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Раздаточный материал с дополнительными упражнениями на тему Professions 11 класс

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данный раздаточный материал с упражнениями направлен на закрепление новых ЛЕ по теме Professions в 11 классе (по учебнику Enjoy English Биболетовой М.З)

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«Раздаточный материал с дополнительными упражнениями на тему Professions 11 класс»


  • Упражнение 1. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs

A hairdresser, A vet, A carpenter ,A cook, A pilot ,A stewardess ,A militiaman, A racing driver, A nurse, A nursery, school teacher, A waiter, A clown, A farmer, A postman ,A banker ,A builder

а)teaches small children b) flies airplanes. c) looks after air passengers. d) serves people food. e) makes things of wood. f) cuts people’s hair. g) drives fast cars. h) looks after sick people. i) regulates traffic. j) works on a farm. k) cures sick animals. l) makes people laugh. m) makes food. n) builds houses. o) counts money p) brings letters. 

  • Упражнение 2. a) Look at the list. Do you know all the words? Give the definitions.

a fisherman, a carpenter, a businessman ,a shop-assistant, a pilot ,a driver, a housewife ,a postman, ,a student, a vet ,a chef, a traveler, a scientist ,a designer, a musician ,a librarian ,a nurse, a farmer ,a dentist ,an engineer  

b) which of these are not actually professions ? c) Underline the jobs you think are exciting. Circle the jobs you would never like to do. Put brackets around the well-paid jobs. Cross out the jobs you think are boring. Tick the jobs you think you’ll be good at.

Упражнение 3. Complete the sentences with the names of professions or activities.

A person who writes for newspapers is a journalist. A doctor who treats teeth is ... A person who paints pictures is ... A person who types papers is … A person who takes part in public life is … A scientist who studies the structure of materials is … A scientist who studies the structure of organisms is … A person who writes books is ... A person who knows a lot about his job is ...

Упражнение 4. Write the names of five jobs that people do: inside the building, in the open air, with their hands, with the help of a computer, using a pen
Упражнение 5. Write the names of professions that are connected with the words. Example: mark — teacher Bus ______ Wood________ Water_______ Patient _______ Hair_________ Paper__________ Telephone _________Money _______ Food________ Book __________

  • Упражнение 1. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs

A hairdresser, A vet, A carpenter ,A cook, A pilot ,A stewardess ,A militiaman, A racing driver, A nurse, A nursery, school teacher, A waiter, A clown, A farmer, A postman ,A banker ,A builder

а)teaches small children b) flies airplanes. c) looks after air passengers. d) serves people food. e) makes things of wood. f) cuts people’s hair. g) drives fast cars. h) looks after sick people. i) regulates traffic. j) works on a farm. k) cures sick animals. l) makes people laugh. m) makes food. n) builds houses. o) counts money p) brings letters. 

  • Упражнение 2. a) Look at the list. Do you know all the words? Give the definitions.

a fisherman, a carpenter, a businessman ,a shop-assistant, a pilot ,a driver, a housewife ,a postman, ,a student, a vet ,a chef, a traveler, a scientist ,a designer, a musician ,a librarian ,a nurse, a farmer ,a dentist ,an engineer  

b) which of these are not actually professions ? c) Underline the jobs you think are exciting. Circle the jobs you would never like to do. Put brackets around the well-paid jobs. Cross out the jobs you think are boring. Tick the jobs you think you’ll be good at.

Упражнение 3. Complete the sentences with the names of professions or activities.

A person who writes for newspapers is a journalist. A doctor who treats teeth is ... A person who paints pictures is ... A person who types papers is … A person who takes part in public life is … A scientist who studies the structure of materials is … A scientist who studies the structure of organisms is … A person who writes books is ... A person who knows a lot about his job is ...

Упражнение 4. Write the names of five jobs that people do: inside the building, in the open air, with their hands, with the help of a computer, using a pen
Упражнение 5. Write the names of professions that are connected with the words. Example: mark — teacher Bus ______ Wood________ Water_______ Patient _______ Hair_________ Paper__________ Telephone _________Money _______ Food________ Book __________


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