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Презентация "Ростов Великий"

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«Презентация "Ростов Великий"»

History No one knows the exact date of the founding of Rostov.  But the first mention of the Rostov dated year 862.


No one knows the exact date of the founding of Rostov.

But the first mention of the Rostov dated year 862.

5 famous monasteries are situated on the territory of Rostov.

5 famous monasteries are situated on the territory of Rostov.

a few more words….

a few more words….

From the shores of Lake Nero offers a beautiful view on the many attractions of Rostov. This place is popular among tourists, not only because of its natural beauty, but also because of its history, which stretches from the pre-glacial period.

From the shores of Lake Nero offers a beautiful view on the many attractions of Rostov. This place is popular among tourists, not only because of its natural beauty, but also because of its history, which stretches from the pre-glacial period.

Thank you for your attention:)

Thank you for your attention:)


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