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Презентация "Порядок слов в предложении"

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Данная презентация содержит упражнения для тренировки построения предложений в утвердительной, отрицательной , вопросительной форме в разных временах. Эти упражнения можно использовать как для работы с учениками насчальной школы, так и для среднего звена

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«Презентация "Порядок слов в предложении"»

Порядок слов  в предложении

Порядок слов в предложении

Настоящее время  1. Nick reads books.  2. My brother drinks coffee.  3. They play tennis.  4. You go to school.  5. Alice does a test.  6. My mother swims.  7. We learn English.  8. He writes a word.

Настоящее время

1. Nick reads books.

2. My brother drinks coffee.

3. They play tennis.

4. You go to school.

5. Alice does a test.

6. My mother swims.

7. We learn English.

8. He writes a word.

Прошедшее время  1. Nick read books.  2. My brother drank coffee.  3. They played tennis.  4. You went to school.  5. Alice did a test.  6. My mother swam.  7. We learnt English.  8. He wrote a word.

Прошедшее время

1. Nick read books.

2. My brother drank coffee.

3. They played tennis.

4. You went to school.

5. Alice did a test.

6. My mother swam.

7. We learnt English.

8. He wrote a word.

Настоящее время 1. Nick often reads books in his room in the evening.   2.  My brother drinks coffee in the kitchen at 9 .

Настоящее время

1. Nick often reads books in his room in the evening.

2. My brother drinks coffee in the kitchen at 9 .

Прошедшее время 1. Nick bought a book in the shop last week.   2.  My brother drank coffee in the kitchen yesterday.

Прошедшее время

1. Nick bought a book in the shop last week.

2. My brother drank coffee in the kitchen yesterday.

1 .  His cat eats fish in the yard every day.

1 . His cat eats fish in the yard every day.

Настоящее длительное время  1. Nick is reading a story now.  2. My brother is drinking milk.  3. They are playing tennis now.  4. You are going to school now.  5. Alice is doing a test now.  6. My mother is swimming now.  7. We are learning a poem now.  8. He is writing a word now.

Настоящее длительное время

1. Nick is reading a story now.

2. My brother is drinking milk.

3. They are playing tennis now.

4. You are going to school now.

5. Alice is doing a test now.

6. My mother is swimming now.

7. We are learning a poem now.

8. He is writing a word now.

Настоящее длительное время 1. Ann is reading a book in his room now.   2.  My brother is drinking tea in the kitchen now .

Настоящее длительное время

1. Ann is reading a book in his room now.

2. My brother is drinking tea in the kitchen now .


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