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Проблемы экологии в России

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«Проблемы экологии в России»

Название предмета Английский язык

Класс 10

УМК «Английский в фокусе», под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012

Уровень обучения базовый

Тема урока Проблемы экологии в России

Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы 12

Место урока в системе уроков по теме 3

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных умений по теме «Охрана окружающей среды».

Задачи урока:

образовательные: совершенствовать лексико-грамматических навыков по теме «Экологические проблемы», модальные глаголы, фразовый глагол run, развитие умения аудирования по теме «Ecological problems»; развитие умений читать по теме «Recycling»;

воспитательные: формировать у учащихся мировоззрения; нравственного отношения к окружающей среде.

развивающие: развивать чувства языка, языковой догадки, всех видов памяти, логики; умений критически мыслить и отстаивать собственную точку зрения.

Планируемые результаты: Учащиеся знают различия в значении модальных глаголов, умеют их употреблять.

Техническое обеспечение урока: компьютер, телевизор, ссылка на интернет-ресурс

Методическое обеспечение: дидактические карточки,

Содержание урока

I. Организационное начало урока

Good morning, people! I see that you are ready for the lesson, so you may sit down.

II. Сообщение темы, цели урока

Watch a very touching video and try to guess what aspect of ecological problems we shall deal with today Video What is the message of this video? Can you say that you should be concerned? Can we say that these problems are someone else’s not yours? Why? Do we have the similar problems in Russia?

Thank you! You have just guessed the topic of our discussion! Слайд 1

It is “My environmental worries about ecological problems in Russia”. Today will find out how global ecological problems are connected with all of us. And what every ordinary person can do to help our planet. Hope our discussion will be fruitful.

III. Речевая разминка

I would like you all to think a little and name global environmental problems.

  1. Pollution (water, air, ground)

  2. Overpopulation

  3. Greenhouse effect

  4. Destruction of the ozon layer

  5. Acid rains

  6. Shortage of natural recourses

  7. Destruction of wildlife

Now we should reveal ecological problems in Russia

Please think and try to formulate the most important problems in our region.

If we try to compare global ecological problems and problems in Russia what can we say? Are they different? Why? Why not?

What is the most alarming? Make a mind map of ecological problems in Russia.

Dwell upon the most urgent ecological problems of our region? What could we do to cope with them?

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

Let’s present your projects on the most urgent ecological problems in the world.

(Ученики защищают свои проекты)

V. Работа по теме урока

Thank you, it was rather fun.

1. Диалогическая речь

Can you tell me what usually pollutes the nature?

What can be done to reduce the pollution? (in pairs try to make a list of things to be done to reduce the pollution)

Now you will name your ideas in terms. You shouldn’t repeat the same ideas. (Один у доски записывает)

2. Чтение

Before reading the text, I’m going to give you the cards with the words from the text (the teacher distributes the handouts among the students). I want you to match the words from the first column with their definitions in the second one to make sure you know all of them, because they may help you in understanding of the article. Please work in pairs. You have 1-2 minutes to do the task.

Well, you time is over. Let's check it one by one. (Card 1)

Well, you are going to read the text about recycling. Your task is to choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Is the task clear? You may work in pairs if you wish. You have about 4 minutes for it. So, get down to work. (Card 2)

OK, I see you are ready. Did you like the text? Was it interesting? So what heading is the most suitable for paragraph 1? Card 3

Thank you for your perfect work!

I see you have caught the main points of the text. But I’d like to check the understanding of the article with help of following exercises.

Look at the Card 4 Please, read the task. You may use the text to decide if the statement is true or false. Is the task clear? You have 2 minutes to do this.

Ready? Let’s check.

V Динамическая пауза

Let’s do some exercises for our eyes.

1. Blink quickly! Close your eyes! Sit still, count slowly from1 to 5. (4-5- times)

2. Close your eyes, counting from 1 to 3! Open your eyes and look into the distance, counting from 1 to 5. (4-5 times)

3. Stretch your arm forward! Follow the movements of your forefinger to the left and to the right, up and down without turning your head! (4-5 times)

4. Look at your forefinger, stretched forward counting from 1 to 4, then look into the distance, counting from 1 to 6. (4-5 times)

3. Грамматика

Do you remember modal verb? What do they express?

Look at the exercise 1 page 68. Match the sentences (1-7) with their meaning (A-G)

Which of the verbs express obligation/strong recommendation? Lack of obligation/necessity? Permission/possibility? recommendation/advice? prohibition? Let’s check if you were right.

Read the dialogue and choose the appropriate modal verb to complete the dialogue Listen and check. Exercise 2 p.68

Use modal verbs and the verbs in the list to explain the signs Exercise 3 p.68 Check if you were right.

Make true sentences about your country. Use modals. Exercise 4 page 68. Check if you were right.

VI. Итог урока

And now I would like all of you to participate in my research.

Please look at the screen. All your answers will be anonymous. So be honest.

Do you often think about ecological problems in your country?

Are you really worried about the quality of our environment?

Have you learnt anything useful for you today? Can you say what?

What other environmental problems would you like to discuss?

Do you appreciate your own work today?

As for me I really like your work today. And your marks today are the following…

Thank you! Goodbye!

VII. Домашнее задание

You have worked hard today so I’m sure it will be easy for you to do the home task.

And the task is to write an essay on the following topic.

Many people think that they can’t solve the pollution problems on their own and that the government and big companies must care about these problems. However, others say that individuals can do much to help the environment.

In the essay you have to give your point of view on the problem and support your opinion.

Do you remember the plan of such essays? Слайд 2

Творческое задание. Make a project on one of ecological problems in Russia and be ready to present it to the students.

VIII. Организационный конец урока

Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.


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