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Project " Unusual facts about usual animals" Скляров Тимофей 6 Б

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Проект ценен тем, что в ходе погдготовки и работы над ним, учащиеся самостоятельно анализируют и систематизируют знания, получая опыт познавательной и  учебной деятельности.

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«Project " Unusual facts about usual animals" Скляров Тимофей 6 Б»

Unusual facts about usual animals the  cats Skliarov T. 6B

Unusual facts about usual animals

the cats

Skliarov T. 6B

The nose of each cat has its own unique imprint .

The nose of each cat has its own unique imprint .

For any action kitty use the right front paw, and the cat - left.

For any action kitty use the right front paw, and the cat - left.

A cat can turn their ear 180 degrees.

A cat can turn their ear 180 degrees.

In his the body cat has about 240 bones. It's 40 bones more than a human skeleton.

In his the body cat has about 240 bones.

It's 40 bones more than a human skeleton.

A cats can jump 5 times higher than its own height.

A cats can jump 5 times higher than its own height.

Cats can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h.

Cats can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h.

The cats jaw can't move sideways, so they are not able to chew large pieces of meat .

The cats jaw can't move sideways, so they are not able to chew large pieces of meat .

Cats don't like the smell of citrus fruit.

Cats don't like the smell of citrus fruit.

Cats don't like sweets, so as not to feel sweet taste.

Cats don't like sweets, so as not to feel sweet taste.

Cats don't like foods with the taste of mouse!

Cats don't like foods with the taste of mouse!

 Thank you  for your attention

Thank you

for your attention


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