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Презентация "Sights of England"

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Презентация о достопримечательностях Англии. Включает в себя описание шести наиболее популярных достопримечательностей на английском языке. 

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«Презентация "Sights of England"»

Sights of England

Sights of England

Big Ben Big Ben is the most recognizable landmark of London. Actually big Ben is the name of the largest bell on the clock, located in the Northern part of the Palace of Westminster in London, although the name is also often used to denote a clock or the clock tower as a whole. This part of the architectural complex of the Palace of Westminster. Official name -

Big Ben

Big Ben is the most recognizable landmark of London. Actually big Ben is the name of the largest bell on the clock, located in the Northern part of the Palace of Westminster in London, although the name is also often used to denote a clock or the clock tower as a whole. This part of the architectural complex of the Palace of Westminster.

Official name - "the Clock tower of Westminster Palace", also called "the Tower of St. Stephen." "Big Ben" is the building itself and watch together with bell. The name of the tower is derived from the name of the 13-ton bell that is installed inside of it. Big Ben is the largest four-sided clock with bells and the third tallest clock tower in the world.

Buckingham Palace   Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch and the attraction of London. It is located in Westminster. The Palace is intended for official ceremonies, banquets and receptions and is a major tourist attraction. During public holidays or public unrest about the Queen's house is always going to many people .

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch and the attraction of London.

It is located in Westminster. The Palace is intended for official ceremonies, banquets and receptions and is a major tourist attraction.

During public holidays or public unrest about the Queen's house is always going to many people .

Tower of London – fortress and former royal residence   Tower of London - one of the main symbols of great Britain, occupying a special place in the history of the English nation.  Tower, fortress, standing on the North Bank of the Thames, the historic center of London and one of the oldest buildings of England. The Duke of Edinburgh wrote in his book, dedicated to the 900th anniversary of the tower,

Tower of London – fortress and former royal residence

Tower of London - one of the main symbols of great Britain, occupying a special place in the history of the English nation. Tower, fortress, standing on the North Bank of the Thames, the historic center of London and one of the oldest buildings of England. The Duke of Edinburgh wrote in his book, dedicated to the 900th anniversary of the tower, "in its history, the tower of London was a fortress, a Palace, and a repository of Royal jewels, Arsenal, mint, a prison, an Observatory, a zoo, and a place that attracts tourists."

Wellington Arch   Wellington arch, or Arch, of the Constitution, or (originally) the Arch green Park, triumphal arch, in London, in the South wing Hyde Park.   The arch was erected after the victory in the Napoleonic wars by order of George IV by the architect Decimus Burton. In 1846, the arch was topped with equestrian statue of sir Arthur Wellesley, the commander and Prime Minister, the work of Matthew Coates, Waiata which was replaced by a bronze Quadriga with the Angel of peace

Wellington Arch

Wellington arch, or Arch, of the Constitution, or (originally) the Arch green Park, triumphal arch, in London, in the South wing Hyde Park. The arch was erected after the victory in the Napoleonic wars by order of George IV by the architect Decimus Burton. In 1846, the arch was topped with equestrian statue of sir Arthur Wellesley, the commander and Prime Minister, the work of Matthew Coates, Waiata which was replaced by a bronze Quadriga with the Angel of peace

Crown Jewels   The crown of the British Empire refers to the Royal regalia, jewels, not personally owned by the British monarch and the state. The crown is a crown with four alternating crosses and four heraldic lilies, above which are four paladugu. Crowned with the crown of the ball with a cross. Inside is velvet cap with a stoat edge. The crown is made from 2868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds and 5 rubies.

Crown Jewels

The crown of the British Empire refers to the Royal regalia, jewels, not personally owned by the British monarch and the state. The crown is a crown with four alternating crosses and four heraldic lilies, above which are four paladugu. Crowned with the crown of the ball with a cross. Inside is velvet cap with a stoat edge. The crown is made from 2868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds and 5 rubies.

Kensington Palace Kensington Palace is one of the smallest and most modest palaces of Britain. Here was the main Royal residence until her transfer to Buckingham Palace. The Palace was purchased by William III century 1689, and is known for the fact that here was born the Queen Victoria, it housed the residence of Diana, Princess of Wales until her death in 1997, it was Kensington Palace was visited by Peter I. Today the Palace is officially live the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, has his own apartment and Prince Harry.

Kensington Palace

Kensington Palace is one of the smallest and most modest palaces of Britain. Here was the main Royal residence until her transfer to Buckingham Palace.

The Palace was purchased by William III century 1689, and is known for the fact that here was born the Queen Victoria, it housed the residence of Diana, Princess of Wales until her death in 1997, it was Kensington Palace was visited by Peter I.

Today the Palace is officially live the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, has his own apartment and Prince Harry.

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