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Примерное задание № 2 из раздела "Говорение" в новом формате

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C.3 Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have fond some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend whose role will be played by the examiner. You have one minute to read the text silently, then after a signal be ready to read it aloud.

British people are traditionally never late for official or friendly meetings. It is often  considered impolite  to  arrive  even a  few  minutes  after a  fixed  time.  If somebody can’t come on time, he calls and apologizes. At present, it is more difficult  for the British to be punctual because the rhythm of life is very fast. However, they try to do their best anyway because punctuality is a feature of British character. It's just not common for the British to be later.  


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