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Проект по теме «Расскажи зарубежному другу о подвигах и славе магнитогорцев во время Великой Отечественной войны»

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Проект по теме «Расскажи зарубежному другу о подвигах и славе магнитогорцев во время Великой Отечественной войны» был разработан в рамках городского конкурса, выполнен  в формате задания 3 устной части ЕГЭ, описание картинки. 

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«Проект по теме «Расскажи зарубежному другу о подвигах и славе магнитогорцев во время Великой Отечественной войны»»

Task 3.  RNE By Polina Bolbat School 33 Teacher: Omelenchuk E. Ph.

Task 3. RNE

By Polina Bolbat

School 33

Teacher: Omelenchuk E. Ph.

Two month ago, doing the house , I accidentally found an old photo album . One photo caught my eye and I decided to ask my granny about it . She told me that is a photo of my great grandpa , who was a steel worker at our Iron and Steel Works during the Great Patriotic War. Looking at this photo , I get impression that my grandfather is exhausted by his tough work but he continues to work for the good of the fatherland. As far as I can see, he wears working clothes and a hat. His skin is covered with layers of dirt. In the background I can make out the outline of workshop with large-scale steel-melting machines and other workers. Probably this people are making steel shits for the production of tank armour. Frankly speaking, during WW II, MMK turned into a steel bulwark for the country .As early as July 23, 1941, the first armour plate steel was produced at the Works. It took a very short time to start production of armour plate, armoured domes for pillboxes, turrets for KV tanks, blanks for artillery shells, hand grenades and parts for rocket missiles. Every third shell and every second tank armour were made from Magnitogorsk steel. To tell you the truth , I’m grateful to my grandmother for saving this picture because it’s a history of my family. In conclusion I would like to say, our workers have made a great contribution to the victory. And now I got an opportunity to share this information with you.
  • Two month ago, doing the house , I accidentally found an old photo album . One photo caught my eye and I decided to ask my granny about it . She told me that is a photo of my great grandpa , who was a steel worker at our Iron and Steel Works during the Great Patriotic War. Looking at this photo , I get impression that my grandfather is exhausted by his tough work but he continues to work for the good of the fatherland. As far as I can see, he wears working clothes and a hat. His skin is covered with layers of dirt. In the background I can make out the outline of workshop with large-scale steel-melting machines and other workers. Probably this people are making steel shits for the production of tank armour. Frankly speaking, during WW II, MMK turned into a steel bulwark for the country .As early as July 23, 1941, the first armour plate steel was produced at the Works. It took a very short time to start production of armour plate, armoured domes for pillboxes, turrets for KV tanks, blanks for artillery shells, hand grenades and parts for rocket missiles. Every third shell and every second tank armour were made from Magnitogorsk steel.
  • To tell you the truth , I’m grateful to my grandmother for saving this picture because it’s a history of my family.
  • In conclusion I would like to say, our workers have made a great contribution to the victory. And now I got an opportunity to share this information with you.


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