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Презентация к уроку "В прошлом" (УМК "Английский в фокусе", 6 класс, модуль 7)

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Презентация разработана к уроку "В прошлом", УМК "Английский в фокусе", 6 класс, модуль 7, урок 7а

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«Презентация к уроку "В прошлом" (УМК "Английский в фокусе", 6 класс, модуль 7)»

At the lesson we: Learn new words to describe places in the past. Read the text about ghost towns. We’ll learn the rule about Past Simple, do some exercises. Make up sentences.

At the lesson we:

  • Learn new words to describe places in the past.
  • Read the text about ghost towns.
  • We’ll learn the rule about Past Simple, do some exercises.
  • Make up sentences.

A weekly newspaper-еженедельная газета Mine - шахта, рудник Wealthy - богатый Ruined - разрушенный Get an idea – иметь представление Move - переезжать Try - пытаться
  • A weekly newspaper-еженедельная газета
  • Mine - шахта, рудник
  • Wealthy - богатый
  • Ruined - разрушенный
  • Get an idea – иметь представление
  • Move - переезжать
  • Try - пытаться
Past Simple (Regular Verbs) In 1871, 700 people lived in Mineral Park. Is this sentence about now or the past? When did the event happen? Did the action finish in the past? Pay attention to the verb. How has it changed?

Past Simple (Regular Verbs)

In 1871, 700 people lived in Mineral Park.

  • Is this sentence about now or the past?
  • When did the event happen?
  • Did the action finish in the past?
  • Pay attention to the verb. How has it changed?


1.Aidar (move) to Ufa last month. 2.My father (work) in the resort “Krasnousolsky” 5 years ago. 3.His parents (live) in Moscow in 1996. 4.Many years ago people (travel) on horses. 5.Last week Irina (try) to drive a car. 6.The Univermag in Krasnousolsky (close) down many years ago.  
  • 1.Aidar (move) to Ufa last month.
  • 2.My father (work) in the resort “Krasnousolsky” 5 years ago.
  • 3.His parents (live) in Moscow in 1996.
  • 4.Many years ago people (travel) on horses.
  • 5.Last week Irina (try) to drive a car.
  • 6.The Univermag in Krasnousolsky (close) down many years ago.
Look through the text and answer the questions 1) Where is it? 2) How many people lived there? 3) Where did they work?  4) How did they spend their free time? 5) Were they happy? 6) What happened in 1887? 7) What does it look like today?

Look through the text and answer the questions

  • 1) Where is it?
  • 2) How many people lived there?
  • 3) Where did they work?
  • 4) How did they spend their free time?
  • 5) Were they happy?
  • 6) What happened in 1887?
  • 7) What does it look like today?
Describe your emotions: - I have a bright spirit. – Мне все понятно. - I used my brains. – Я активно работал. - I listened with half an ear. – Слушал краем уха. - I am a muddlehead. – Каша в голове.

Describe your emotions:

  • - I have a bright spirit. – Мне все понятно.
  • - I used my brains. – Я активно работал.
  • - I listened with half an ear. – Слушал краем уха.
  • - I am a muddlehead. – Каша в голове.
Home task - To read the text, to fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb or: - To open the brackets with the right form of the verb.

Home task

  • - To read the text, to fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb
  • or:
  • - To open the brackets with the right form of the verb.



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