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Презентация учащихся Dylan O'Brien

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Неблдьшая творческая работа учащейся 8 класса по теме "Знаменитые люди". презентация посвящена молодому актеру и музыканту Дилану О' Брайену. Приведены краткие сведения о жизни и творчестве талантливого актера.

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«Презентация учащихся Dylan O'Brien»

Dylan O'Brien

Dylan O'Brien

brief information Dylan O'Brayen- American actor and musician, best known for his role in the television series Stiles Stilinski

brief information

Dylan O'Brayen- American actor and musician, best known for his role in the television series Stiles Stilinski "cub".

Life O'Brien was born August 26, 1991 in New York. Grew up in Springfield, New Jersey. When Dylan was 12 years old, the family moved to Hermosa Beach, California. Father O'Brien worked as cameraman and his mother was an actress. O'Brien has Irish, English, Italian and Spanish roots. In 2009 he graduated from high school Mira Costa High School.


O'Brien was born August 26, 1991 in New York. Grew up in Springfield, New Jersey. When Dylan was 12 years old, the family moved to Hermosa Beach, California. Father O'Brien worked as cameraman and his mother was an actress. O'Brien has Irish, English, Italian and Spanish roots. In 2009 he graduated from high school Mira Costa High School.

acting work In 2006, Dylan became known for his comedy videos on YouTube, which he had himself filmed and directed. O'Brien planned to finish college and film school at the same time, but at that moment he was chosen for the role in the series

acting work

In 2006, Dylan became known for his comedy videos on YouTube, which he had himself filmed and directed.

O'Brien planned to finish college and film school at the same time, but at that moment he was chosen for the role in the series "The cub." After a 4-ex plays O'Brien confirmed for the lead role of Scott, but after reading the script, he realized that he was closer in nature Stiles, Scott's best friend.

Dylan also starred in the film directed by Matt Walsh High Road and starred in the romantic comedy "The first time" together with Britt Robertson and Victoria Justice.

In 2013, Dylan approved for the lead role in the movie "The Maze Runner". In addition to acting activity also plays drums in a band called «Slow Kids At Play».

Footage from the film \ TV series The film

Footage from the film \ TV series

The film "The Maze Runner"

The series “Cub"

Презентацию подготовила   Маломальская Маргарита 8б класс МБОУ СОШ №9 Новоалтайск

Презентацию подготовила

Маломальская Маргарита

8б класс МБОУ СОШ №9



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