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Проверочная по модулю 7 Spotlight 9

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«Проверочная по модулю 7 Spotlight 9»

1.Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starving, thirsty, put on, home-made

1)He doesn’t like going to the concerts because he can’t stand being in ___

2) She’s always_________ after sport trainings

3)Can you bring me a glass of water. I’m so___________

4) If Jane wants to lose weight, she should _________junk food

5) Laura is really __________of her friend Mary’s popularity

6) I have__________a lot of weight since I broke my leg.

7)There you can taste delicious__________bread and pancakes.

8)He_________every time he sees a spider – He’s so afraid of them.

9)She goes bright red with ___________every time, when she meets him

10) A lot of fruits and vegetables ___________in vitamin C

2/Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense

1)If you don’t stop eating so much fatty food, you ____________(not/lose) weight.

2) I wish I _________(be) more successful

3) If he _____________(play) a football, he would be a lot fitter

4)Unless it stops raining, we __________(not go out) today

5) If I ___________(not/watch) TV last night, I would be more energetic this morning

6)If you ___________(mix) red and yellow, you get orange

7)if we all ______________(go) on foot more instead of transport, pollution will be reduced.

8)If only I _______________(call) her today

9)If they wasn’t on a diet, they_____________(order) a pizza.

10)If you had worn a helmet, you ___________(not hurt) your head

3) Choose the correct modals

1) You shouldn’t/needn’t run if you are on the zebra crossing

2) Doing sport every day must/might be a good way to lose weight

3)You should/might see a doctor, if you feel bad

4)She can’t/doesn’t have to wash dishes, he has done it already

5) You don’t have to/mustn’t smoke here

4.Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verbs

1)Mike was finding it very difficult to keep____________his schoolwork

2)He kept_________speaking, even after I had stopped listening him

3) Dad is always telling us to keep the dog ______________the sofa

4)Please keep___________the grass!

5)Keep_____________from this building, It can collapsed in any minute

5,Write about your healthy and unhealthy habbits


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