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Racism or white privilege?

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Racism is still a huge problem 

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«Racism or white privilege?»

Diana Tembikovska

In recent days, the problem of racism has again become more relevant than ever. Protests passing across half of America make you think about it. Many of us are sure that they are not racist, but is this really true? Do we understand correctly what racism and the privileges of whites are?

The terrible murder of George Floyd, and the ensuing anger of the people, has caused many of us to rethink how we can sometimes unknowingly benefit from racism. It is common now on social media? when young people talk about recognizing their “white privilege”, hoping that this will reduce the level of collective violence.

However, the idea of "privilege" goes far beyond condemning discrimination against minorities. According to this concept, being white is already an advantage, regardless of a person's financial situation, living conditions, or personal difficulties.

In my opinion, “white privilege” is nothing more than a fake idea of certain political liberal powers who use this artificially created "notion" to push different races against each other. It really has nothing to do with equality or superiority.  That's not systemic racism.  I do not like how some people tend to correlate the term “white privilege” with White Supremacists, Neo Nazis or even Nazis who enslaved, tortured and killed other people.

If you'd ask me what I think about this issue, I'd say it’s more “the privilege of rich people” than white privilege. There are billions of unprivileged people of all colors and real superiority of rich people no matter the color of their skin.


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