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Презентация "Курение"

Категория: Прочее

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Презентация на английском языке составлена как обобщение по пройденной теме о курении. Рассматривает какие отрицательные стороны имеет курение. Даётся с сопроводительным текстом и минифильмом, который иллюстрирует данную тему. Для фильма подготовлен  слайд, но само видео находится в папке отдельно.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Документ Microsoft Word (4)»

One out of ten men in the world is a smoker and every 8 seconds someone dies because of this habit.  According to the statistics, smoking kills around 5 million people a year. Why?¥

Do you know, cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals including around 46 carcinogens, some of which are hydrogen cyanide (found in rat poison), nicotine (used in insecticide), acetone (found in nail polish remover), formaldehyde used to embalm dead bodies and still more. All these chemicals are breathed into the body while smoking a cigarette. ¥ Smoking influences different people in a different way. More than 40 diseases are associated with smoking; it increases the risk of cancer, bronchitis, heart diseases, etc. Nicotine decreases the oxygen carrying capacityof blood. If you do not believe me, watch the movie. ¥

Smoking not only affects active smokers, but also affects the so-called passive smokers as well. If somebody smokes in the room, children below 1 years of age can get bronchitis and pneumonia. ¥

It is never too late to start anything or stop anything. Deciding to stop smoking is deciding to choose a healthy way of life. The body can go back to its normal position after you saygoodbye to your very last cigarette. One year after people stop smoking, the heart diseases are decreased by 20%. So, just say "I am never ever going to smoke away my life and health" and be happy! ¥

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint»

One out of ten men in the world is a smoker and every 8 seconds someone dies because of this habit.  8 seconds someone dies because of this habit.

One out of ten men in the world is a smoker and every 8 seconds someone dies because of this habit. 8 seconds someone dies because of this habit.



No smoking, please

No smoking, please


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