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PUBLIC LESSON «English Alphabet Celebration»

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«PUBLIC LESSON «English Alphabet Celebration»»




«English Alphabet Celebration»

Practical purpose:

  • to repeat the passed material in a playful way;

  • to improve the speaking skills by the topics «Alphabet», «Numbers», «Animals», «Colours»;

  • to introduce to the world of the information technology;

  • to summarize the results of the first half of the year.

Developing purpose:

  • to develop the positive motivation;

  • to create the positive emotional experiences;

  • to develop memory, attention and imagination.

Educational purpose:

  • to generate interest in learning English;

  • to cultivate kindness and willingness to help others.

Equipment: record player, laptop, audiotracks, video, presentation, cards, the ABC, alphabet letters.


T: Hello, dear children!

Ps: Hello, teacher!

T: I am glad to see you and our guests at our «The ABC Party». How are you today?

Ps: Fine, thanks!

T: Let’s sing a song «How are you?» with the movements. Stand up, please.

A song

Good morning, good morning.

How are you? How are you?

I’m fine, thank you.

Good afternoon, good afternoon.

How are you? How are you?

I’m fine, thank you.

Good morning, good morning.

How are you? How are you?

I’m fine. Goodbye.


T: Very good. Sit down, please.

And today we are going to make a trip around the country of the English language. Look here, please. What’s this?

Ps: The ABC!

T: You are right. And it’s our first station «The ABC». Do you know all English letters?

Ps: Yes!

T: Let’s check and see. There is a piece of paper with the letter on it on your desk. Take it and name the letter!

P1: Aa - /æ/ - ant; P2: Bb - /b/ - bad; P3: Cc - /k/ - cat; P4: Dd - /d/ - dog; P5: Ee - /e/ - egg; P6: Ff - /f/ - flag; P7: Gg - /g/ - glass; P8: Hh - /h/ - horse; P9: Ii - /i/ - ink; P10: Jj - /j/ - jug; P11: Kk - /k/ - kangaroo; P12: Ll - /l/ - lamp; P13: Mm - /m/ - mouse; P14: Nn - /n/ - nest; P15: Oo - /o/ - orange; P16: Pp - /p/ - pin: P17: Qq - / kw/ - queen; P18: Rr - /r/ - rabbit; P19: Ss - /s/ - snake; P20: Tt - /t/ - tree; P21: Uu - /ʌ/ - umbrella; P22: Vv - /v/ - vest; P23: Ww - /w/ - window; P24: Xx - /Ks/ - box; P25: Yy - /j/ - yacht; P26: Zz - /z/ - zip.

T: Very well, children. Thank you for your work. Now let’s sing the ABC song «a…b…c…d…».

a b c d e f

g h i j k l m

n o p q r s t

u v w x y z

T: Now I see you know the ABC! «Big and small letters» is our second station. Do you like writing?

Ps: Yes.

T: Let’s write small letters that match and get a prize for it.

P1: H – h; P2: N – n; P3: R – r; P4: A – a; P5: B – b; P6: Y – y; P7: E – e; P8: L – l; P9: D – d; P10: I – I; P11: Q – q; P12: W – w; P13: N – n; P14: C – c; P15: J – j; P16: U – u; P17: F – f; P18: P – p; P19: W – w; P20: D – d; P21: S – s; P22: O – o; P23: V – v; P24: X – x.

T: Well done! Children, do you like playing?

Ps: Yes.

T: We are going to our third station «A game Who’s this?». Can you guess?

Ps: Yes.

(One pupil is chosen to shut his (her) eyes. Other pupils take turns to say «Hello, Kate» and the player tries to guess from the voice who is speaking: Ken! – Yes/ No).

T: Well done, children! Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please! We are at our fourth station «Action Time». Listen an repeat after me.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together!

Touch, touch, touch your ears,

Touch your ears together.

Touch, touch, touch your cheeks,

Touch your cheeks together!

Shake, shake, shake your hands,

Shake your hands together.

Smile, smile at your friends,

Let us smile together!

T: Very nice! Sit down, please. And our fifth station is «Numbers». Can you count?

Ps: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s count together!

Ps: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

T: Tell me, how old are you?

P1: I’m nine.

P2: I’m eight.

P3: I’m ten.

T: Now make up your own dialogues.

P1: How old are you, Sasha? – P2: I’m nine. And how old are you, Misha? – P1: I’m eight. Etc.

T: Very good, children! And now we are at our sixth station «Animals». Do you like animals?

Ps: Yes.

T: Look at the screen and say what animals you can see. What’s this?

Ps: It’s a cat!

T: Right you are.

Presentation with a dog, a horse, a kangaroo, a mouse, a rabbit, a shake, a sheep, a fish, a chick, a dolphin, an elephant, a bird, a frog, a chimp.

T: OK, children. You know all the animals. Tell me, please, can you jump like a frog?

Ps: Yes.

T: P1, jump here, please.

Etc: sing like a bird; run like a horse; dance like a chimp.

T: Very well, children. At our seventh station «Colours».

My favorite colour is green. What’s your favorite colour?

P1: Red, etc.

T: I’m going to read you short rhymes and you will help me. OK? Let’s start!

Нарисую жёлтым мелом

Солнце - это будет yellow!

Загорелся красный свет,

Стой на месте - это red!

Море синее люблю,

Ну а море цвета blue!

Вот зелёный пластилин,

Как зелёнка, - это green.

Самый сладкий цвет по праву

Шоколадный - это brown.

Не купалась целый век

Чёрная ворона black.

Белый снег лёг на асфальт,

И асфальт стал белым - white.

T: It’s great! Do you like our ABC party?

Ps: Yes.

T: Thank you. There are two cards on your desks. Look! They are clowns. This is a happy clown and this is a sad clown. And what about you? Are you happy or sad? Choose the card and show it us (Children show their choices). I’m so glad that you are happy. Well, put your cards on the desk. Our ABC party is over. I want to thank our dear children. These are little presents for you: this is for you, Seva, and thank you very much, etc. Show us your funny bees: be as busy as these little bees! (photo)



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