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Проект ученицы 7 класса по теме "English in my life"

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Исследовательский проект ученицы 7 класса по теме "English in my life"

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«Проект ученицы 7 класса по теме "English in my life"»

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«средняя общеобразовательная школа №6» им. Омарова М.О.

Исследовательский проект

на тему:

«English in our life»

(«Английский язык в нашей жизни»)

Выполнила: Исмаилова Сабина

ученица 7а класса

Руководитель: Загирова Угланбиги Бинямудиновна,

учитель английского языка

г. Каспийск



  • Introduction

  • Why study English?

  • Learning English in my school.

  • English in my life.

  • Conclusion.

  • Literature.

  • Appendix.

  • Introduction

Knowing English can give you a lot of opportunities and advantages.

But I have noticed that a majority of our students don’t have any wish to learn English.

Why? What reasons can be there? Why do people learn English? What is the best way to learn it? What can be done to improve one’s knowledge of English?

To find the answers to these questions it was necessary to do this research

The aim of my project: Find out if it is important to learn English and why?

The subject of research is English Language

The object of my work: a sphere of using the English language in our life

Actuality of this work causes no doubts, as English is widespread now in all spheres of our life. About the quarter of population of the Earth talks now and also a milliard studies English

The problem: Wherever you go, you need English

  • Why study English?

About 20% of the world’s population speaks English.

Doctors and scientists try to answer the same questions all over the world. They find it easy to exchange their ideas in English.

English has become a means of communi­cation within some countries where different groups of people speak different languages. For example, in India there are 15 official languages and thousands of dialects. People from different parts of the country often do not speak each other’s language. English is the only solution to their communication problems.

English is called the language of the sky and the sea. Every pilot and ship’s captain must speak English to communicate with each other.

Most vocabulary in the modern computer sci­ence is in English. 80% of all information in the world’s computers is in English.

English is the language of politicians. English along with French and German is spoken at their summit meetings. Most international journalists have to know English, too.

75% of all international business letters are written in English. Nearly 50% of the companies communicate with each other in English.

English is the language of rock and pop music. Most of world known singers sing their songs in English.

US and British companies produce thousands of films, videos and TV programmes every year. They are shown all over the world with subtitles and dubbing.

  • Learning English in my school

A survey was hold among the pupils of 7 forms in our school about their attitude towards the learning the English language. There were the following questions in the survey:

1. Do you like learning English?

2. Can English be useful in your future life?

3. What is the role of English in your life?

4. Why do you learn English?

During the survey I found out that:

  • The first question “Do you like learning English?” had the following results: 63% of pupils gave positive answers, 27% - negative and 10% think that learning English is a waste of time.

  • The second question “Can English be useful in your future life?” showed that 76% of pupils consider English really can be useful for them in future, but 9% think they don’t need learning this language at all, and 15% said that they had another interests except English.

  • The third question “What is the role of English in your life?” showed the following: 82% of pupils think English plays a moderate role in their life, 10% - strong, and 8% - weak

Among the reasons why you study English pupils named the following:

  • for future profession – 30%

  • for listening to popular music – 16%

  • for exploring the Internet – 12%

  • for reading foreign writers and poets in original – 9%

  • for travelling abroad in future – 9%

  • for communication with friends – 8%

  • for fun and pleasure – 8%

  • because teachers force me – 1%

  • I am at a loss to answer – 1%

  • for watching satellite programmes – 1%

Pupils think that in order to improve the knowledge of English we should participate in exchange programs between countries and communicate with English-speaking people.

  • English in my life

In my daily life, the English language plays a big role. Every day I listen to music! My favorite music group Imagine Dragons - sing English songs!

Fashion things. Now it is fashionable to have different clothes and other things with the British flag, Big Ben, the red buses, etc.

Many of my interests are connected with English. For example, I like to watch the Disney cartoons in English! One of my favourite works of Disney is “Frozen"!

Also one of my hobbies is reading detectives! My favorite literary heroes are Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson who lived in London at the famous Baker Street!

If you speak English, you can freely travel around the world and feel comfortable in any countries and with the people of other nationalities.

Also in Russia you can help the tourists!

English is important for me not only in this moment, but also in the future. I'm sure I‘ll need language to find a very good job!

There are a lot of social networks in the Internet nowadays. Since I have registered on these sites I have met many interesting people who help me to learn English and teach how to communicate in it.

I think that in the future the importance of English language in the world will increase.

  • Conclusion

From above-stated I made the following conclusions. Pupils learn English in order to:

  • Study at universities or colleges

  • Communicate with people from different countries

  • Understand English films, TV programs and songs

  • Get a well-paid job

  • Use English while traveling

The best way to learn English

(Rules for pupils)

  • Work hard

  • Listen attentively

  • Use the dictionary

  • Read aloud

  • Make notes

  • Do easy tasks first, then difficult ones

  • Practise a lot

  • Not be lazy

  • Try to take out something useful for yourself from every task

How to improve your knowledge of English?

  • Read newspapers, magazines, books in English

  • Watch English films

  • Listen to the English radio programs or songs

  • Use video-lessons from different web-sites in the Internet

  • Use different digital educational resources

  • Communicate with native speakers

  • Literature

1. М.З.Биболетова. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: учебник англ.яз. для 7 класса общеобраз.учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2013

2. www.greatenglish.ucoz.ru

3. http://en.wikipedia.org

4. http://www.br.com.ua/articles/34



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