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Разработка к уроку "Holiday-making"

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How do the British spend their holidays? 

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«Разработка к уроку "Holiday-making"»

Cross-cultural Notes:

1. Christmas (Xmas) – Рождество (25 декабря), главный церковный и светский праздник года в Великобритании и США. Рождественские святки отмечаются с середины декабря до 6 января (Twelfth Night); 25 и 26 декабря – официальные выходные дни.

2. package tour / holiday – комплексная туристическая поездка\экскурсия (с одновременной оплатой полного обслуживания, включая проезд, гостиницу, питание, посещение зрелищных мероприятий и т. п.)

Phonetic Notes: managerial, castle, glamorous, extravagant, honeymoon


Until recently, the British enjoyed less holiday time than most European nations. Nowadays, almost every full-time employee is entitled to four weeks or more of paid holiday. Much of this free time will be spent at home or visiting relatives, especially at Christmas. "Taking a holiday" means going away from home for at least a few days. About 80 per cent of British managerial and professional classes have at least one holiday of five days or more a year, but less than half the manual working class will spend their savings on this pleasure. (Older pensioners and families with young children find "going away" particularly difficult.)

How do the British spend their holidays? Let's return to the Taylor family. Carol and Bill assume that they will spend their main holiday together. While the children were growing up, they used to spend two weeks each summer, usually in Wales. Once they hired a caravan on the seashore when the children were very young. It was cheap and convenient, but neither Bill nor Carol enjoyed being so close to all their neighbours. The children, however, loved playing on the beach. Then they bought a tent, and used to spend one week with Carol's parents, with the children camping in the garden, and one week in various campsites around Wales. Many of these are in very beautiful places, and they allow more privacy than caravan sites. Showers, toilets and a shop are normally available. The family walked, explored mountains and streams, took picnics on boating expeditions on lakes, and visited castles, caves and historic sites.

One year it poured with rain, it was impossible even to read in the tent, and everyone was very bad-tempered; so the following year Bill and Carol rented a cottage – in Scotland. Sarah and Kate began to dream of something more glamorous; Carol was tired of doing the housework on holiday too. Eventually they decided they could afford to go to France, for a camping holiday. The family drove to the warm south, explored France and occasionally ate in cheap French restaurants.

Sarah and Martin, when they were married with one baby, wanted sun above all. So they bought a "package holiday" in Spain. By paying a single payment to the travel agent they received a "package" of an airfare, hotel reservations, and (sometimes) excursions and a group guide. They knew before they started exactly how much their holiday would cost. Spain is popular because it offers a wonderful climate. Package holidays are cheap and very convenient, but since they are organized for groups, you have to have similar tastes to those of all the people on holiday with you.

As a student, Peter bought a European "Railcard" for a month, and travelled wherever he wished on the European railways. He met hundreds of other young people, wandered round half a dozen famous European cities and lived on buns and pies bought on station platforms. He slept on Greek beaches, and spent a weekend with a drunken Dutchman mending bicycles in a small Dutch town. He was proud of the distance he had covered.

Kate, when she was 21, together with a friend spent a holiday working in a home for mentally-handicapped children. A group of volunteers took the children on excursions to the seaside, to the country, and to a special performance of a children's play. Kate and her friends relaxed each evening in the village pub where they became very friendly with some of the "locals" (regular customers of the pub).

Free of their children, Bill and Carol decided to be extravagant and fly to Italy. They booked a hotel in Florence, spent a week in the art galleries and churches there, and then spent another week visiting nearby smaller but beautiful Italian towns. Since they had to spend money on airfares, hotels, meals out and travel, the holiday was very expensive. But it was wonderful – "like a second honeymoon", said Carol.

These are typical "middle-class" holidays. Holidays at the seaside, in boarding houses (much cheaper than hotels), caravans, and holiday camps were the traditional holidays of working class people. Now many of them fly on package holidays to Spain. Group holidays, whether in holiday camps in Britain or in hotels in Spain, are much cheaper, and therefore offer the possibility of a proper holiday to people with less money. But even with packages, it is the individual who chooses whether to go and makes the arrangements.


1. to assume – 1. принимать, брать на себя: to assume responsibility; 2. предполагать, считать: e.g. Let's assume that it is true.

2. to hire – 1. нанимать: to hire a servant; 2. брать напрокат: e.g. to hire a car.

3. a shore – берег моря, озера: e.g. They had a house on the shore of Lake Geneva.

to go on shore (to go ashore) – сойти на берег {ant. to go on board / to go aboard - взойти, подняться на борт) / a bank – берег реки, канала: e.g. London stands on the banks of the Thames. /a coast – побережье: e.g. The village is on the south coast of England. /a beach – отлогий морской берег, взморье, пляж (обычно песчаный или покрытый галькой): e.g. It was on the beaches of Dunkirk that the British army was almost destroyed.

seaside – 1. приморский курорт; to go to the seaside – поехать на морской курорт, поехать к морю; 2. (редк.) морской берег, побережье; to live at the seaside – жить у моря; a seaside town – 1. морской курорт; 2. приморский городок.

4. to rain – идти (о дожде): e.g. It has been raining since morning. to pour (with rain) – лить как из ведра: e.g. What a day! It's pouring! a shower 1. душ: e.g. to take a shower; 2. ливень: e.g. The travellers were caught in a shower.

5. a caravan – 1. караван; череда, вереница: e.g. It was getting dark when the caravan of pilgrims reached Canterbury; 2. жилой автоприцеп, дом-фургон: e.g. In summer we hired a caravan and spent a month at the seaside.

6. a camp – лагерь, стоянка, место привала; a summer camp – летний лагерь для детей и молодежи; to camp – разбивать лагерь; to camp out – ночевать на открытом воздухе; to go camping – жить в палатках (в туристическом, молодежном лагере): e.g. Camping has long become a popular way of holiday-making for thousands of people all over Europe.

7. hike – поход (пеший); to go on a hike – пойти в поход; to go hiking – ходить в походы: e.g. In Austria, we went on lots of great hikes. / to hitch-hike – путешествовать автостопом.

8. site – место для чего-либо: e.g. A home for the elderly will be built on the site of the old hospital. / a building site (Amer. a construction site) – строительная площадка; a campsite – палаточный городок, кемпинг;a caravan site – место стоянки домов-фургонов, городок из домов-фургонов.

9. to explore – исследовать, изучать: e.g. to explore outer space/an explorer – исследователь, путешественник / exploration - исследование (географическое и т. п.).

10. to afford sth / to afford to do sth – иметь возможность, быть в состоянии сделать что-либо; позволить себе (сделать) что-либо: e.g. I cannot afford the journey. He cannot afford to speak freely.

11. climate - климат: mild, healthy, dry, wet/damp, temperate (tropical, subtropical, Arctic) climate - мягкий, здоровый, сухой, влажный, умеренный (тропический, субтропический, полярный) климат: e.g. Queensland has a warm tropical climate. These flowers will not grow in a cold climate. / international climate – международная обстановка / climatic – климатический: e.g. climatic conditions, climatic zones.

12. (health/holiday) resort – курорт; seaside resort – морской курорт; summer resort – летний курорт: e.g. I want to go to a lively resort where the nightlife is exciting.

13. excursion – экскурсия; to go on an excursion – пойти/поехать на экскурсию: e.g. We went on an excursion to Stonehenge.

14. boat – корабль, лодка: e.g. Some of the beaches can only be reached by boat. / to go by boat (by ship) - путешествовать пароходом; to go boating – кататься на лодке / sail – парус; to sail – 1. плавать, совершать плавание: e.g. We sailed from Southampton on May 6th. 2. идти под парусом; to go sailing – кататься на яхте; a sailor – моряк, матрос (syn. a seaman).

15. to book (a ticket) - заказать (билет): e.g. We booked our tickets months in advance. / a booking-office – билетная касса.

16. famous – известный, знаменитый: e.g. Charles Dickens became famous after the publication of "The Pickwick Papers". / to be famous (for) – быть известным, славиться чем-либо: e.g. Saint Petersburg is famous for its monuments and palaces.

17. proud – гордый: e.g. Henry is a very proud man. to be proud of sb/sth – гордиться кем-либо/чем-либо: e.g. Margaret is proud of her daughter – she is a talented pianist. / pride – гордость: e.g. His pride did not allow him to take money for the work.

18. sight – красивый вид, зрелище / sights – достопримечательности; to see / to do the sights – осматривать достопримечательности: e.g. We spent the afternoon walking around Rome, seeing all the sights. / sightseeing – осмотр достопримечательностей: e.g. By this time, I was sick of sightseeing; to go sightseeing – осматривать достопримечательности / a sightseer – тот, кто осматривает достопримечательности, любитель достопримечательностей

19. to be good-tempered – иметь хороший характер; to be bad-/ill-tempered – иметь плохой характер; быть раздражительным: e.g. Pressure at work was making her more and more bad-tempered.

20. a boarding-house – пансион, меблированные комнаты с питанием: e.g. Mrs. Allistone has been staying at this boarding house for over a year.

21. eventually – в конечном счете, в итоге, в конце концов: e.g. Eventually he will gain by the reform.

22. to wander – бродить, странствовать: e.g. Look at this little boy wandering about the campsite – perhaps he has got lost.

23. to arrange – 1. организовывать: e.g. Ann is arranging a surprise party for Russell's birthday. 2. приводить в порядок: e.g. The girl arranged her hair and went out. Before going away Ted arranged his business affairs. 3. располагать в определенном порядке, классифицировать: e.g. The books were arranged in the alphabetic order. 4. уславливаться, договариваться, приходить к соглашению: e.g. A marriage has been arranged between Mr. Brown and Miss White. I have arranged to meet her at ten o'clock. I have arranged for a car to meet you at the airport. / arrangement – 1. организация, подготовка чего-либо: e.g. Who is responsible for the arrangements for the President's visit? / 2. приведение в порядок: e.g. The arrangement of the furniture in our new house took a long time. 3. договоренность, соглашение; to come to an arrangement – прийти к соглашению; to make an arrangement (for) – договориться, условиться; организовать что-либо: e.g. Have you made arrangements for your journey to Scotland? 4. аранжировка (муз.): e.g. an arrangement of orchestral music for the piano


to be entitled to sth – иметь право на что-либо: e.g. The employees of our company are entitled to a four-week holiday every year.

to put up a tent – поставить палатку: e.g. The tourists put up a tent on the bank of the river.


at Christmas BUT on Christmas Day

Special difficulties

historic – historical too – either – also

journey – voyage – trip – travel(s) to come – to go – to arrive


  1. a) Complete the sentences with the words and expressions in the proper forms:

to pretend










motor boat





art (2)

to remain

in company


true (2)




All of us are more or less interested in life. But not everybody is interested in (1), especially the sort of (2) that is found in galleries and churches. Often enough, tourists "doing" a church (3) an expression of dutiful interest – they have (4) an interest they don't feel. I remember such a thing happened in Venice. A (5) company advertised an afternoon (6) to the island of Torcello. We (7) our seats, and the next afternoon started (8) with seven or eight other tourists. Soon we came to the island. We climbed on (9) – all of us (10) one strong-minded American couple who, when they learned that all they were supposed to see on the island was another church, decided (11) comfortably seated in the (12) till the rest of the company returned. We call such people travellers because they do not (13) at home. But they are not (14) travellers. For they travel not because they are interested in (15) but because everybody does it. They are not curious about things, everything is a (16) to them. It is only the society of their (17) and the sense of a social duty that (18) them more or less happy in the face of the disappointing facts of (19). Of course it is incorrect to say that even a (20) traveller is never bored. For the tourist, a large part of almost every day is necessarily (21). When the (22) have been seen, the (23) finds himself physically tired and with nothing special to do. Thus boredom is (24) a holiday feeling. For the traveller, it is the symbol of his freedom. He takes his boredom, when it comes, not just philosophically, but almost with (25).

b) Write 10 questions to the text.

c) Get ready to discuss the problems raised in the text.

  1. Open the brackets and insert the verbs in the proper forms.

1. When Mother (1 to arrive) tomorrow, most of my friends (2 to leave) town and we (3 to get ready) to leave. 2. When the bell (4 to go) in five minutes, some of the students (5 already/to hand in) their papers, some (6 to look through) the completed work, and only one or two (7 still/to write). 3. By the time you (8 to be through) with your work in an hour, I (9 to book) the tickets and (10 to wait) for you at the office. 4. The conference (11 to be over) next Monday and the last delegates (12 to leave) the place. 5. If we get there at 6:30 they (13 to play) golf for three hours at least; and if we come at 8, they (14 probably/to finish) the game.

  1. Special difficulties

  1. journey trip voyage travel(s)

journey – путешествие, поездка


to go on a journey – отправиться в путешествие

to make a journey – совершить путешествие

voyage – длительное путешествие (главным образом – по воде)


to make a voyage – совершить путешествие (по реке, морю)

to go on a voyage – отправиться в путешествие, в плавание

travel – как существительное употребляется обычно во множественном числе – travels: e.g. a book of travels. В единственном числе употребляется в выражении: to go on a travel – отправиться в путешествие

trip – увеселительная прогулка, поездка, экскурсия


to take a trip (to) – совершить поездку, прогулку (в)

a business trip – деловая поездка

a boat trip – прогулка на катере, пароходе, лодке

1. During his five-year ... in the South Seas Charles Darwin made many important discoveries. 2. You have spent three days on the train. Are you tired after your ...? 3. They are planning a ... to Africa. 4. The Browns have just returned from their honeymoon ... to Paris. 5. Jonathan Swift is famous for his book "Gulliver's ...". 6. In summer we are going to take a... to Siberia. 7.1 will always remember that... to the seaside. 8. Marco Polo's ... were described in his "Book of Marco Polo". 9. If you decide to go on ..., visit the Swiss Alps – you will have unforgettable impressions.

  1. too either also

too – тоже, также (в конце предложения)

also – тоже, также (в середине предложения)

either – тоже не

1. If you don't go to the party, I won't go.... 2. Jane would... like to join the discussion. 3. My brother wants to go to the seaside .... 4. They were ... impressed by his speech. 5.1 have never been there.... 6. Have you heard the news...? 7.1 don't like noisy parties. My brother John doesn’t enjoy them ....

3. to come to go to arrive

to come (to) – приходить, приезжать (движение по направлению к говорящему)

to go (to) – уходить, уезжать (движение по направлению от говорящего)


to come/go home – приходить домой/идти домой

to go to bed – ложиться спать

to go out – выходить из дома

to go for a walk / a swim – пойти погулять / искупаться

to go on – продолжать

to go away – уйти, уехать

to go by – проходить

to go mad – сойти с ума

to go/get down to work – засесть за работу, заняться работой

to come/go up to – подойти к...

to come acrosss th – столкнуться, встретиться с чем-либо

Come on! – Ну, давай! Идем!

to come to one's mind – прийти в голову

to come back – вернуться

to arrive – прибывать

Note: to arrive in (a big place)

to arrive at (a small place, an airport, a hotel)

Expression: to arrive home

(In present-day English the verb "to arrive" is more preferable than "to come" in the meaning of "приходить, приезжать".)

1. The delegation ... Australia in January which happened to be a very hot month. 2. The train... the station on time. 3. As soon as we... home I'll take a bath. 4. When did the plane arrive ... Heathrow airport? 5. The French scientists ... Dubna in the afternoon and... there at 6 in the evening. 6. How did you... that conclusion? 7. When I last ... my native town I could hardly recognize the streets where I had walked as a boy. 8. When did you finish work and... home yesterday? 9.... to my table, I'll show you the result of the test. 10. Don't... into that classroom: the students are writing a final test there. 11.... into the room, don't stand in the hall. 12. We... on an excursion.... you with us? 13. When are you going... back? — In a day or two. 14. If you don't stop shouting all at the same time, I... mad. 15. It... to my mind that they could not have... too far away. 16. As time... by, the real meaning of his words became more and more clear. 17.... on! If we don't start now, we are going to be late. 18.... on translating the article, you still have a page left. 19. Why not... for a swim? The water is warm enough. 20. Anna had so much work to do that she... to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning.

4. historic — historical

historic – 1. исторический (имеющий историческое значение, исторически важный): e.g. He made a historic speech. The historic moment when Nelson Mandela was released from prison was broadcast on TV.

historical – исторический (исторически установленный, не вымышленный; связанный с историей): e.g. a historical event; a historical novel; historical studies

1. Hastings is a... site in the South of England. 2. In his novels, Charles Dickens described the... conditions of Victorian Britain. 3. To complete my report I need some... data. 4. Every American student knows the... speech of Martin Luther King. It makes part of... studies in all American schools. 5. In his book, Churchill described that... first meeting with Roosevelt.



1 art; 2 art; 3 assume; 4 to pretend; 5 motor-boat; 6 excursion; 7 booked; 8 in company; 9 shore; 10 except; 11 to remain; 12 boat; 13 stay; 14 true; 15 sightseeing; 16 disappointment; 17 fellow-travellers; 18 keep; 19 travel; 20 true; 21 empty; 22 sights; 23 sightseer; 24 mainly; 25 pleasure.


1) 1 voyage; 2 journey; 3 journey; 4 trip; 5 Travels; 6 journey; 7 trip; 8 travels; 9 a travel.

2) 1 either; 2 also; 3 too; 4 also; 5 either; 6 too; 7 either.

3) 1 arrived in; 2 arrived at; 3 come; 4 arrive at; 5 went to; arrived/came; 6 come to/arrive at; 7 arrived at/came to; 8 go; 9 come up; 10 go; 11 come; 12 are going; are you coming; 13 to come; 14 will go; 15 came; gone; 16 went; 17 Come; 18 Go; 19 go; 20 went.

4) 1 historic; 2 historical; 3 historical; 4 historic, historical; 5 historic.


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