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Проверочная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 8 класса по теме SPORT AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES/PAST PERFECT (УМК "Rainbow English")

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«Проверочная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 8 класса по теме SPORT AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES/PAST PERFECT (УМК "Rainbow English")»


1. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs (past simple or past perfect) to complete the sentences.

1. When I (get) ______________________________ to the party, it (already start) ______________________________ raining.

2. I (just finish) ______________________________ writing my essay, when Laura (phone) ______________________________ .

3. Jenifer (complete) ______________________________ the training by 7 o’clock.

4. Jason (open) ______________________________ the window. A white sheet of snow (cover) ______________________________ the ground.

5. Bob was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He (wash) ______________________________his sports suit.

2. Read the texts (1 – 5). Match them with the titles (A – F). There is one title you don’t have to use.

A. The person explains the advantages of doing sports.

B. The person talks about doing sports and being healthy.

C. The person talks about a job in sports.

D. The person describes other people’s achievements in sport.

E. The person explains why he is a sports fan.

F. The person talks about his disease to become a footballer.

Text 1.

I am a fan of tennis. I know so many fantastic tennis players, especially female players. One of them is Jordanne Whiley, a paralympic wheelchair tennis player. She says that her dad took her to the tennis centre in Birmingham when she was a young child. She started playing tennis there. I am so excited about Jordanne’s achievements! In 2015, she won her first Grand Slam singles title!

Text 2.

Now most people live in large cities. Many of them have little time to go for a walk or for a swim. Children often spend too much time watching television or playing computer games. Parents should help their children to be physically active. Sports are a great activity for children. Sports can motivate children to improve their study and communication skills. They learn to communicate not only with kids of the age but with older people too – their coaches and sports officials. Sports help children develop discipline.

Text 3.

As a little girl I watched football with my dad and I learned to love sport. In my school days I played a lot of sports – football, tennis, basketball, and softball. I started working as a sports reporter at the beginning of the century. My first match was quite a thrill! I had learnt by heart the names of the players, but I couldn’t remember all of them. And it was so hard to see the numbers. I spoke very fast. Some people still think that this is a job for men only. But I had played football for years. I know everything about the game.

Text 4.

They are like a machine; all parts of this machine work perfectly well. They are so enthusiastic! And I like their colour. It is red. When I watch a match, I’m a part of this large red sea. They don’t have superstars, but they win very often. They are so motivated. All players are devoted to the club. And the club is one of the best in the world. I’ve grown up loving the club, its culture and the players. They are like a family. I feel excited about their victories and feel unhappy when they lose.

Text 5.

I love football or as Americans call it “soccer”. I’m quite good at football. I am the best junior player at my school. I play football every day… usually after school with my classmates. I don’t want to be a professional football player. Playing sports is fun. By the way, the more I train, the stronger I am. And more fit. This year I haven’t had colds. I think it is because I’m doing sports. I’m going to start cycling next week. Doctors say cycling makes your legs and knees stronger.


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