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Проверочная работа "Present Simple/ Present Continuous"

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Проверочная работа для 5 класса по учебнику Биболетовой

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«Проверочная работа "Present Simple/ Present Continuous"»

Сделайте предложения отрицательными:

  1. We have English on Monday.

  2. Lena is going to be a teacher.

  3. Nick likes playing computer games.  

  4. It rains in autumn.  

  5. Lena is a good student.  

  6. We are friends.  

  7. My mum is a doctor.  

  8. Boris likes travelling.  

  9. My name is Sam.  

  10. I am from London

Present Simple/ Present Continuous

  1. I. Put the verbs in brackets into the "Present Simple" or "Present Continuous".

  2. 1. He seldom………. ………….(go) to the cinema.

  3. 2. They …………………………(watch) TV at the moment.

  4. 3. John is outside………………………… (wash) the car.

  5. 4. Nina usually   ………………………… (drive) to work.

  6. 5. Father ………………………… (lie) on the sofa now.

  7. 6. Claire ………………………… (not/like) pizza.

Составьте предложения :

  1. We / six / every / have / seven / day / or / lessons

  2. She / helping / her / in / is / mother / kitchen / the / now

  3. Pens / my / in / pencils / are / and / pencil-box / the

  4. Many / got / you / friends / have?

  5. TV / yesterday / friend / didn’t / watch / my

Закончите вопросы:

  1. It’s a fine day, …?

  2. You are studying English, …?

  3. Ann has a new car,…?

  4. You were in England last year, …?

  5. He can speak English, …?

  6. You could understand me, …?


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