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Презентация к уроку "Travelling"

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  1. Развивать творческие способности учащихся, умение их грамотно демонстрировать и применять в учебном процессе.
  2. Развивать устную речь учащихся, их коммуникативную грамотность, внимательность и умение слушать и уважать собеседника.
  3. Развивать познавательный интерес, желание изучать культуру других стран.
  4. Тренировать в различных видах речевой деятельности (чтении, аудировании, устной и письменной речи).
  5. Стимулировать учебную мотивацию школьников.
  6. Воспитывать уважительное, толерантное отношение к представителям и культуре других стран. 

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«Презентация к уроку "Travelling"»

Read the letter, complete and answer the questions.  Sharon Brown  115 Parklane Drive  Norwich  15 August 2008  My dear Mary!  Last summer my husband Danny and I travelled abroad. We went to Spain. We had  wonderful holidays. The  weather was wonderful. It was hot and sunny. I went to the beach, swam in the sea and sunbathed all morning. I relaxed near the swimming pool in the afternoon. I met some nice people at the hotel. We ate at the restaurant and went dancing in the evening. We had a  lot of fun at beach parties and discos. Sometimes we went shopping. It was so exciting. I bought a lot of good things, but I didn’t tell Danny about it. And Danny didn’t ask any questions. He is such a dear husband. I had a really great time. Danny relaxed at the bar all the time. He didn’t swim in the sea. He didn’t go shopping or dancing. He didn’t eat. He drank bear. We didn’t say a word to each other, as we didn’t see each other much. He says he had fantastic holidays too. But why did we spend so much money?  Yours sincerely, Sharon.

Read the letter, complete and answer the questions.

Sharon Brown

115 Parklane Drive


15 August 2008

My dear Mary!

Last summer my husband Danny and I travelled abroad. We went to Spain. We had wonderful holidays. The weather was wonderful. It was hot and sunny. I went to the beach, swam in the sea and sunbathed all morning. I relaxed near the swimming pool in the afternoon. I met some nice people at the hotel. We ate at the restaurant and went dancing in the evening. We had a lot of fun at beach parties and discos. Sometimes we went shopping. It was so exciting. I bought a lot of good things, but I didn’t tell Danny about it. And Danny didn’t ask any questions. He is such a dear husband. I had a really great time. Danny relaxed at the bar all the time. He didn’t swim in the sea. He didn’t go shopping or dancing. He didn’t eat. He drank bear. We didn’t say a word to each other, as we didn’t see each other much. He says he had fantastic holidays too. But why did we spend so much money?

Yours sincerely, Sharon.

Complete and answer the questions 1. Where and when ___ Sharon and Danny travel? 2. Did they __ to France? 3.  ____ was the weather like? 4. What ___ Sharon do? 5. Where did ____________swim? 6. ___ did Sharon and Danny relax? 7. Where ___ Sharon eat? 8. Did ____________meet some old friends there? 9. Did Sharon __ shopping? 10. Did Danny __  to the beach? 11. ____ did he eat? 12. What do they think about _____ holidays?

Complete and answer the questions

1. Where and when ___ Sharon and Danny travel?

2. Did they __ to France?

3. ____ was the weather like?

4. What ___ Sharon do?

5. Where did ____________swim?

6. ___ did Sharon and Danny relax?

7. Where ___ Sharon eat?

8. Did ____________meet some old friends there?

9. Did Sharon __ shopping?

10. Did Danny __ to the beach?

11. ____ did he eat?

12. What do they think about _____ holidays?

5 – « 2 » " width="640"

Complete and answer the questions

1. Where and when did Sharon and Danny travel?

2. Did they go to France?

3. What was the weather like?

4. What did Sharon do?

5. Where did she (Sharon) swim?

6. How did Sharon and Danny relax?

7. Where did Sharon eat?

8. Did she (Sharon) meet some old friends there?

9. Did Sharon go shopping?

10. Did Danny go to the beach?

11. What did he eat?

12. What do they think about their holidays?

С heck yourself.

0-1 – « 5 »

2-3 – « 4 »

4-5 – « 3 »

5 – « 2 »

Holidays  Repeat the following words and expressions after the announcer then read them.  jet - skiing — водные лыжи  snorkelling — плавание под водой (с маской)  culture — культура  to treat smb . относиться к кому-л.  lecturer — лектор  to allow to do — позволять  делать  amazing place — удивительное  место  to be full of life — полный  жизни


  • Repeat the following words and expressions after the announcer then read them.

jet - skiing — водные лыжи

snorkelling — плавание под водой (с маской)

culture — культура

to treat smb . относиться к кому-л.

lecturer — лектор

to allow to do — позволять делать

amazing place — удивительное место

to be full of life — полный жизни

Holidays Listen to the text and answer the question:  What is this text about? Listen to the text again and do some tasks. Choose the most appropriate variant of


  • Listen to the text and answer the question:

What is this text about?

  • Listen to the text again and do some tasks.
  • Choose the most appropriate variant of "the sentence that corresponds to the main idea of the text

The text is about

a) Teenagers' dream holiday

b) Nadia's visit to Egypt.

c) Terry's college trip to France.

Holidays Choose the right answers.  1) Why does Nadia go to Ireland every summer?  a) Because her father is Irish and they always visit his family  b) Because her mother is Irish and they always visit her family  c) Because she has a boy-friend there.  2) Where did Nadia spend her best holiday?  a) in India  b) in Syria  c) in Egypt  3) Who did Nadia go to the Red Sea with?   a) with her friends  b) with her parents  c) with her cousins


  • Choose the right answers.

1) Why does Nadia go to Ireland every summer?

a) Because her father is Irish and they always visit his family

b) Because her mother is Irish and they always visit her family

c) Because she has a boy-friend there.

2) Where did Nadia spend her best holiday?

a) in India

b) in Syria

c) in Egypt

3) Who did Nadia go to the Red Sea with?

a) with her friends

b) with her parents

c) with her cousins

Holidays  4)  What would Nadia’s ideal holiday be ?  a) to go to the USA  b) to go to Latin America  c) to go to the UK  5) Last month Terry went on  a) a college trip  b) a business trip;  с ) a journey;  6) Where did Terry go to three years ago?   a) Hong Kong  b) Egypt  c) Canada  7) What would Terry's dream holiday be?  a) to go to India  b) to go to Hawaii  c) to stay at home


4) What would Nadia’s ideal holiday be ?

a) to go to the USA

b) to go to Latin America

c) to go to the UK

5) Last month Terry went on

a) a college trip

b) a business trip;

с ) a journey;

6) Where did Terry go to three years ago? a) Hong Kong

b) Egypt

c) Canada

7) What would Terry's dream holiday be?

a) to go to India

b) to go to Hawaii

c) to stay at home

4 – « 2 » 4. a 5. 1) b 2) c 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) a 7) b " width="640"


  • Do the comprehension test. Agree (+) or disagree (-) with the following statements.

a) Every summer Nadia goes to Ireland because her mum is Irish.

b) Nadia's best holiday was five years ago.

c) Nadia's father is Egyptian and her mother is Irish.

d) Nadia went to the Black Sea with her cousins.

e) Nadia went jet-skiing, snorkelling and on a pine-apple boat.

f) Nadia's ideal holiday would be to go to Russia.

g) Last month Terry went on a college trip to France.

h) The pupils were treated like kids there,

i) Three years ago Terry went to Hong Kong.

j) Terry's dream holiday would be to go to Cairo.











С heck yourself

0 «5»

1-2 – « 4 »

3-4 – « 3 »

4 – « 2 »

4. a

5. 1) b 2) c 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) a 7) b

Booking train tickets

Booking train tickets

Making airplane reservation

Making airplane reservation

At the hotel

At the hotel




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