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Раздаточный материал по теме "Диетическое питание"

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Раздаточный материал по теме "Диетическое питание" для студентов 3 курса  ГБПОУ СО "ТПК"  специальности  19.02.10. «Технология продукции общественного питания»

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«Раздаточный материал по теме "Диетическое питание"»


Exercise 1

Read the text, write the unknown words, make a dictionary, translate the text.

A person's diet is what he eats and drinks, and it is highly im­portant because both growth and health are affected by it. Everyone knows that without food people starve to death, and every year this happens in some country of the world in the times of famine. Even people who can get food, however, sometimes suffer from various kinds of illness because they are eating too much of one kind of food and not enough of another. This is because the body has many different needs and these needs require a balanced diet.

A normal healthy diet for one day is a salad, fruit of some kind, a pint of milk, fish or meat, some cheese or an egg and some bread. Apple, orange or grapefruit juice is always a good thing, at breakfast or at any other time, so is a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Water is, of course, absolutely necessary to every kind of diet. About 70% of the weight of the human body is water, and a healthy man requires four quarts of water every 24 hours. However, since about 70% of most of the foods eaten is water, a large proportion of water comes from his food. The rest must be provided by tea, coffee, milk, soup and, of course, plain water.

Exercise 2

Insert, where necessary, the articles a, an or the:

  1. I fought … apple and … orange.

  2. … apple was cheap but … orange was expensive.

  3. What did you have for … dinner?

  4. Will you have … cup of … tea?

Exercise 3

Use Present Indefinite

  1. People (to do) shopping almost every day.

  2. There (to be) a big super-marker near my place.

  3. I (not to be) a manage, I (to be) a headwaiter.

  4. Where (to be) the nearest restaurant?

  5. Where (to work) you?

  6. I (to have) lunch usually at the café.

  7. For breakfast we (may) have boiled eggs, cheese and tea.

Exercise 3

Translate into Russian

  1. clove Peter’s fish

  2. radish cottage cheese

  3. paprika egg salad

  4. red cabbage whipped cream

  5. pomegranate breaded cauliflower

  6. red currants roast beef with peas

  7. prune sesame chicken

  8. cola nut sardines in oil

  9. partridge carp

  10. fried turbot with mushrooms and onions

  11. strawberries and raspberries with fresh cream

Exercise 4

Translate into Russian

One hour’s sleep before midnight is worth two after.

Exercise 5

Select statements relevant to the content of the text

  1. A person diet is …

  1. what he eats

  2. what he eats and drinks

  3. what he drinks

  1. A person diet …

  1. affects growth and health

  2. does not affects growth and health

  1. … to eat much of one kind of food

  1. It’s harmful

  2. It’s useful

  1. A healthy man requires … .

  1. about 2.5 liters of water every 24 hours

  2. about 1.5 liters of water every 24 hours

  3. about 4.5 liters of water every 24 hours

Exercise 6

Answer the questions

  1. Why does a human being require a balanced diet?

  2. What can happen to people if their diet is not balanced?

  3. What do we mean by a healthy diet?

  4. How much water does a healthy man require?

  5. What foods provide water?

Diet page 3 from 3


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