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Quiz ”Do you know the UK?” - вопросы для викторины 5 класс

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«Quiz ”Do you know the UK?” - вопросы для викторины 5 класс»

Quiz ”Do you know the UK?”

1) The UK consists of … countries.

a) 2 b)4 c)5

2) Great Britain is washed by …

a) the Indian Ocean b) the Volga river c) the North Sea

3) The UK is situated in the …

a) Great Britain b) British Isles c) India

4) The flag of the UK is the…

a) Union Jack b) Diana c) Helen

5) The UK is separated from Europe by the …

a) Indian Ocean b) North Sea c) Straits of Dover

6) Everyone in Britain speaks…

a) English b) French c) Italian

7) The UK is washed by the…

a) Atlantic Ocean b) Indian Ocean c)Volga river

8) People from England are the…

a) English b) French c) Chinese

9) The capital of Wales is…

a) Cardiff b) London c) Belfast

10) The capital of England is…

a) London b) Cairo c) Rome

11) The capital of Northern Ireland is…

a) Belfast b) Paris c) Berlin

12) The capital of the Scotland is…

a) Edinburgh b) Moscow c) Hanoi

13) Britain and Ireland are separated by the…

a) Irish Sea b) Atlantic Ocean c)English Chanel

14) Scotland is situated in…

a) The British Isles b) Spain c) Italy

15) Wales is situated in…

a)Vietnam b)Canada c)the British Isles

Choose the correct answer and send to [email protected]


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