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Разработка лексико-грамматического текста для 7 класса

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«Разработка лексико-грамматического текста для 7 класса»

TEST 7/2016

Part 1. Read an article about a picture on a hill. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each gap (1-9).

The Cerne Giant

Sherborne and Dorchester are two towns ___1___ the south of England that are quite near each other. On the road between them, ___2___ are a lot of green hills and fields. On one of ___3___ hills is a picture of a very large man. The man in the picture is called the Cerne Giant because the village that is ___4___ to him is called Cerne.

___5___ really knows when the Cerne Giant was made, but people think that it was a very ___6___ time ago. To ___7___ nearer the picture, you can walk from Cerne. If you ___8___ on the first of May when the sun comes up, you will see all the people ___9___ the village dancing around the man on the hill.

  1. A. in B. on C. at

  2. A. there B. they C. where

  3. A. this B. its C. these

  4. A. in front B. next C. behind

  5. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody

  6. A. late B. long C. many

  7. A. get B. got C. getting

  8. A. went B. go C. will go

  9. A. on B. at C. from

Part 2. Complete with the correct form of the words. Write the words in CAPITAL LETTERS.

  1. We’ve made the _______ for the party. ARRANGE

  2. It’s a difficult _______ to make. DECIDE

  3. Since the farm closed down there have been a lot of _______ workers. EMPLOY

  4. Ken must be _______. He wants to be the editor of a newspaper. AMBITION

  5. I didn’t’ know you could sing like Pavarotti!

Your show was very _________. IMPRESS

  1. What a strange ________ an octopus is – one eye and eight legs! CREATE

  2. In the film Goldeneye, James Bond causes the _________ of DESTROY a satellite control station.

Part 3. Choose the correct words or phrases.

  1. Excuse me. ………. to Manchester?

A. This road goes B. Does this road go C. Is this road going

  1. Yumico feels ill, so she ………… basketball.

A. doesn’t play B. is playing C. isn’t playing

  1. This book is very difficult. I ………….. it.

A. ‘m not understanding B. doesn’t understand C. don’t understand

  1. “What’s George’s sister like?” “I don’t know. …………..”

A. I haven’t met her. B. I didn’t meet her. C. I haven’t meet her.

  1. A: My back hurts. B: That’s because you ……………… all day.

A. worked B. have been working C. are working

  1. What ………….. when I phoned you?

A. you were doing B. were you doing C. have you done

  1. I ………….. coffee, but now I drink tea.

A. used to drink B. used to drank C. drinked

  1. “I need some help with the shopping tomorrow.” “Don’t worry, I …………..”

A. ’m going to help B. ’m helping C. ‘ll help

  1. We ………….. to the cinema this evening. Do you want to come?

A. ‘ll go B. ‘re going C. go

  1. I’m sorry I can’t come to the lesson tomorrow. I ………….. my dad in hospital.

A. ‘ll visit B. ‘m visiting C. visit

  1. Hurry up! Megan’s bus ………….. in ten minutes.

A. ‘ll arrive B. ‘s arriving C. arrives

  1. Don’t forget to call me as soon as you …………..your results.

A. knew B. know C. ‘ll know

  1. If I were you, I ………….. never speak to her again.

A. would B. will C. am

  1. This computer is fantastic, ………….. it was really cheap.

A. however B. so C. although

  1. Before Chloe blew out the candles, she ………….. a wish.

A. makes B. has made C. had made

  1. They stole the TV, but the sound system wasn’t ..............

A. damaged B. been damaged C. damaging

  1. It’s going to be a great day tomorrow - ………….. it rains!

A. if B. because C. unless

  1. If we catch the later train, we ………. you from the station.

A. will call B. would call C. call

  1. Sue comes to work ………….. than Tim.

A. more early B. earlier C. as early


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