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Презентация к уроку "В мире профессий", 5 класс

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Презентация к уроку "В мире профессий", 5 класс

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«Презентация к уроку "В мире профессий", 5 класс»

February, 8 th  Monday  A baker bakes bread,  A farmer ploughs his field,  A doctor in her hospital  Gives medicine and pills.

February, 8 th Monday

A baker bakes bread,

A farmer ploughs his field,

A doctor in her hospital

Gives medicine and pills.

The world of professions

The world of professions

Tongue twisters: How many cookies could a good cook cook? A fisherman wished a good fish. She saw Sheriff's shoes on the sofa.  Singer Sammy sang songs.

Tongue twisters:

  • How many cookies could a good cook cook?
  • A fisherman wished a good fish.
  • She saw Sheriff's shoes on the sofa.
  • Singer Sammy sang songs.
    Tailor Teacher   Doctor   Plumber    Farmer  Dentist    Babysitter    Fireman

Tailor Teacher Doctor Plumber Farmer Dentist Babysitter Fireman

“ My ideal job.”

My ideal job.”

I Want to Ве   Some people often say to mе:

I Want to Ве Some people often say to mе: "Have уоu decided what уоu want to bе?" I usually answer, "I don't know," But it isn't really so. I want to win аn Olympic race, I want to see the Earth from space, I want to travel to Katmandu I want to bе rich and famous, too. I want to bе оn Hollywood's screen, I want to invent а new machine, I want to bе very clever and wise, I want to win the Nobel prize, But most of all, I want to bе Healthy and strong, and nice.


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