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Презентация "What schools are there in your country?"

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Данная презентация - итоговый урок по теме "Образование" Британии  и России.Обучающиеся отрабатывают лексику по данной теме, сравнивают образовательные системы данных стран.

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«презентация "What schools are there in your country?"»

The aims of the lesson: To teach students to speak about secondary education in GB and Russian Federation, to work creatively; to check up their knowledge on the theme. To develop critical thinking, logical speech, reading skills To develop communicative skills To bring up the sense of internationalism.

The aims of the lesson:

  • To teach students to speak about secondary education in GB and Russian Federation, to work creatively; to check up their knowledge on the theme.
  • To develop critical thinking, logical speech, reading skills
  • To develop communicative skills
  • To bring up the sense of internationalism.
No gain better than one Live then speak Business without pain First think and learn Two heads are before pleasure

No gain better than one

Live then speak

Business without pain

First think and learn

Two heads are before pleasure

Lets read these words correctly S to attend, free, a private school,  a public school, a nursery class, optional, compulsory, a comprehensive school, an entrance examination, to enter, a grammar school, to pass an exam, a stage.  Translate these words!

Lets read these words correctly

S to attend, free, a private school,

a public school, a nursery class, optional, compulsory, a comprehensive school, an entrance examination, to enter, a grammar school, to pass an exam, a stage.

Translate these words!

Knowledge. Знание  Find 7 words to the theme “Education” G R O S P A K T M T I A B M I G M O U U A E C S N N F R I L S A E R T L L L C A  A E X p H S G A T O U S M T D E B O L L N I A C

Knowledge. Знание Find 7 words to the theme “Education”

































































Read the sentence below and circle T(true) or F(false). Prove it.  Classes start in GB at 8.30 T F They finish at 5o’clock T F  British students study Italian, French and Russian languages at school? T F The most popular of them is Spanish. T F How do you think what shall we do today at our lesson?

Read the sentence below and circle T(true) or F(false). Prove it.

Classes start in GB at 8.30 T F

  • They finish at 5o’clock T F
  • British students study Italian, French and Russian languages at school? T F
  • The most popular of them is Spanish. T F
  • How do you think what shall we do today at our lesson?
Comprehension. Понимание   Education is provided by….schools and…  schools . 2) State schools are …. 3) Kindergartens and nursery classes are… 4) Children start school at the age of … . 5) … and … provide secondary  education 6)There are no … in comprehensive school.

Comprehension. Понимание

  • Education is provided by….schools and…

schools .

2) State schools are ….

3) Kindergartens and nursery classes are…

4) Children start school at the age of … .

5) … and … provide secondary


6)There are no … in comprehensive school.

Application. Применение  Summarize the sentences in the scheme “Onion ”   1.There are two types of schools in Russia - etats and tevapri schools. 2. State schools provide erefr education. 3.Parents have to pay for their children’s education if they want to endtat private school.    4. Education in RF is sorypulmoc between the ages of 6 and 15. 5.neralge education takes 9 years, it includes 4 years of rymapri school and 5 of … years of sicba school. 6.At rymapri school pupils learn reading, writing, arithmetic, arts and sport. 7. At conseryda school the number of subjects grows. 8.At the end of the 9-year course pupils take an xaem.  Education  in  Russia

Application. Применение Summarize the sentences in the scheme “Onion

1.There are two types of schools in Russia - etats and tevapri schools.

2. State schools provide erefr education.

3.Parents have to pay for their children’s

education if they want to endtat private school.

4. Education in RF is sorypulmoc between the ages of 6 and 15.

5.neralge education takes 9 years, it

includes 4 years of rymapri school and 5 of …

years of sicba school.

6.At rymapri school pupils learn reading, writing,

arithmetic, arts and sport.

7. At conseryda school the number of subjects grows.

8.At the end of the 9-year course pupils take an xaem.




 Analysis . Анализ .   Prove the correctness of statements 1. In England most of the students attend private schools. 2.Kindergartens and nursery classes are compulsory in GB. 3. There is a written timetable in primary  school. 4.All schools in GB don’t follow the same National Curriculum. 5.Comprehensive schools provide optional education for children between the ages of 11 and 16.

Analysis . Анализ . Prove the correctness of statements

1. In England most of the students attend private schools.

2.Kindergartens and nursery classes are compulsory in GB.

3. There is a written timetable in primary


4.All schools in GB don’t follow the same National Curriculum.

5.Comprehensive schools provide optional education for children between the ages of 11 and 16.

Main features of education of GB. Most children attend ___ where education is free.2) Schools where children not only study but also live are called _____. 3) Education is compulsory between the ages of ____.4) At the age of 5 most children start_____5)Comprehensive school provide ________. 6) At the end of each stage (years 2, 6, 9,and 11) pupils take______.7) To enter a grammar school you must pass the ______.

Main features of education of GB.

  • Most children attend ___ where education is free.2) Schools where children not only study but also live are called _____. 3) Education is compulsory between the ages of ____.4) At the age of 5 most children start_____5)Comprehensive school provide ________. 6) At the end of each stage (years 2, 6, 9,and 11) pupils take______.7) To enter a grammar school you must pass the ______.
Let’s have a rest . Answer the following questions, please. Does music play an important role in the life of young people? What groups are popular in Russia now? What is your favourite band? What music do you like? We’ll sing the song “You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul”. What group performs the song? What musical style does it belong? Do you like it?

Let’s have a rest . Answer the following questions, please.

  • Does music play an important role in the life of young people?
  • What groups are popular in Russia now?
  • What is your favourite band?
  • What music do you like?
  • We’ll sing the song “You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul”.
  • What group performs the song? What musical style does it belong? Do you like it?
Classification. How are the education systems of GB and RF different? How are they are the same? Open your books at page 96 and find information about education in Russia. Think about the common and different features of education in these countries.

Classification. How are the education systems of GB and RF different? How are they are the same?

  • Open your books at page 96 and find information about education in Russia. Think about the common and different features of education in these countries.
 Write the answers (a-h) A. Education is provided by state school and private schools B. At the end of each stage (years 2,6,9,11) pupils have national exams C. Kindergartens and nursery classes are optional D. Children start school at the age of 5. E. At the end of 9 and 11 form pupils have national exams. F. Students have to pass a special exam to go to a grammar school G. Basic education is compulsory between the ages of 6-7 and 14-15. H. Schools of general education includes gymnasiums and lyceums.

Write the answers (a-h)

A. Education is provided by state school and private schools

B. At the end of each stage (years 2,6,9,11) pupils have national exams

C. Kindergartens and nursery classes are optional

D. Children start school at the age of 5.

E. At the end of 9 and 11 form pupils have national exams.

F. Students have to pass a special exam to go to a grammar school

G. Basic education is compulsory between the ages of 6-7 and 14-15.

H. Schools of general education includes gymnasiums and lyceums.

Evaluation.   Оценка.   Evaluate the information about the education systems of the RF and GB .

Evaluation.   Оценка.

Evaluate the information about the

education systems of the RF and GB .

8.Reflection What have we done at our lesson? Are you satisfied with it?


  • What have we done at our lesson?
  • Are you satisfied with it?
 Thank you for the lesson!  Please, write down your home task:  Speak about the topic “Education in  Great Britain or in Russia”
  • Thank you for the lesson!
  • Please, write down your home task:
  • Speak about the topic “Education in
  • Great Britain or in Russia”


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