are what you eat. But can we eat properly?

Our handy food and health tips! Problems  Solutions a) overweight  eat less and take regular exercise b)underweight  eat well-balanced food c) lack of concentration eat lots of iron-rich food d) tiredness follow a low-carbohydrate diet e) frequent illness eat food rich in vitamin C f) indigestion avoid spicy food g) dry skin drink more water And many of these problems can be solved with  the help of fruits and vegetables!

Our handy food and health tips!

Problems Solutions

a) overweight eat less and take regular exercise

b)underweight eat well-balanced food

c) lack of concentration eat lots of iron-rich food

d) tiredness follow a low-carbohydrate diet

e) frequent illness eat food rich in vitamin C

f) indigestion avoid spicy food

g) dry skin drink more water

And many of these problems can be solved with

the help of fruits and vegetables!

 R a i n b o w of food

R a i n b o w of food

Red foods  Red foods get you moving. They give you that extra boost when you really need it the most. What’s more, eating foods of this group will protect you from many serious illnesses and keep older people active for longer.

Red foods

Red foods get you moving. They give you that extra boost when you really need it the most. What’s more, eating foods of this group will protect you from many serious illnesses and keep older people active for longer.

Garnet  1.Garnet lowers blood sugar, so it is very useful for diabetics.  2.Treats skin.  3.Displays radiation. People living in an area of ​​high radiation just need to regularly drink of garnet juice.   4.Reduces pressure. Bones pomegranate lower blood pressure.   5.Increases hemoglobin.


1.Garnet lowers blood sugar, so it is very useful for diabetics. 2.Treats skin. 3.Displays radiation. People living in an area of ​​high radiation just need to regularly drink of garnet juice.  4.Reduces pressure. Bones pomegranate lower blood pressure.  5.Increases hemoglobin.

Orange foods  Orange foods are brain food. Mangoes, oranges and peaches have lots of vitamin C, which help your body fight off infections. Carrot can help your eyesight.

Orange foods

Orange foods are brain food. Mangoes, oranges and peaches have lots of vitamin C, which help your body fight off infections. Carrot can help your eyesight.

Carrot - Carrots - a good source of vitamin A. - The benefits of carrots for eyes. All probably heard about how useful carrot to our eyes. The way it is. Our eyes are very fond of vitamin A. - Carrots are beneficial to patients with diabetes mellitus. Doctors, nutritionists recommend eating boiled carrots diabetics. - Use carrots in digestion. Carrots are well controlled carbohydrate metabolism and normalizes digestion in general. - Carrots against skin aging.


- Carrots - a good source of vitamin A.

- The benefits of carrots for eyes. All probably heard about how useful carrot to our eyes. The way it is. Our eyes are very fond of vitamin A.

- Carrots are beneficial to patients with diabetes mellitus. Doctors, nutritionists recommend eating boiled carrots diabetics.

- Use carrots in digestion. Carrots are well controlled carbohydrate metabolism and normalizes digestion in general.

- Carrots against skin aging.

Yellow fruit and vegetables  Yellow food - a natural way to stay happy.  They make you more optimistic!

Yellow fruit and vegetables

Yellow food - a natural way to stay happy.

They make you more optimistic!

Banana  Eat a banana and you’ll fill a bit better. The use of bananas in the high content of vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, as well as choline, improves memory.  Vitamin B5 is important for metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, is involved in the development of histamine, hemoglobin, cholesterol.  A sufficient intake of pyridoxine important for healthy teeth, gums, skin.


Eat a banana and you’ll fill a bit better. The use of bananas in the high content of vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, as well as choline, improves memory. Vitamin B5 is important for metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, is involved in the development of histamine, hemoglobin, cholesterol.

A sufficient intake of pyridoxine important for healthy teeth, gums, skin.

pineapple Eat a couple of pineapple slices and you’ll smile!  Enjoy yellow foods!


Eat a couple of pineapple slices and you’ll smile!

Enjoy yellow foods!

Green foods  Broccoli, lettuce and cucumbers are green foods. They are great when you want to relax, calm yourself down, keep your emotions under control. They contain vitamins and minerals that keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy.

Green foods

Broccoli, lettuce and cucumbers are green foods. They are great when you want to relax, calm yourself down, keep your emotions under control. They contain vitamins and minerals that keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy.

Cucumber  Useful properties of cucumber are shown in a diet for losing weight because green vegetable occupies a large space in the stomach, thereby satisfy hunger. But we know that most of the cucumber consists of water, which helps to clean the digestive tract.  It is clear that here we are talking about the use of only fresh cucumbers.


Useful properties of cucumber are shown in a diet for losing weight because green vegetable occupies a large space in the stomach, thereby satisfy hunger. But we know that most of the cucumber consists of water, which helps to clean the digestive tract.

It is clear that here we are talking about the use of only fresh cucumbers.

Green grapes  Benefits of green grapes is undeniable. It helps with constipation, indigestion, useful for the prevention of cataracts, asthma.  Juice is an excellent home remedy for migraine. If consumed regularly green grapes, the benefits certainly manifest itself in slowing the aging process.

Green grapes

Benefits of green grapes is undeniable. It helps with constipation, indigestion, useful for the prevention of cataracts, asthma.

Juice is an excellent home remedy for migraine. If consumed regularly green grapes, the benefits certainly manifest itself in slowing the aging process.

Blue foods  Blue products can soothe you, both emotionally and physically, and prepare you for a good night's rest.  Eat blueberries, and you do not expose your body from invisible but destructive radiation, which is often present in modern cities.

Blue foods

Blue products can soothe you, both emotionally and physically, and prepare you for a good night's rest.

Eat blueberries, and you do not expose your body from invisible but destructive radiation, which is often present in modern cities.

Purple foods  Purple vegetables, fruits and berries contain nutrients that are beneficial to health. They protect the heart and vision, contribute to mental concentration.  Fruits and vegetables like figs, prunes and beetroot make people more creative. More over, purple foods can keep you look young!

Purple foods

Purple vegetables, fruits and berries contain nutrients that are beneficial to health. They protect the heart and vision, contribute to mental concentration.

Fruits and vegetables like figs, prunes and beetroot make people more creative. More over, purple foods can keep you look young!

Plums and prunes  Plums are a very good source of vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron. They also contain vitamins A, B2, and dietary fiber. A recent study showed that the reduced blood pressure, bad cholesterol goes with regular use of prunes. In addition, plums and prunes contain phenols - natural compounds found in plants that have protective properties.

Plums and prunes

Plums are a very good source of vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron. They also contain vitamins A, B2, and dietary fiber. A recent study showed that the reduced blood pressure, bad cholesterol goes with regular use of prunes. In addition, plums and prunes contain phenols - natural compounds found in plants that have protective properties.

Lentil(чечевица)  It contains as much protein as many muscle meats. Lentils neutralize muscle acids in the body, and are especially good for the heart.


It contains as much protein as many muscle meats. Lentils neutralize muscle acids in the body, and are especially good for the heart.

Chick-pea (нут)  Chickpeas are a helpful source of zinc, folate and protein.   They are also very high in dietary fiber and hence a healthy source of carbohydrate for persons with insulin sensitivity or diabetes.   Chickpeas are low in fat.

Chick-pea (нут)

Chickpeas are a helpful source of zinc, folate and protein.

They are also very high in dietary fiber and hence a healthy source of carbohydrate for persons with insulin sensitivity or diabetes.

Chickpeas are low in fat.

Exotic fruits  The term

Exotic fruits

The term "exotic fruits" is used mostly in developed countries, referring mostly to some tropical fruits that are unknown to the consumers of the developed countries, or many of them.

The supermarkets have a wide selections of exotic fruits such as papaya and mango, kiwi and papaya, mangosteen and guava…

Everybody says eating fruits is good for your health, but we dare you to try  exotic fruits. Exotic fruits that do not grow in our gardens, can be just as beneficial to health than apples or pears.

Kiwi  For centuries,  kiwi was used as a medicine rather than as a fruit.  Kiwi is often used in sports drinks because of the taste and nutritional value. It has much vitamin C.  The appropriate dose of kiwi for use as treatment depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions.  Kiwi helps to strengthen the


For centuries,  kiwi was used as a medicine rather than as a fruit.

Kiwi is often used in sports drinks because of the taste and nutritional value. It has much vitamin C.

The appropriate dose of kiwi for use as treatment depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions.

Kiwi helps to strengthen the "shattered" nerves and removes from depression easily ease. Kiwi is a natural antidepressant.

Mango The beneficial properties of mango will please you very much. Like all fruits, mangoes is a real treasure trove of vitamins and minerals: 12 amino acids, vitamins A, C and B, much potassium, zinc and other elements.


The beneficial properties of mango will please you very much. Like all fruits, mangoes is a real treasure trove of vitamins and minerals: 12 amino acids, vitamins A, C and B, much potassium, zinc and other elements.

Papaya Papaya is recommended to include in the menu for those who susceptible to colds, as it strengthens the immune system perfectly.


Papaya is recommended to include in the menu for those who susceptible to colds, as it strengthens the immune system perfectly.

 Fruits and vegetables  in the shops of Bogoroditskoe  There are six shops in our village, and in each of them fruits and vegetables are sold. So, you needn’t go anywhere to buy them. The prices of fruits and vegetables aren’t very high.

Fruits and vegetables in the shops of Bogoroditskoe

There are six shops in our village, and in each of them fruits and vegetables are sold. So, you needn’t go anywhere to buy them.

The prices of fruits and vegetables aren’t very high.

Oranges – 76

Oranges – 76

Tangerine – 90

Tangerine – 90

   Apples – 45-65

Apples – 45-65

 Bananas – 80

Bananas – 80

Lemons - 116

Lemons - 116

School lunches in different countries  Proper baby food at school - the key to not only high-quality studies and the active development of the organism, but also a guarantee that in adulthood he will have fewer health problems.

School lunches in different countries

Proper baby food at school - the key to not only high-quality studies and the active development of the organism, but also a guarantee that in adulthood he will have fewer health problems.









Russian Federation

Russian Federation

 What fruits do you like more?  (pupils of our school)  The 4th form The 9-th form Apple 81% 62% Banana 54% 12% Orange 54% 50% Pear 9% -____ Grapes - 37% Pineapple - 12%

What fruits do you like more? (pupils of our school)

The 4th form The 9-th form

Apple 81% 62%

Banana 54% 12%

Orange 54% 50%

Pear 9% -____

Grapes - 37%

Pineapple - 12%

What to choose? So, you are to decide… What would you choose to eat and why?   Carrots or sweets?  Vegetable soup or pizza? - Cherry or hamburger? - Apple or chips?

What to choose? So, you are to decide…

What would you choose to eat and why?

  • Carrots or sweets?
  • Vegetable soup or pizza?

- Cherry or hamburger?

- Apple or chips?

VEGETABLES артишок —  artichoke баклажан   — aubergine брюссельская капуста   — Brussels sprout горошек   — peas перец   — pepper кабачок   — squash капуста   — cabbage лук   — onion морковь   — carrot огурец   — cucumber помидор   — tomato свёкла   — beetroot сельдерей   — celery спаржа   — asparagus фасоль / бобы  — beans цветная капуста   — cauliflower шпинат   — spinach  [‘spɪnɪʧ]


артишок —  artichoke

баклажан   — aubergine

брюссельская капуста   — Brussels sprout

горошек   — peas

перец   — pepper

кабачок   — squash

капуста   — cabbage

лук   — onion

морковь   — carrot

огурец   — cucumber

помидор   — tomato

свёкла   — beetroot

сельдерей   — celery

спаржа   — asparagus

фасоль / бобы  — beans

цветная капуста   — cauliflower

шпинат   — spinach  [‘spɪnɪʧ]

FRUIT and BERRIES абрикос   — apricot авокадо   — avocado ананас   — pineapple апельсин   — orange арбуз   — water melon банан   — banana брусника    cowberry виноград   — grape вишня   — cherry дыня   — melon инжир   — fig киви   — kivifruit клубника   — strawberry клюква   — сranberry лимон   — lemon малина   — raspberry смородина  — currant яблоко   — apple prunes - чернослив


абрикос   — apricot

авокадо   — avocado

ананас   — pineapple

апельсин   — orange

арбуз   — water melon

банан   — banana

брусника    cowberry

виноград   — grape

вишня   — cherry

дыня   — melon

инжир   — fig

киви   — kivifruit

клубника   — strawberry

клюква   — сranberry

лимон   — lemon

малина   — raspberry

смородина  — currant

яблоко   — apple

prunes - чернослив

Источники: 1) Учебник английского языка Spotlight (Английский в фокусе), 10 класс; авторы Эванс В., Дули Дж, Афанасьева О., издательство «Просвещение», Москва, 2014г. 2) Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка Spotlight (Английский в фокусе), 10 класс; авторы Эванс В., Дули Дж, Афанасьева О., издательство «Просвещение», Москва, 2014г. 3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chickpea 4) http://www.botanical-online.com/english 5) https://byuanov-ed.ru/polza-kivi-dlya-organizma-cheloveka 6) https://yandex.ru/search/


1) Учебник английского языка Spotlight (Английский в фокусе), 10 класс; авторы Эванс В., Дули Дж, Афанасьева О., издательство «Просвещение», Москва, 2014г.

2) Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка Spotlight (Английский в фокусе), 10 класс; авторы Эванс В., Дули Дж, Афанасьева О., издательство «Просвещение», Москва, 2014г.

3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chickpea

4) http://www.botanical-online.com/english

5) https://byuanov-ed.ru/polza-kivi-dlya-organizma-cheloveka

6) https://yandex.ru/search/


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