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Проектная работа по теме "История кофе"

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Facts about coffee that you haven’t known Have you ever thought about the origin of coffee? I never really thought about it. When I was a kid, coffee was always around. My parents drank coffee, my grandparents drank coffee, all the adults I knew drank coffee. I assumed I would drink it too when I was older, and of course, I did. But there must have been a time before coffee. I don’t remember coffee making an appearance in any of the Bible stories I read. Jesus changed water into wine, not coffee. Maybe if coffee had been around, he would have changed some of the water into coffee, for after dinner. In any event, according to popular legend, the origin of coffee can be traced to the day, maybe a thousand years ago, when an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi observed his goats prancing and frolicking about. Kaldi had previously found the behavior of his goats to be “irreproachable,” so he knew that something unusual was going on. When Kaldi investigated, he saw that the goats were merrily eating the red berries and shiny leaves of an unfamiliar tree. Kaldi decided to try some, and when he did he joined the dancing goats and became “the happiest herder in happy Arabia.” Some time later, a passing monk observed Kaldi and the goats. When Kaldi told him about the berries, the monk thought they might be the answer to his prayers— literally. It seems that the monk was always falling asleep in the middle of prayers. When he ate the berries, he stayed awake. The unnamed monk came up with the idea of drying and boiling the berries to make a beverage. His fellow monks loved the new drink because it encouraged them to pray —and it tasted good too. So now we just figured out with history of coffee. Let’s know how the coffee produces in the world. Today, the most part of coffee produces in Brazil (there concentrate about 40% of world coffee production), Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Honduras and Ethiopia, and I can show you some graphics about that. Russians have no special traditions about drinking coffee-everyone just drinks coffee as they want. But there’re some statistics about it that have published by coffee company. So, only ground black coffee and instant coffee prefer to drink 16% and 10% of respondents, respectively. 70% of people add sugar to ground coffee, 82% - to instant coffee. With milk and cream of coffee, 32% of instant coffee consumers and 25% of ground coffee consumers drink. Some consumers prefer to add condensed milk to coffee: 4% - in ground coffee, 9% - in instant. Among other ingredients added to coffee are: ice cream (5% - ground, 4% - instant), lemon (4% - ground, 2% - instant), alcoholic beverages (2% - ground, 1% - instant), sugar substitutes (3% - ground, 3% - instant) and dry (powdered) milk (1% - ground and 1% - instant). In my class, only about 40 % of classmates prefers coffee to tea, and 75% percents of coffee drinkers likes to drink coffee with milk or cream, others prefer only coffee without anything.  


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