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Промежуточная контрольная работа, 8 кл

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«Промежуточная контрольная работа, 8 кл»





на заседании школьного директор Лицея №16

методического объединения г. Димитровграда

учителей иностранного языка __________ М.В. Антонова

Протокол №1

От « » ___________ 2019 г.

Рук. ШМО _____________ С.А.Хамдеева



учебного предмета «Английский язык»

8 классы

на 2019-2020 учебный год

Входная диагностическая работа

по английскому языку

8 класс

Базовый уровень

Работа рассчитана на 40 минут

Пояснительная записка к входной диагностической работе

по английскому языку

8 класс

Проверочная работа по английскому языку состоит из трех разделов в виде тестовых заданий. За каждый правильно выбранный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл.

Назначение проверочной работы – оценить уровень языковой подготовки в начале учебного года в 8 классе.

Содержание работы определяется на основе Стандарта всеобщего основного образования и Примерной программы по иностранному языку.

Продолжительность выполнения работы – 40 минут.

Раздел 1. Аудирование. Содержит 1 задание базового уровня сложности с выбором одного верного ответа из трёх. Проверяет умение понимать в прослушанном тексте запрашиваемую информацию. При выполнении задания по аудированию запись звучит дважды.

Раздел 2. Чтение. Содержит 1 задание, в котором учащийся, после прочтения текста, должен определить верно ли утверждение или нет. Проверяет умение читать текст с пониманием общего содержания прочитанного.

Задание базового уровня сложности.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика. Содержит 3 задания. Проверяет сформированность лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся.

Баллы, полученные за работу, переводятся в отметку по пятибалльной шкале следующим образом:

Критерии оценивания:

Задание 1- 5 баллов

Задание 2 – 7 баллов

Задание 3 – 20 баллов

Итого- 32 балла.

29-32 баллов – оценка «5» - 90-100%

23-28 баллов – оценка «4» - 70-89%

16-22 баллов – оценка «3» - 50-69%

Менее 15 баллов – оценка «2» - менее 50%

Промежуточная диагностическая работа по английскому языку

8 класс

  1. Listening.

Listen and do the task.

  А. The narrator says that it is _________.

1. difficult to have Chinese food in England 2. easy to find Italian food in many countries 3. not easy to find English food in England


B. According to the narrator the sales of _________.

1. British food are going up 2. pasta and pizza are increasing 3. chicken, rabbits, apples and tea are increasing


C. The narrator believes that British cooking _________.

1. has always been great 2. is good because it is international 3. was good until World War II


D. The narrator says that the British _________.

1. eat only traditional British food 2. buy a lot of foreign ingredients 3. don’t like cooking with foreign ingredients


E. The narrator says that British weather _________.

1. usually ruins fruit and vegetables 2. is not an important influence on British food 3. gives the opportunity to produce good quality food

  1. Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated)

Dear sir,

I’m writing to complain about the Fun Ways Travel holiday my family and I went on last month.

Your newspaper advertisement recommended the holiday as being «Seven fun and sun filled days on a Mediterranean island», so decided it would be suitable for my family. I realize now that this was a big mistake.

Firstly, when we arrived nobody was there to meet us. There should have been transport from the airport to the hotel but there wasn’t. We were able to get a taxi, but only after waiting for an hour in the hot sun!

Secondly, when we arrived at the hotel, we found that only one room was reserved. All the other hotels on the island were full so four of us had to stay in one room.

Thirdly, the hotel wasn’t a modern building only five minutes walk from sea. It was a small, old place situated in a mountain at least thirty minutes drive to the nearest beach.

And lastly, when we eventually met the tour guide, she was extremely rude to us. I don’t think she should have been so impolite. She didn’t help us at all.

You can imagine how angry I feel about spending a lot of money for a holiday which ought to have been better organized.

Yours sincerely,

David Johnston

  1. David wrote this letter to criticize a holiday.

  2. David is angry because the holiday was badly organized.

  3. A friend suggested that the Fun Ways holiday was great.

  4. The hotel was only for rich people.

  5. There were two rooms at the hotel for a David and his family.

  6. David and his family found another hotel to stay in.

  7. The tour guide was not helpful.

  1. Grammar and vocabulary

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. The train is leaving/leaves at 9:00.

  2. I’m afraid I am failing/will fail the exam. It’s rather difficult for me.

  3. Watch where you’re going! You are falling/are going to fall into that hole!

  4. I have cooked/ have been cooking the birthday cake for two hours.

  5. Have you seen/Have you been seeing this new film yet? It seems really interesting.

  6. We are having/will have the party tomorrow night. Why don’t you come?

  7. It’s cold in the room. I close/will close the window.

  8. Sam and his friends stay/are staying in a nice beach in the centre of the town.

  9. Jill runs/has run in the park every morning

  10. Don is always interrupting/has always interrupted me whenever I tell a story. It’s so annoying!

  1.  Choose the correct response.

1.See you later.

2.How are you?


4. Well, thank you for inviting me.

5.Excuse me!

a) Good morning! Nice day, isn’t it?

b) Take care.

c) Not bad. How about you?

d) How can I help you, sir?

e) I’m glad you came.

C. Put the sentences into Passive Voice.

  1. Popov invented radio in Russia.

  2. Every four years people elect a new president in the USA.

  3. The police caught a bank robber last night.

  4. Sorry, we don’t allow dogs in our safari park.

  5. The postman will leave my letter by the door.



A -3

B -2

C -3

D –2

E -3


1 T

2 T

3 F

4 NS

5 F

6 F

7 T



1 leaves

2 will fail

3 are going to fall

4 have been cooking

5 have you seen

6 are having

7 will close

8 are staying

9 runs

10 is always interrupting


1 b

2 c

3 a

4 e

5 d


1 Radio was invented in Russia by Popov.

2 A new president is elected in the USA every 4 years.

3 A bank robber was caught by the police last night

4 Dogs are not allowed in our safari park.

5 My letter will be left by the postman by the door.


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