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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе по УМК Верещагиной И. Н. тема "Man the Believer"

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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Человек верующи1".  Мифология древней Греции, описание государства древней Греции.

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе по УМК Верещагиной И. Н. тема "Man the Believer"»

The Ancient Greeks

The Ancient Greeks

Ancient Greece existed since III millennium BC. e. before the Roman conquest in the II century BC. e.

Ancient Greece existed since III millennium BC. e. before the Roman conquest in the II century BC. e.

Greeks themselves still call their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes. The name

Greeks themselves still call their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes. The name "Greece" came to us from the time of ancient Rome. Most historians see it as a fundamental culture of Western civilization, the home of world democracy Western philosophy, the basic principles of architecture, sculpture, poetry, as well as the physical and mathematical sciences, arts theater and the Olympics, and so on Greek culture had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire, which in turn has brought their culture to almost every European nation.

 Ancient Greece The term

Ancient Greece

  • The term "Ancient Greece" is used to denote the Greek-speaking population in the period of antiquity and refers not only to the territory that is now the modern Greece, but also in other regions inhabited Greek people in the past, such as Cyprus, the Caucasus, the Crimea, Ionia (west coast of Turkey), Sicily and southern Italy, known as the Great Greece, and the scattered Greek settlements on the shores of the Mediterranean, Black and Azov Seas.
Science In ancient Greece, philosophy emerges as a scientific theory, the system of concepts, set and get their original decision of the major philosophical problems. One of the greatest achievements of ancient Greek philosophy is the development of cosmological questions - about the origin of the universe, the nature of man.


In ancient Greece, philosophy emerges as a scientific theory, the system of concepts, set and get their original decision of the major philosophical problems. One of the greatest achievements of ancient Greek philosophy is the development of cosmological questions - about the origin of the universe, the nature of man.

The mythology Human, imbued with harmony images of Greek mythology, has become fertile ground for the development of ancient Greek art. The mythology of the ancient Greeks carried a decisive influence on the formation of the ancient Roman mythology and religion. In the Renaissance, it was actively involved in the European cultural process. So far, it does not weaken and scientific, and educational, and aesthetic interest. Mythology, formal role for the entire Greek culture played a mythology. She began to take shape in the Cretan-Mycenaean period.

The mythology

Human, imbued with harmony images of Greek mythology, has become fertile ground for the development of ancient Greek art. The mythology of the ancient Greeks carried a decisive influence on the formation of the ancient Roman mythology and religion. In the Renaissance, it was actively involved in the European cultural process. So far, it does not weaken and scientific, and educational, and aesthetic interest.

Mythology, formal role for the entire Greek culture played a mythology. She began to take shape in the Cretan-Mycenaean period.

In Greek mythology, the gods were the main Zeus, Poseidon and Hades Zeus - god of lightning Poseidon god of the sea Hades god of the underworld

In Greek mythology, the gods were the main Zeus, Poseidon and Hades

Zeus - god of lightning Poseidon god of the sea

Hades god of the underworld

Zeus Zeuv - in Greek mythology, god of the sky, thunder and lightning in charge of the whole world. Chief of the Olympian Gods, the third son of the titan Cronus and Rhea. [3] Brother Hades, Hestia, Demeter, and Poseidon. Wife of Zeus - the goddess Hera. Father of gods and men. In Roman mythology, identified with Jupiter


  • Zeuv - in Greek mythology, god of the sky, thunder and lightning in charge of the whole world. Chief of the Olympian Gods, the third son of the titan Cronus and Rhea. [3] Brother Hades, Hestia, Demeter, and Poseidon. Wife of Zeus - the goddess Hera. Father of gods and men. In Roman mythology, identified with Jupiter
Poseidon Poseidon - in Greek mythology, god of the seas . The second son of Cronus and Rhea [3] , the brother of Zeus, Demeter, Hestia, and Hades. Is one of the three main gods with Zeus and Hades . When division of the world he got the element of water . Poseidon gradually pushed the local gods of the ancient sea: Nereus , Ocean, Proteus , and others. Poseidon and his wife Amphitrite and son Triton lived in a luxurious palace on the seabed surrounded by the Nereids , the hippocampus and other sea creatures , raced across the sea in a chariot drawn by white horses dlinnogrivymi , with a trident, which caused a storm broke rocks, knocked sources . Created the legendary continent of Atlantis


  • Poseidon - in Greek mythology, god of the seas . The second son of Cronus and Rhea [3] , the brother of Zeus, Demeter, Hestia, and Hades. Is one of the three main gods with Zeus and Hades . When division of the world he got the element of water . Poseidon gradually pushed the local gods of the ancient sea: Nereus , Ocean, Proteus , and others. Poseidon and his wife Amphitrite and son Triton lived in a luxurious palace on the seabed surrounded by the Nereids , the hippocampus and other sea creatures , raced across the sea in a chariot drawn by white horses dlinnogrivymi , with a trident, which caused a storm broke rocks, knocked sources . Created the legendary continent of Atlantis
Hades Hades - in Greek mythology, god of the underworld of the dead and the name of the kingdom of the dead, the entrance to which, according to Homer and other sources, is somewhere


  • Hades - in Greek mythology, god of the underworld of the dead and the name of the kingdom of the dead, the entrance to which, according to Homer and other sources, is somewhere "in the extreme west side of the river Ocean, washing the earth." The eldest son of Cronus and Rhea [3], the brother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hestia and Demeter. Husband of Persephone, with him revered and calls.
Olympic Games Olympic Games, also referred to as

Olympic Games

Olympic Games, also referred to as "Olympic Games", is the largest and most ancient international sporting events that are held every four years. Their history dates back to ancient times. In ancient Greece, sports were a great celebration of the origin of which have survived the legends and myths.

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