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Проверочная работа на тему "Мой дом-моя крепость" к УМК "Английский в фокусе" для учащихся 5 классов общеобразовательных организаций/ Ю.Е.Ваулина, Д.Дули,О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс.

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«Проверочная работа на тему "Мой дом-моя крепость" к УМК "Английский в фокусе" для учащихся 5 классов общеобразовательных организаций/ Ю.Е.Ваулина, Д.Дули,О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс.»

NAME ___________________________ CLASS ______ DATE ______________________

1. Write the ordinal numbers.

1) 2nd ________________________________________

2) 8th ________________________________________

3) 3rd ________________________________________

4) 5th ________________________________________

5) 12th _______________________________________

6) 1st ________________________________________

7) 9th ________________________________________

2. Cross the odd word out.

1 bath – sink – washbasin – mirror

2 dining room – garden – kitchen – bedroom

3 desk – coffee table – chair – table

4 bed – bedroom – wardrobe – carpet

5 computer – bookcase – radio – television

6 fridge – cooker – blackboard – table

3. Fill in: is, are.

1. There ____ a book on the bed.

2. There ___ two sofas in the living room.

3. ___ there a radio in the bedroom?

4. There ___ no milk in the fridge.

5. There ___ three cars in the garage.

4. Fill in: my / your / his / her / its / our / their.

1 Ken has got a new digital camera. This is _____ digital camera.

2 You and Nick have got the same key rings. These are _____ key rings.

3 I have got an American watch. This is _____ American watch.

4 My English teacher Marina Leonidovna has got a handbag. This is _____ handbag.

5 Girls have got many dolls. These are _____ dolls.

6 My friends and I have got stamp collections. These are _____ stamp collections.

5. Fill in: on, under, behind, in front of, next to, in.

1. The coffee table is ………….… the sofa.

2. The lamp is ………….… the table.

3. There is a carpet ………….… the chair.

4. The dog is ………….… the armchair.

5. There is a garage ………….… their house.

6. There is a wardrobe ………….… the bedroom.


Итоговый балл:____ из 30

Шкала переводов баллов в отметки

Процент правильных ответов

Количество баллов


От 87% до 100%

26 - 30 баллов


От 86% до 66%

25 - 20 баллов


От 65% до 40%

19 - 12 баллов


Ниже 40 %

11 баллов и ниже


NAME ___________________________ CLASS ______ DATE ______________________

1. Write the ordinal numbers.

1) 2nd ________________________________________

2) 8th ________________________________________

3) 3rd ________________________________________

4) 5th ________________________________________

5) 12th _______________________________________

6) 1st ________________________________________

7) 9th ________________________________________

2. Cross the odd word out.

1 bath – sink – washbasin – mirror

2 dining room – garden – kitchen – bedroom

3 desk – coffee table – chair – table

4 bed – bedroom – wardrobe – carpet

5 computer – bookcase – radio – television

6 fridge – cooker – blackboard – table

3. Fill in: is, are.

1. There ____ a book on the bed.

2. There ___ two sofas in the living room.

3. ___ there a radio in the bedroom?

4. There ___ no milk in the fridge.

5. There ___ three cars in the garage.

4. Fill in: my / your / his / her / its / our / their.

1 Ken has got a new digital camera. This is _____ digital camera.

2 You and Nick have got the same key rings. These are _____ key rings.

3 I have got an American watch. This is _____ American watch.

4 My English teacher Marina Leonidovna has got a handbag. This is _____ handbag.

5 Girls have got many dolls. These are _____ dolls.

6 My friends and I have got stamp collections. These are _____ stamp collections.

5. Fill in: on, under, behind, in front of, next to, in.

1. The coffee table is ………….… the sofa.

2. The lamp is ………….… the table.

3. There is a carpet ………….… the chair.

4. The dog is ………….… the armchair.

5. There is a garage ………….… their house.

6. There is a wardrobe ………….… the bedroom.


Итоговый балл:____ из 30

Шкала переводов баллов в отметки

Процент правильных ответов

Количество баллов


От 87% до 100%

26 - 30 баллов


От 86% до 66%

25 - 20 баллов


От 65% до 40%

19 - 12 баллов


Ниже 40 %

11 баллов и ниже



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