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Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку "Enjoy mathematics" для студентов очной формы обучения cпециальности среднего профессионального образования 09.02.05 Прикладная информатика

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Данная рабочая тетрадь «Enjoy mathematics» разработана     с целью приобретения и закрепления знаний и практических умений студентов:

  • систематизация знаний, углубление и расширение лексического запаса;
  • способствование развитию грамотной математической речи на английском языке;
  • развитие познавательных способностей и активности студентов;
  • развитие коммуникативных навыков.

  Выполнение заданий учебного пособия позволит студентам освоить знания и умения необходимые для формирования общих компетенций. В учебном пособии представлена теоретическая часть, содержащая информацию о видах чисел, математических действиях, видах фигур и их измерении в английском языке. Представлены лексические, лексико-грамматические упражнения, которые углубляют работу над темами Раздела «Математика». Изучив данный материал, студенты должны иметь представление о видах чисел, уметь решать математические задачи на английском языке, употребляя изученную лексику.

Разнообразные задания не позволят студентам заскучать от однообразия. 

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«Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку "Enjoy mathematics" для студентов очной формы обучения cпециальности среднего профессионального образования 09.02.05 Прикладная информатика»




Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку

"Enjoy mathematics"

для студентов очной формы обучения

cпециальностей среднего профессионального образования

09.02.05 Прикладная информатика


Автор: Горшкова Н.К.

преподаватель иностранных языков,ВКК.


Свердловская область, г. Первоуральск




Содержание: стр.

Пояснительная записка………………………………………… …3

§ 1.Числительные ………………………………………………….4

§2. Математические действия……………………………………..6

§3. Геометрические фигуры и их измерения…………………....15

Используемая литература ……………………………………..…16


Данная рабочая тетрадь «Enjoy mathematics» разработана с целью приобретения и закрепления знаний и практических умений студентов:

  • систематизация знаний, углубление и расширение лексического запаса;

  • способствование развитию грамотной математической речи на английском языке;

  • развитие познавательных способностей и активности студентов;

  • развитие коммуникативных навыков.

Выполнение заданий учебного пособия позволит Вам освоить знания и умения необходимые для формирования общих компетенций:

ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК 2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.

ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.

Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов для изучения тем раздела «Математика», запланированной в учебной программе второго курса обучения.

Задания данной рабочей тетради рассчитаны на 12 аудиторных часов и 2 часа самостоятельной (домашней) работы.

В учебном пособии представлена теоретическая часть, содержащая информацию о видах чисел, математических действиях, видах фигур и их измерении в английском языке. Представлены лексические, лексико-грамматические упражнения, которые углубляют работу над темами Раздела «Математика». Изучив данный материал, студенты должны иметь представление о видах чисел, уметь решать математические задачи на английском языке, употребляя изученную лексику.

Упражнения выполняемые студентами самостоятельно (индивидуально) на аудиторном занятии обозначены значком

Упражнения, выполняемые студентами самостоятельно дома, обозначены значком


Имена числительные делятся на количественные и порядковые.

Количественные числительные обозначают количество предметов:

Ex. How many books do you have? - I have three books. He is three years old.

Количественные числительные от 1 до12 простые, у них нет окончаний

0 zero 3 three 6 six 9 nine 12 twelve

1 one 4 four 7 seven 10 ten

2 two 5 five 8 eight 11 eleven

Количественные числительные от13 до19 оканчиваются на - teen

13 thirteen 16 sixteen 19 nineteen

14 fourteen 17 seventeen

15 fifteen 18 eighteen

Количественные числительные обозначающие десятки, оканчиваются на - ty

20 twenty 50 fifty 80 eighty

30 thirty 60 sixty 90 ninety

40 fourty 70 seventy

100 — one (a) hundred

1,000 — one (a) thousand

1,000,000 — one (a) million

1,000,000,000 — a (one) milliard (в Англии)\ a (one) billion (в США)

Слова dozen (дюжина), hundred (100), thousand (1000), million (1000000) в английском языке существительные. Числительные hundred, thousand, million не приобретают окончание s как показатель множественного числа, однако если эти слова выполняют функцию существительных, т. е. перед ними нет числительного (а после них обычно стоит предлог of), то во множественном числе добавляется s: hundreds of people сотни людей.

Обратите внимание на произношение сложных количественных числительных:

1. Составные числительные от 20 до 100 образуются так же, как и в русском языке:

25 - twenty—five, 93 - ninety—three.

2.В составных числительных после 100 перед десятками, а если их нет, то перед единицами, ставится союз and:

101 one hundred and one

234 two hundred and thirty four

3456 three thousand four hundred and fifty six

Порядковые числительные обозначают порядок предметов:

Ex. Which book are you reading ?- I am reading the first book.

Порядковые числительные до 20 образуются от количественных при помощи суффикса th. Перед порядковыми числительными обычно употребляется определенный артикль:

Four – the fourth (четвертый)

Six - the sixth (шестой)

Fifteen - the fifteenth (пятнадцатый)


Обратите внимание на написание и произношение следующих порядко-вых числительных:

the first (первый) the fifth (пятый) the twelfth (двенадцатый)

the second (второй) the eighth (восьмой)

the third (третий) the ninth (девятый)

При образовании порядковых числительных от количественных числи-тельных 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 прибавляется- eth и -y меняется на -i:

twenty - the twentieth (двадцатый)

thirty - the thirtieth (тридцатый)

Сложные числительные типа двадцать первый и т.п. при образовании порядкового числительного изменяют форму только второго слова:

21 twenty one – the twenty first (двадцать первый)

Дробные числа

Простые дробные числа

1/2 -a (one) half- половина

2/3- two thirds – две третьих

1/3 - a (one) third – треть

1/4 - a (one) quarter - четверть

1 4/5 – one and four fifths – одна целая и четыре пятых

5 1/8 – five and one eighth – пять целых и одна восьмая

Десятичные числа

Целое число отделяется не запятой (как в России), а точкой. Числа после точки называются как простые количественные числительные.

5.653- five point six five three

1.01 - one point oh one or one point zero one

0.57 - point five seven

Упр.1. Произнесите следующие количественные числительные:

1, 2, 3, 4,5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 48, 52; 67; 74; 83; 99; 100, 165, 245; 533; 816; 20783, 562; 7.324; 578 872; 3 561 409;54 608 054;

Упр.2.Напишите и произнесите эти числа как порядковые числительные:

1, 2, 3, 4,5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 48, 52; 67; 74; 83; 99; 100, 165, 245; 533; 816; 20783, 562; 7.324; 578 872; 3 561 409; 54 608 054.

Упр.3. Для закрепления названия чисел на английском языке сыграйте в математическую игру на сайте https://www.native-english.ru/games/numbers-game, уровень advanced

Упр.4.Напишите и произнесите эти дробные числа:

; ; ;; 1 ; 46 ; 403 ½.

Упр.5. Напишите и произнесите эти десятичные числа:

17.04 2402.7

5.015 340.18

3.14 72.023

19.316 7.2023

95.012 753.203

60.015 0.072023

Упр.6 Напишите данные числа цифрами:

fifteen twenty one; three elevenths; two fifth; seventeen point four two; eighteen hundred five; one sixth; one tenth; the first; the two hundred seventy second; sixteen thirty nine; zero point seven five; ten thousand five hundred and sixty one; eight hundred eleven thousand and twelve; ten milliard eight hundred forty one million eighteen thousand one hundred and one; the seven hundred and forty fifth; ninety point zero zero two one; fourteen and three fifths; one hundred sixty one point seven five; five and a third; three thousand four hundred and fifty six and one half; one hundred and one two thirds.

Упр. 7.Сыграйте в игру I couldn't believe my eyes

http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/ar/node/1987- In the story, Hanan saw lots of strange things on her way to school. What did you see on your way to school this morning? Tell what you saw. It can be real or invented.



(*) – multiply, times

(:) – divide, divided by

(+) – add, sum up, plus

(-) – subtract, minus

(=) – equals, is

22 – two in the second power

- square root


12+15=27 twelve plus fifteen is twenty seven

the sum of twelve and fifteen equals twenty seven

41-24=17 forty one minus twenty four is seventeen

if you subtract twenty four from forty one it equals seventeen

5*10= 50 five multiplied by ten is fifty

60 : 10= 6 sixty divided by ten equals six

if you divide sixty by ten it is six

Упр.1. Заполнить пропуски в предложениях, используя слова данные ниже. Переведите предложения:

divided; minus; plus; square root; subtract; times; multiplied; square; squared; sum

1. 14+8 =22 Fourteen…… eight equals twenty- two.

2. 100 * 20= 2000 One hundred ……. twenty is two thousand.

3. 7* 11= 77 Seven…..by eleven equals seventy seven.

4. 400: 8= 50 Four hundred ….. by eight is fifty.

5. 95+2= 97 The ….. of ninety five and two is ninety seven.

6. 8 2 = 64 The ……of eight is sixty four.

7. 50-30= 20 If you …….thirty from fifty, it equals twenty.

8. =10 The ……of a hundred is ten.

9. 112 = 121 Eleven ….is a hundred and twenty one.

10. 48-12=36 Forty eight …… twelve equals thirty six.

Упр. 2. Решите данный кроссворд.

What Number Am I ?


6. fifty more than fifty

7. five and five

8. one less than eighteen

11. nine doubled

14. five more than seventy-five

16. twenty doubled

17. two tens equals this

18. six doubled

19. one more than eighty-nine


1. one less than twenty

2. one more than ten

3. ten plus three

4. seven doubled

5. two more than sixty-eight

9. one more than twenty-nine

10. one less than sixty-one

12. five and five and five

13. one more than fifteen

15. half of one hundred

Упр. 3. Решите данные примеры и проговорите их:

1) 55+ 32= 11) 54 877-65.87=

2)76-21= 12) 865.987*66- 87 554=

3) 130: 10= 13) 380-65*40 =

4) 45* 3= 14)80.07- 4*3.65=

5) = 15) 540 220 : 800 =

6)25.12+413.07= 16) 897 655: 55+ 45=

7)765 987-540 809= 17) 1200: -54) =

8) 9999 : 3= 18) x *65 = 2 340

9) + 2 = 19) -453 102=186 898

10) 3 - 2 = 20) + 16 =

Упр.4. Запишите и решите данные примеры:

a) Add 15,15 and 30,1 __________________________________________________

b) subtract the sum of 22 and 30,1 from 90__________________________________

c) 90 minus 45 _______________________________________________________

d) multiply 44,75 by 2 __________________________________________________

e) times __________________________________________________________

f) multiply 98,4 by 5 and divide the answer by 12_____________________________

g) 50 times 4 and divided by 0,5 __________________________________________

h) add 235,08 to 51,73 and subtract the answer from 326,2 _____________________


i) subtract 54,93 from 85,01, add 2,27, subtract the answer from 61,9 ____________


j) divide 300 by the sum of 24 and 26 and add the sum of 2 in the second power and 3 in the third power ______________________________________________________


Упр. 4. Переведите и решите данные задачи по вариантам:

Вариант 1

  1. Bonnie has twice as many cousins as Robert. George has 5 cousins, which is 11 less than Bonnie has. How many cousins does Robert have?




2) Oscar sold 2 glasses of milk for every 5 sodas he sold. If he sold 10 glasses of milk, how many sodas did he sell? ________________________________________


3) Brad’s class collected 320 cans of food. They boxed them in boxes of 40 cans each. How many boxes did they need? _____________________________________



4) Joey participated in a dance-a-thon. His team started dancing at 10 A.M on Friday and stopped at 6 P.M. on Saturday. How many hours did Joey’s team dance? ______



5) Jason made 10 two-point baskets and 2 three-point baskets in Friday’s basketball game. He did not score any other points. How many points did he score? __________


6) Susan traveled 114 miles in 2 hours. If she keeps going at the same rate, how long will it take her to go the remaining 285 miles of her trip? ______________________



7) A flight from Pittsburgh to Los Angeles took 5 hours and covered 3,060 miles. What was the plane’s average speed? ______________________________________



8) Larry purchased 3 pairs of pants for $24 each and 5 shirts for $18 each. How much did Larry spend? ______________________________________________________



9) Jeff burns 500 calories per hour bicycling. How long will he have to ride to burn 750 calories? _________________________________________________________



10) The total ticket sales for a soccer game were $1,260; 210 tickets were purchased. If all the tickets are the same price, what was the cost of a ticket? ________________


Вариант 2

1) Twelve coworkers go out for lunch together and order three pizzas. Each pizza is cut into eight slices. If each person gets the same number of slices, how many sl

ices will each person get? ___________________________________________________


2) Marvin is helping his teachers plan a field trip. There are 125 people going on the field trip and each school bus holds 48 people. What is the minimum number of school buses they will need to reserve for the trip? ____________________________


3) Lance has 70 cents, Margaret has three-fourths of a dollar, Guy has two quarters and a dime, and Bill has six dimes. Who has the most money? __________________



4) The students at Norton School were asked to name their favorite type of pet. Of the 430 students surveyed, 258 said that their favorite type of pet was a dog. Suppose that only 100 students were survyed, with similar results, about how many students would say that a dog is their favorite type of pet? _____________________________


5) A group of five friends went out to lunch. The total bill for the lunch was $53.75. Their meals all cost about the same, so they wanted to split the bill evenly. Without considering tip, how much should each friend pay? ___________________________


6) A national park keeps track of how many people per car enter the park. Today, 57 cars had 4 people, 61 cars had 2 people, 9 cars had 1 person, and 5 cars had 5 people. What is the average number of people per car? Round to the nearest person. _______

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7) A large pipe dispenses 750 gallons of water in 50 seconds. At this rate, how long will it take to dispense 330 gallons? _______________________________________


8) The ratio of boys to girls at the dance was 3:4. There were 60 girls at the dance. How many boys were at the dance? _______________________________________


9) Ashley’s car insurance costs her $115 per month. How much does it cost her per year? ________________________________________________________________


10) Each week Jaime saves $25. How long will it take her to save $350? __________



Вариант 3

1) A large coffee pot holds 120 cups. It is about two-thirds full. About how many cups are in the pot? ____________________________________________________



2) The state of Connecticut will pay two fifths of the cost of a new school building. If the city of New Haven is building a school that will cost a total of $15,500,000, what will the state pay? _________________________________________________


3) Kara brought $23 with her when she went shopping. She spent $3.27 for lunch and $14.98 on a shirt. How much money does she have left? ____________________


4) Lucas purchased his motorcycle for $5,875.98 and sold it for $7,777.77. What was his profit? ________________________________________________________




5) Mike, Dan, Ed, and Sylvie played together on a baseball team. Mike’s batting average was 0.349, Dan’s was 0.2, Ed’s was 0.35, and Sylvie’s was 0.299. Who had the highest batting average? _____________________________________________


6) Rob purchased picnic food for $33.20 to share with three of his friends. They plan to split the cost evenly between the four friends. How much does each person need to pay Rob? _____________________________________________________


7) Sharon purchased six adult movie tickets. She spent $43.50 on the tickets. How much was each ticket? __________________________________________________


8) Kenny used a micrometer to measure the thickness of a piece of construction paper. The paper measured halfway between 0.24 millimeters and 0.25 millimeters. What is the thickness of the paper? ________________________________________


9) Last year’s budget was 12.5 million dollars. This year’s budget is 14.1 million dollars. How much did the budget increase? _________________________________


10) Mrs. Hartill drove 3.1 miles to the grocery store, then 4.25 miles to the salon, and 10.8 miles to her son’s house. How many miles did she drive altogether? ______


Вариант 4

1) Kevin ran 6.8 miles yesterday and 10.4 miles today. How many more miles did he run today? _________________________________________________________


2) Ryan’s gym membership costs him $390 per year. He pays this in twelve equal installments a year. How much is each installment? ___________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3) Luis runs at a rate of 11.7 feet per second. How far does he run in 5 seconds? ___


4) Nancy, Jennifer, Alex, and Joy ran a race. Nancy’s time was 50.24 seconds, Jennifer’s was 50.32, Alex’s was 50.9, and Joy’s was 50.2. Whose time was the fastest? ______________________________________________________________


5) Mike can jog 6.5 miles per hour. At this rate, how many miles will he jog in 30 minutes? _____________________________________________________________


6) Sharon purchased six adult movie tickets. She spent $43.50 on the tickets. How much was each ticket? __________________________________________________


7) Mrs. Hartill drove 3.1 miles to the grocery store, then 4.25 miles to the salon, and 10.8 miles to her son’s house. How many miles did she drive altogether? __________


8) Kevin ran 6.8 miles yesterday and 10.4 miles today. How many more miles did he run today? _________________________________________________________


9) Andy earned the following grades on his four math quizzes: 97, 78, 84, and 86. What is the average of his four quiz grades? _________________________________


10) Nicole is making 20 gift baskets. She has 15 pounds of chocolates to distribute equally among the baskets. If each basket gets the same amount of chocolates, how many pounds should Nicole put in each basket? ______________________________




Упр.1.Прочитайте текст и запомните описание геометрических фигур:

A. Look at the picture. These are different shapes. They are trian­gles, squares, rectangles and cir­cles.

Triangles have three sides and three angles. Squares and rectan­gles have four sides. Squares have four equal sides, but rectangles have two equal sides. Circles do not have angles or sides.

B. Look at the picture. These are different objects. This is a box, a wheel, a frame, a door and a pair of nails. They have different shapes. The box is square. The door is not square, it is rectangu­lar. The nails are circular. The wheel is circular too. The frame is triangular.

Упр.2.Ответьте на вопросы:

А. 1. What shapes are these?

2. Do triangles have three sides?

3. Do they have three angles?

4. Do squares have four or two equal sides?

5. Do rectangles have four equal sides?

6. Circles do not have angles or sides, do they?

B. 1. Do these objects have different shapes?

2. What shape is the box?

3. Is the door square or rectangular?

4. Are the nails circular?

5. The wheel is circular, isn't it?

6. What shape is the frame?

Упр. 3. Соотнесите картинки с существительными и прилагательными. Составьте предложения.

EXAMPLE: a) This is a ruler. The ruler is rectangular

a) a wheel a triangle

b) a plug circular

c) a ruler rectangular

d) a socket round

e) a wall triangular

f) a door square


Упр. 4.Изучите картинки и запомните слова связанные с измерением фигур/предметов.

Упр. 5. Составьте предложения, используя информацию рисунков.

EXAMPLE: The wall is two meters long and two meters high.

Упр. 6. Измерьте данные объекты и расскажите о их параметрах.

a) door of the class d) window of the class g) book

b) ruler e) classroom h) the teacher’s table

c) blackboard f) bookcase

Упр.7. Вычислите параметры данных объектов и расскажите решение.

EXAMPLE: (a) 1. multiply 0.5 by 1.5. (0.5*1.5=0.75)

2. now multiply 0.75 by 1 (0.75*1=0.75)

3. the volume of the box is

Упр.8. Решите данный кроссворд, вставив следующие слова:

Circle, hexagon, octagon, parallelogram, pentagon, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid, triangle.


1 A four-sided polygon with two pairs

of parallel sides.

4 An eight-sided polygon.

5 A quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles.

7 A six-sided polygon.

8 A three-sided polygon. The sum of the angles equals 180 degrees.

9 A four-sided polygon with one pair of parallel sides.


1 A five-sided polygon.

2 A four-sided polygon having all four sides of equal lenght.

3 A quadrilateral with four right angles and two sets of parallel opposite sides that are equal.

6 A collection of points in a plane that are the same distance from a center point.

Упр.9.Переведите и решите данные задачи по геометрии по вариантам.

Вариант 1

1)A racquetball court is 40 ft by 20 ft. What is the area of the court in square feet?


2) Erin is painting a bathroom with four walls each measuring 8 ft by 5.5 ft. Ignoring the doors or windows, what is the area to be painted? _________________________


3) A cable is attached to a pole 24 ft above ground and fastened to a stake 10 ft from the base of the pole. In order to keep the pole perpendicular to the ground, how long is the cable? __________________________________________________________


4) Karen is buying a wallpaper border for her bedroom, which is 12 ft by 13 ft If the border is sold in rolls of 5 yards each, how many rolls will she need to purchase?


5) An orange has a radius of 5santimeters. Find the volume of one orange.



Вариант 2

1) Safe deposit boxes are rented at the bank. The dimensions of a box are 22 in by 5 in by 5 in. What is the volume of the box? __________________________________



2) If the area of a small pizza is 0.15 meters, what size pizza box would best fit the small pizza? (Note: Pizza boxes are measured according to the length of one side.)


3) Ribbon is wrapped around a rectangular box that is 10 in by 8 in by 4 in. Using the illustration provided, determine how much ribbon is needed to wrap the box. Assume the amount of ribbon does not include a knot or bow. _________________________________________________



4) Barbara is wrapping a wedding gift that is contained within a rectangular box 20 sm by 18 sm by 4 sm. How much wrapping paper will she need? ________________



5) The base of a triangle is 4 times as long as its height. If together they measure 95 cm, what is the area of the triangle? _______________________________________




1) John is planning to purchase an irregularly shaped plot of land. Referring to the diagram, find the total area of the land. ______________________________________




2) Using the same illustration, determine the perimeter of the plot of land. _________


3) An elevated cylindrical shaped water tower is in need of paint. If the radius of the tower is 10 ft and the tower is 40 ft tall, what is the total area to be painted? (π= 3.14)


4) A door is 6 feet and 6 inches tall and 36 inches wide. What is the widest piece of sheetrock that can fit through the door? Round to the nearest inch. _______________


5) The width of a rectangle is 20 cm. The diagonal is 8 cm more than the length. Find the length of the rectangle. ______________________________________________


Используемая литература:

  1. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для студентов технических вузов. Основной курс. В 2 частях, Часть 1. С. А. Хоменко2-е издание, исправленное. Минск, "Высшая школа", 2006.-287с.

  2. Д. Бонами. Английский язык для будущих инженеров. Москва: высшая школа, 1994.-180 с.

  3. 501 math word problems. Melinda Grove, Noah Kravitz, Kerry McLean. Learning Express, LLC, New York.2003.

  4. www.HaveFunTeaching.com

  5. www.abcteach.com



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