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Презентация "Моя родной край"

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Презентация "Мой родной край " была выполнена обучающейся 9 в класса Занадолбиной Викторией в рамках проектной деятельности на уроках английского языка.

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«Презентация "Моя родной край"»

Secondary school №41 My native land Zanadolbina Victoria From: 9 “v” Teacher: Samkova S.V. K urgan

Secondary school №41

My native land

Zanadolbina Victoria

From: 9 “v”

Teacher: Samkova S.V.

K urgan

I was born in the Urals is the most beautiful region with a splendid nature. For me this is the best place on Earth. Here I was born and raised, and will soon graduate.

I was born in the Urals is the most beautiful region with a splendid nature. For me this is the best place on Earth. Here I was born and raised, and will soon graduate.

In the Urals a really lovely nature, even foreigners coming to this land, marvel at the beauty of this place.

In the Urals a really lovely nature, even foreigners coming to this land, marvel at the beauty of this place.

Of course, we don't grow tropical trees, exotic flowers and fruits. But here is dear to one's heart of birch, pine and Christmas trees. For me it's better a different exotic.

Of course, we don't grow tropical trees, exotic flowers and fruits. But here is dear to one's heart of birch, pine and Christmas trees. For me it's better a different exotic.

I love their land, for its beauty and for the fact that I grew up here and receive an education. My parents and grandparents were born here and lived all his life.

I love their land, for its beauty and for the fact that I grew up here and receive an education. My parents and grandparents were born here and lived all his life.

I want to live in the Urals all his life. Once I was born here so have to live here too. In General, each region is beautiful in its own way, especially for those who are born in it.

I want to live in the Urals all his life. Once I was born here so have to live here too. In General, each region is beautiful in its own way, especially for those who are born in it.

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention


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