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Проверочная работа по чтению.

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Данная разработка направлена на развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием.ЕЕ можно использовать в качестве самостоятельной работы и как дополнительный материал.

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«Проверочная работа по чтению.»


1. Прочитай текст:

Hi guys! I want to introduce my elder sister. She is Maria and she is 24 years old. My sister is very beautiful! Boys are very fond of her!

She has got short fair hair, green eyes and a pretty little nose. Her eyelashes are extremely long. She’s got very nice white teeth. She’s about 168 cm tall and she weighs 56 kg. She’s slim and she has got long legs, but her feet are quite small.

She goes to university where she studies Economics. Maria is very clev­er that’s why she gets a lot of scholarships.

I think there is nothing negative about her. She’s very kind, she pays attention to her friends (she has many). She’s usually cheerful and likes jokes a lot.

My sister is very helpful. She helps me with my homework and always helps my parents about the house.

In her free time she works as a model for a big and famous company. She often goes jogging to keep herself fit and healthy.

My parents are very proud of her.

2.Отметь утверждения T (верно), F (неверно), DS (не сказано):

  1. Maria is a student.

  2. She looks like her mother.

  3. She is extremely tall.

  4. Boys don’t like her.

  5. She’s very intelligent.

  6. Maria goes to Oxford University.

  7. She is a positive character.

  8. She doesn’t have many friends.

  9. In her free time she does some sports.

  10. She spends a lot of time with her parents.

3. Найди в тексте подтверждение своего решения и запиши его.


1. T: She goes to university.


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