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Презентация к уроку по теме "England is Like a Garden"

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Презентация к уроку по теме "England is Like a Garden"

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«Презентация к уроку по теме "England is Like a Garden"»

Урок-экскурсия по теме:


is Like a Garden

Учитель высшей категории Гераськина Т.Г.

Урок-экскурсия по теме

England is Like a Garden

«Как прекрасна земля и на ней человек».

С. Есенин


  • познавательный аспект: расширить представление учащихся о достопримечательностях Лондона, об особенностях жизни носителей языка;

  • развивающий аспект: развивать творческие способности учащихся, способности к сравнению, сопоставлению и обобщению;

  • воспитательный аспект: способствовать осознанию учащимися многообразия культур, воспитание интереса к культуре других народов, понимания и уважения к ней;

  • учебный аспект: развивать речевые умения учащихся.


1.CD-слайды о парках и садах Англии

2.Раздаточный материал (приложение 1)

3.Проектор, компьютер, экран

4.Картинки-достопримечательности Лондона

Ход урока

Начало урока: Приветствие.

-Hello, my friends. Nice to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? –I am fine, thank you. And you? –Fine, thanks. I’m glad to hear it.

Start our lesson.

1.Вступительное слово учителя.

It is always very interesting to travel to other countries, to different cities. It is very important to learn something new about the traditions and the way of life of other people. It helps us understand them and make friends with them.

We learn English so first of all we must know as much as possible about Great Britain and its people, London and its places of interest.

Today we are going to travel to London to visit some parks and gardens there.

Well, can you guess what will we speak about at the lesson?

РP We are going to make a trip to London to enjoy and admire some English parks and gardens.

-That’s right.

The topic of our lesson is «England is Like a Garden».

2 ."Обзорная панорама”.

What main places of interest do you know?

P1 Buckingham Palace is an official residence of the Queen and her family. When the Queen is in residence the Royal Standard flies over Buckingham Palace. It has 600 rooms, a swimming pool, a cinema, a ballroom, and a garden, which is like a private park.

The ceremony of the Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace is a great tourist attraction. It takes place daily at 11.30 a.m. and lasts half an hour.

P2. Westminster Abbey is a symbol of English tradition at its best. The coronation of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror has taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. There are also the graves of famous poets, writers and statesmen there. Here you can see memorials to Newton, Darwin, Dickens, Chaucer and others.

P3 St. Paul’ s Cathedral is the city’ s greatest monument. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren. It’s 365 feet high and beneath it there is the famous “Whispering Gallery.”Wren is buried there, as well as Wellington and Nelson.

P4 The Houses of Parliament was once a royal palace. Now it’s the seat of the Government. There are the Central Hall, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There is famous Big Ben there.

P5 Tower Bridge was opened in 1894. It takes its name from the Tower of London. The huge mechanism can raise and lower the bridge in about one and a half minutes. The covered walkway between the two towers is open to public.

P6 Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London. In the middle of Trafalgar Square there is Nelson’s Column. Admiral Nelson defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It’s a famous square where on New Year’s Eve people gather to celebrate.

P7 The National Gallery is in Trafalgar Square. It houses one of the finest collections in the world. It includes paintings from Britain, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Flemish and other famous schools.

P8 The Tower of London is a very old building. In the early days of England the British kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those days. Now it’s a museum housing the National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalia.

З.T But England is not only rich in the museums and the galleries, the theatres and the cathedrals. The pride of England is its parks and gardens.

Let’s make a trip through the parks and gardens of England to create a spring mood in your hearts today.

Look at the screen and listen to the poem “The Glory of the Garden” by R. Kipling.

4. Фонетическая зарядка.

T Remember some necessary words and word combinations.

Look at the screen. Listen and repeat after me.

Lily statue be rich in Hyde Park

carnation column take part in St James’s Park

camomile property be famous for Regent’s Park

daisy relax be proud of Kensington Gardens

bird-cherry admire be full of Buckingham Palace





T. Make up your own sentences with these words and word combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions.

Примерные ответы учащихся:

1) My garden is full of different kinds of flowers: asters, pansies, camomiles and lilies.

2) My favourite flowers are lilac and bird-cherry.

3) I’d like to relax in Regent’s Park.

4) London is famous for its parks and gardens.

5) I am proud of Ryazan.

6) London is rich in museums and theatres.

5. Работа с текстом.

T. Now read the text about parks and gardens yourselves and then do the task.

6. Проверка домашнего задания.

T. Do you agree with me that the parks and gardens of London are beautifull? And now we have an opportunity to be convinced in it once more.

Your hometask was to make your own presentations about some parks and gardens of London. I hope we’ll enjoy them. Children, but you’ll not only admire the parks and gardens of London but be ready to answer the questions: What is each of these parks famous for? And what unites all these parks?

P1-Hyde Park P2-Kensington Gardens P3-Regent’s Park P4-St James’s Park

Обмен впечатлениями.

Краткая беседа с учащимися.

T. What do you think of Hyde Park?

P1 I think Hyde Park is rich in flowers, trees, green grass and water.

P2 The parks are free in London.

P3 Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner.

P4 The parks are the property of the Royal family.

P5 Londoners can take part in many activities such as tennis, swimming and horse-riding.

7. T. And now I offer you to play a game on associations. Who answers the question quicker: Which places of interest do you associate with the following?

London Zoo-

Peter Pan-

Speaker’s Corner-

The Royal family-

Trafalgar Square-

Red Square-

Oxford and Cambridge-

8. T. Well, the parks of London are wonderfull and the dream of every man learning English is to walk and admire the beauty of the flowers there especially roses. Why?

PP A rose is the symbol of England.

Make up your own dialogue using the model.

-If you were in London what park would you like to visit?

-Oh, I’d like to walk in Kensington Gardens.


-It is famous for the statue of the fairytale hero, Peter Pan.

-It’s great!

9. T. Read our epigraph once more. These are the words by our great Ryazan poet Sergei Alexandrovich Esenin. It isn’t ocassional I’ve taken this epigraph because England is only a part of our planet where every corner is beautiful in its own way. We live in Ryazan. And our Ryazan land isn’t less beautiful than England, is it?

You have made the projects about the beauty of Ryazan land which Sergei Esenin glorified.

The first project is “The Beauty of Ryazan Land.”

10. T But not only the poets sang the beauty of Ryazan land and the artists glorified the grandeur of Ryazan nature in their paintings too.

The second project is “Ryazan Land is through the Artists’ Eyes.”

11. T. The parks of London, the parks of St. Petersburg, Moscow and Ryazan are the works of skillfull and professional gardeners.

And tell me please who has got a house in the country? Do you like it?

The third project is “My Land Brings Me Joy.”

T. Well, when we enjoy the beauty of London parks and gardens we admire it. But quite another matter when you decorate your own land with flowers, trees and bushes yourselves. And when you grow jasmine or roses, tulips or asters, lilac or camomiles yourselves you’ll be proud that you are a person loving this land and the land gives you its warmth, kindness and joy.

12. T. And now this is a surprise for you. It’s a map of the world. How many flowers have I! Every flower symbolizes a country. Come here and decorate the map with the flowers. Look! Do you like our planet? Yes, our planet is beautiful. Try to preserve it so that not only England was like a garden but all our planet changed into the flowering garden too. And as H. C. Anderson said «in order to live we need the sun, freedom and a small flower».

13.T. Hometask. Write down a letter to your English pen-friend about the beauty of Ryazan land.

14.T. Our lesson is over. Well done. Thank you. Goodbye.


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