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Презентация по тему the game its purpose teaching to young children

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презентация по английскому языку на тему the game and its purpose to teaching young children

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«презентация по тему the game its purpose teaching to young children»

«Мирас» университеті   «Тілдік пәндер» кафедрасы   5В011900- «Шет тілі:екі шет тілі»   Дипломдық жұмыс    Тақырыбы: The game and its purpose in foreign language teaching to young children   Орындаған:Юлдашева Махлие Ғылыми жетекші:Абдижаппарова Гулжан

«Мирас» университеті «Тілдік пәндер» кафедрасы 5В011900- «Шет тілі:екі шет тілі» Дипломдық жұмыс Тақырыбы: The game and its purpose in foreign language teaching to young children

Орындаған:Юлдашева Махлие

Ғылыми жетекші:Абдижаппарова Гулжан

CONTENTS Introduction Part 1. The methods of teaching foreign language with games. Part 2. The game and its purpose in foreign language teaching to young children Conclusion


  • Introduction
  • Part 1. The methods of teaching foreign language with games.
  • Part 2. The game and its purpose in foreign language teaching to young children
  • Conclusion
Games are: Main activity childrens life. Games mean the world to children. Good motivation for students. Effective way of teaching. Influence to creative and communacative manner of students.

Games are:

  • Main activity childrens life.
  • Games mean the world to children.
  • Good motivation for students.
  • Effective way of teaching.
  • Influence to creative and communacative manner of students.
The methods of teaching foreign language with games: 1.Suggestopedia 2. Total Physical Response   3. The Silent Way 4. 5.Communicative Language Learning

The methods of teaching foreign language with games:


2. Total Physical Response  

3. The Silent Way


5.Communicative Language Learning

Categories of games Linguistic games Communicative games Linguistic games focus on accuracy, such as supplying the correct antonym communicative games focus on successful exchange of information and ideas, such as two people identifying the differences between their two pictures which are similar to one another but not exactly alike.

Categories of games

Linguistic games

Communicative games

  • Linguistic games focus on accuracy, such as supplying the correct antonym
  • communicative games focus on successful exchange of information and ideas, such as two people identifying the differences between their two pictures which are similar to one another but not exactly alike.
Types of games Role play games Board games Exchanging games Labeling games Matching games Sorting, ordering, or arranging games Search games Guessing games Information gap games

Types of games

Role play games

Board games

Exchanging games

Labeling games

Matching games

Sorting, ordering, or arranging games

Search games

Guessing games

Information gap games

When to use games?   A game must be more than just fun. A game should involve

When to use games?

  • A game must be more than just fun.
  • A game should involve "friendly" competition.
  • A game should keep all of the students involved and interested.
  • A game should encourage students to focus on the use of language rather than on the language itself.
  • A game should give students a chance to learn, practice, or review specific language material.
Important things to consider when using games in the classroom   Choose suitable games (depending on the number of students, proficiency level, cultural context, timing, learning topic, and the classroom settings). The way students perceive a game depends on the actual design and implementation of the game. Give clear instructions, give clear rules and give clear time limits. Rather demonstrate than explain. There must be a clear purpose and achievable goals. Clear objectives and goals must match the difficulty level of the game and ability level of the students. Ensure that shy or quiet students are not alienated and have an opportunity to take part. Debriefing, or the evaluation of results/ events in the game, is crucial to the game’s success. It must still be fun, but still help the students to learn.

Important things to consider when using games in the classroom

  • Choose suitable games (depending on the number of students, proficiency level, cultural context, timing, learning topic, and the classroom settings).
  • The way students perceive a game depends on the actual design and implementation of the game.
  • Give clear instructions, give clear rules and give clear time limits.
  • Rather demonstrate than explain.
  • There must be a clear purpose and achievable goals.
  • Clear objectives and goals must match the difficulty level of the game and ability level of the students.
  • Ensure that shy or quiet students are not alienated and have an opportunity to take part.
  • Debriefing, or the evaluation of results/ events in the game, is crucial to the game’s success.
  • It must still be fun, but still help the students to learn.
Tips for Using Grammar Games in Class Successfully   Nurture Routine Respect Variation Organization Routine Respect Expectation Nurture

Tips for Using Grammar Games in Class Successfully










Using games in language teaching in classes according to class size   Individual lessons Small classes Big classes

Using games in language teaching in classes according to class size

Individual lessons

Small classes

Big classes

  Game-based learning is accessible in many different industries, for four reasons:   The success of game- and simulation-based learning in the aviation, military and healthcare industries provides a powerful proof-of-concept, and an endorsement of learning effectiveness. • Advances in raw processing power with an attendant decrease in cost have brought game-based learning within reach. • The development of stable, flexible game engines and toolkits are driving down the cost of development and reducing the need for 100% custom, from-scratch application development. • A growing crop of designers and developers literate in the medium of games have amassed a critical level of knowledge regarding what works and what doesn’t.

Game-based learning is accessible in many different industries, for four reasons:

  • The success of game- and simulation-based learning in the aviation, military and healthcare industries provides a powerful proof-of-concept, and an endorsement of learning effectiveness.
  • • Advances in raw processing power with an attendant decrease in cost have brought game-based learning within reach.
  • • The development of stable, flexible game engines and toolkits are driving down the cost of development and reducing the need for 100% custom, from-scratch application development.
  • • A growing crop of designers and developers literate in the medium of games have amassed a critical level of knowledge regarding what works and what doesn’t.
General advantages of using games in the classroom and they include:   1.Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class. 2.They are motivating and challenging. 3.Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning. 4.Games provide language practice in the various skills- speaking, writing, listening and reading. 5.They encourage students to interact and communicate. 6.They create a meaningful context for language use.

General advantages of using games in the classroom and they include:

  • 1.Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class.
  • 2.They are motivating and challenging.
  • 3.Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning.
  • 4.Games provide language practice in the various skills- speaking, writing, listening and reading.
  • 5.They encourage students to interact and communicate.
  • 6.They create a meaningful context for language use.
Thanks for attention!!!
  • Thanks for attention!!!


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