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Раздаточный материал к учебнику Spotlight 5

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Урок 13

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«Раздаточный материал к учебнику Spotlight 5»

Lesson 13

Name __________________ Surname __________________________

Match the words to their meanings.

  1. Quiet a) in the next room, house or building

  2. Next door b) not weak

  3. To bite c) to go up the sides of buildings

  4. Powers d) to see

  5. Strong e) quick, not slow

  6. Fast f) calm

  7. To climb walls g) to use the teeth to cut into something

  8. Enemy h) special abilities

  9. To watch i) a person who hates somebody or who acts

against somebody

1___ ; 2 ___ ;3 ___; 4 ___ ;5 ___; 6 ___ ;7 ___ ;8 ___; 9 ___

Name __________________ Surname __________________________

Match the words to their meanings.

  1. Quiet a) in the next room, house or building

  2. Next door b) not weak

  3. To bite c) to go up the sides of buildings

  4. Powers d) to see

  5. Strong e) quick, not slow

  6. Fast f) calm

  7. To climb walls g) to use the teeth to cut into something

  8. Enemy h) special abilities

  9. To watch i) a person who hates somebody or who acts

against somebody

1___ ; 2 ___ ;3 ___; 4 ___ ;5 ___; 6 ___ ;7 ___ ;8 ___; 9 ___


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