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Проверочная работа по теме "Инфинитив, герундий". УМК "Spotlight", 8 класс.

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Проверочная работа по теме "Инфинитив, герундий". Работа составлена для проверки знаний по указанной теме в 8 классах, изучающих английский язык по УМК "Spotlight",

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«Проверочная работа по теме "Инфинитив, герундий". УМК "Spotlight", 8 класс.»

Choose the correct item.

1. Frank has decided join/to join/joining an environmental organisation.

2. People should use/to use/using eco-friendly cleaning products, which are safer for the environment.

3. Volunteers from the area are spending this weekend clean/to clean/cleaning up the local beach.

4. Dan avoids buy/to buy/buying anything that cannot be recycled later.

5. My mum says she’ll never forget meet/to meet/meeting my dad for the first time.

6. Gary didn’t mean hurt/to hurt/hurting you. He was just in a bad mood.

7. I’m happy hear/to hear/hearing that you have settled into your new home.

8. Nick really enjoys play/to play/playing the guitar.


Choose the correct item.

1. Frank has decided join/to join/joining an environmental organisation.

2. People should use/to use/using eco-friendly cleaning products, which are safer for the environment.

3. Volunteers from the area are spending this weekend clean/to clean/cleaning up the local beach.

4. Dan avoids buy/to buy/buying anything that cannot be recycled later.

5. My mum says she’ll never forget meet/to meet/meeting my dad for the first time.

6. Gary didn’t mean hurt/to hurt/hurting you. He was just in a bad mood.

7. I’m happy hear/to hear/hearing that you have settled into your new home.

8. Nick really enjoys play/to play/playing the guitar.


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