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Презентация сказки "The hare and the tortoise"

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Презентация сказки "Заяц и черепаха"  к модулю 6, 11a  дает  обучающимся первое представление о  глаголах простого прошедшего времени в 4 классе ( учебник Spotlight 4).

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«Презентация сказки "The hare and the tortoise"»

The hare and the tortoise

The hare and the tortoise

A fast hare and a slow tortoise. Once upon a time, there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise.  The hare always laughed at the tortoise because he was so slow.

A fast hare and a slow tortoise.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise.

The hare always laughed at the tortoise because he was so slow.

The animals All the animals were tired of listening to the hare .

The animals

All the animals were tired of listening to the hare .

A race One day the tortoise surprised all the animals: “Let’s have a race tomorrow”

A race

One day the tortoise surprised all the animals: “Let’s have a race tomorrow”

The race The next day they started the race. The hare jumped forward .

The race

The next day they started the race.

The hare jumped forward .

The hare ahead of the tortoise Very soon the hare was  far ahead of the tortoise

The hare ahead of the tortoise

Very soon the hare was far ahead of the tortoise

The hare under the tree. It was a sunny day. The hare was hot. “ There is a tree. I can rest under the tree.”

The hare under the tree.

It was a sunny day.

The hare was hot.

There is a tree. I can rest under the tree.”

A tortoise is ahead A few hours later, the tortoise passed the sleeping hare.

A tortoise is ahead

A few hours later, the tortoise passed the sleeping hare.

Surprising Suddenly, the hare opened his eyes and looked around .


Suddenly, the hare opened his eyes and looked around .

Finish The hare saw the tortoise at the finish line.   The tortoise was the winner.


The hare saw the tortoise at the finish line.

The tortoise was the winner.

The tortoise is the first The tortoise is the winner

The tortoise is the first

The tortoise is the winner

The lesson The hare learned his lesson: “ Keep on going”  Don’t stop until you cross the finish line ”

The lesson

The hare learned his lesson:

Keep on going”

Don’t stop until you cross the finish line


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