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"Проверка лексики Unit 1 Lesson 2 УМК English-9 В.П.Кузовлев"

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«"Проверка лексики Unit 1 Lesson 2 УМК English-9 В.П.Кузовлев"»

Unit 1 Lesson 2 (9 form)

  1. Translate from English into Russian:

  1. childhood

  2. to describe

  3. a plot

  4. a novelist

  5. to publish

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. вдохновлять

  2. яркий, сильный

  3. живой, пылкий

  4. современник

  5. ценить, оценивать

  1. Fill in the missing words: novel, remarkable, birthplace, be set in, fabulous

  1. You look ____ in black.

  2. He is a writer of ______ ability.

  3. New series adventure, this time will ____ a restaurant kitchen.

  4. Better I stop here or I write another _____ answering this.

  5. Both states claim to be his ______.

Unit 1 Lesson 2 (9 form)

  1. Translate from English into Russian:

  1. childhood

  2. to describe

  3. a plot

  4. a novelist

  5. to publish

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. вдохновлять

  2. яркий, сильный

  3. живой, пылкий

  4. современник

  5. ценить, оценивать

  1. Fill in the missing words: novel, remarkable, birthplace, be set in, fabulous

  1. You look ____ in black.

  2. He is a writer of ______ ability.

  3. New series adventure, this time will ____ a restaurant kitchen.

  4. Better I stop here or I write another _____ answering this.

  5. Both states claim to be his ______.

Unit 1 Lesson 2 (9 form)

  1. Translate from English into Russian:

  1. childhood

  2. to describe

  3. a plot

  4. a novelist

  5. to publish

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. вдохновлять

  2. яркий, сильный

  3. живой, пылкий

  4. современник

  5. ценить, оценивать

  1. Fill in the missing words: novel, remarkable, birthplace, be set in, fabulous

  1. You look ____ in black.

  2. He is a writer of ______ ability.

  3. New series adventure, this time will ____ a restaurant kitchen.

  4. Better I stop here or I write another _____ answering this.

  5. Both states claim to be his ______.

Unit 1 Lesson 2 (9 form)

  1. Translate from English into Russian:

  1. childhood

  2. to describe

  3. a plot

  4. a novelist

  5. to publish

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. вдохновлять

  2. яркий, сильный

  3. живой, пылкий

  4. современник

  5. ценить, оценивать

  1. Fill in the missing words: novel, remarkable, birthplace, be set in, fabulous

  1. You look ____ in black.

  2. He is a writer of ______ ability.

  3. New series adventure, this time will ____ a restaurant kitchen.

  4. Better I stop here or I write another _____ answering this.

  5. Both states claim to be his ______.


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